[center][h1][color=fff79a]A L T E R E D M I R R O R[/color][/h1] [img]http://thefabweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Northern_Conveyor_by_djahal-900x599.jpg[/img] [hider=Dr.Yushima][img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Makise.Kurisu.600.954837.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=00a99d][i]"Listen you are currently in stasis, you're hearing me disrupt your programing, you're going to wake up soon. You will remember this voice, as I will be the first to greet you when you wake up, heed this warning, you are not safe, what ever I tell you when you first wake up is a lie. This isn't some testing facility, they're going to try and use you as if you are weapons of mass destruction. I'm trying to figure out how to get you out. DO NOT, and i repeat, do not say anything or I will be forced to terminate you for the safety of the rest of you. You have been taken from your home's, taken from your families and friends. They're going to wipe your memory of the times before, but i will make sure you remember this. I'm sorry I cant do more, I'm running out of time. I am Dr.Yushima and I am responsible for all of this...I'm...I'm so sorry. I will get you out, just give me time, i wish i could give you more but I have to go, remember, this conversation never happened, you have no idea who I am or where you are."[/i][/color][/center] Hello and welcome to my RP idea, it's an idea of been floating around by myself for a while now but i think it might be a lot of fun. You and your fellow RPers shall be playing a group (I'm looking for about 5-6, I learned pretty fast that any bigger and posting gets slow and the RP can die as a result) who have woken up to what seems like the first time they have ever been alive. Only knowing their codenames and subject test numbers, they are quickly greeted by a very interesting individual Dr.Yushima. The beginning of the RP will take place based in a Military like facility in the mountains of an unknown place, but as we go on if it last that long, your group will quickly discover what the outside world has become. As time goes on, your group will be faced with dozens of challenges right off the back, as they figure out who they are, and more importantly what they are. This RP does have superpowered human beings but x10, your characters full of massive power, but will be placed under power-locking collars. Tell me if you have any questions, anything at all or even suggestions, this is the first time i've ever started an RP on this site, as well as started something without a Co-GM, so anything is completely helpful. I'm looking for pretty consistant posters, at least a post a day, and a minimum of two decent paragraphs. If this gets an interest, I can reveal more that i have locked away at the moment. I look forward to anyone with interest and hope we can have fun in the future.