[quote="Drakel"] Real Name: He was never given one and is told to find it. Age: 17 Race: Dragon Appearance: [url=http://i.imgur.com/dSgAa1e.jpg]This is his humanoid over all costume, Which was given to him. His costume is black overall and on his costume is silvery mystical markings covering it.[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/MQJqDDE.jpg]He was born with this strange “Birthmark” on his back… A Very detailed birthmark that appears to be almost tattoo-ish in nature.[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/80vuZz0.png]In the center, below the first dragon there is two Dragons, both eating the other’s tail, circuling the other way and inside the created circle is a magic circle in grand detail.[/url] [url=http://i.imgur.com/bTO967b.jpg]The mask he wears though is silvery in nature and at times glows either blue or red markings all over it.[/url] His skin is tan and his muscle structure is slim/muscular… Even in his human form his eyes appear rather Draconic and are purple in nature. [url=http://i.imgur.com/1i1seaw.jpg]In Dragon form he is very steel like in color, depending on the lighting he may look either silvery or black.[/url] Powers: ( I go be a point system of 10/10 per level… other than his passave abilities, his abilities will be scored by 1-10) His Magics are indeed magic in nature. He is highly resistant to telekinesis (illusions and mind control follow under this) and his magical energy flows within his blood like most dragons (Other than ancient Dragonslayer Magics, his magical energy can’t be blocked out as does his blood hold alchemical magical properties for more potent potions {He does not know this, just that it slightly burns when he touches it}) Draco-Magics: All dragons are born with a natural talent with this magic form, thus my character holds a natural talent in this magic form. This type of magic keeps him in human form and are used to increase the power of his draconic form’s body. He can make his scales tougher, claws sharper and wings stronger, as does this come with several other spells that use his magical energy. (4/10; He can turn into human and use basic Draco energies) Pyromatic and Cryomatic magics. : He can use both of these elements in combat, breathing them out even, covering his fists in fire or even mix the two elements to create a weird form of fire/frost concoctions (Freezing fire or Burning Ice). (2/10; He can cover his hands in fire/frost and breath out the element) Skills: He knows quite a bit about Yiquan and LongQuan as does he have a natural skill in appraisal. He is slightly knowable in a variety of certain subjects. (Math, Magic, History, Religion, Strategy, Appraisal) but is no master in any of them. Traits: He has increased senses and attributes. He has a faster thought process than average. His scales are as tough as an alligator’s and in Dragon form he does have claws and can fly. His sense of feeling is also dulled. Weapons: Magic, Claws, Tail, Wings, Teeth… Magic Items: His costume’s robes and mask are said to have certain magical properties but he does now know nor understand how to use them or what they are. Weaknesses: Being a Dragon he holds a minor allergy to Iron, Lead, & Steel that affects him in various ways. He also holds a Major Allergy to a Dragon slaying metal called Mythril. His Increased senses can also backfire greatly against him and his sense of feeling is greatly dulled. He does have a major mental weakness for certain objects of value (precious metals & gems,) and magic. Chi-energy is also able to counter most of his magics, as does his magics counter Chi-energy as well… meaning both attacks are kill and stop the other’s with ease. (Like Normal matter when it hits anti-matter, both forms of matter disappear) His nervous condition also makes his tail a rather vulnerable and sensitive spot and when touched even his dulled sense of feeling would not stop the pain. When it comes to his “Hoard” he does have a very detailed, almost flawless memory of it and if something is missing he’ll rage and get intense headaches and body aches, almost as though his body is killing itself from the thought. His True Form is his Dragon Form so his actual abilities are greatly decreased due to the fact that most of his magical energy is being used for staying in his human appearance. When he is knocked out he will turn back to his original form. Personality: Cunning and likes to pay attention to a variety of small details. He plays chess and card games quite a bit, often times alone as does he tend to read books quite a bit. He is ambitious and rather arrogant and loves a good fight, often, when he is bored he may challenge people he knows to a good spar and when in a serious fight he'll do whatever it takes to be the last one standing and won't give up… Finally is a certain detail that is the fact that he does have a personal nervous condition in which he tends to bite his tail constantly, especially when he is alone and thinking under pressure or surrounded by several people. He also tends to be very cautious of time and would look at his pocket watch often. Back story: Just know that his teacher is a woman and that he has only just finished his basic training and must now continue to learn by experience and practice. His Teacher found him and trained him all his life on how to use his draconic gifts and only recently has he discovered how to take a human form. Throughout his training he always asked why he never had a name and his teacher would always tell him that he does have one, but he must earn it by discovering it and that the only way to discover it was if he trained. Thus he studied more often, trained harder and paid more attention to every lesson he was given. It took him several years to be able to take a human form and in doing such his magical ability was greatly drained constantly. Even when he was in his normal form his magical energy was still exhausted but even then he continued. It was only last year, after his first success at being able to engulf his hands in both fire and ice for two hours straight while constantly breathing a mixture of the elements was he told that he was finally ready for the outside would. That same day his teacher cried and told him that she always loved him as her son… and that while he may not be hers by blood, she still have and will always think of him as such. Hearing these words from his mentor he felt more pride and joy then than he ever had in his life. But that was short lived for the next day his mentor was gone… completely vanished without a trace, as was her hoard. Only a small bag of gold was left for him to be his own personal hoard and that day he swore that he will find his teacher again, even thought it was strange that she vanished without any form of a trace. Thus his journey has begun. Other: He owns 6 books of ancient texts, a very detailed chess board, a Gold Pocket watch that appears rather complex and very detailed that he tends to keep with him most of the time and a large travel-bag full of his hoard and gems that he will not be carrying with him… He Also own a strange metal shower-head that sounds as though it has metals in it for some reason.[/quote]