@Framing A Moose specificly?
Width 2,261 miles (3,639 km)
Length 1,420 miles (2,285 km)
So what's on it besides a chapel and some dorm buildings?
@Framing A Moose specificly?
Width 2,261 miles (3,639 km)
Length 1,420 miles (2,285 km)
@Framing A Moose It would be set up just like a regular island. There would be stores, gas stations, movie theaters, business, and schools. The idea is to keep them together but still have it as much like real life as possible.
@Framing A Moose
Yes. Considering that some of John's friends are Vampires, sunlight is kind of an issue.
@Framing A Moose
I'm fine with being last. By the by, does Pheonix have bridesmaids?
@Framing A Moose
Damn... was going to have John ask her whom her least favorite bridesmaid was so he could introduce her to his best man Barney the Vampire. Damn Barney's gonna be annoyed at the lack of living women at this thing.