So finally got a post up, sorry that took so long. I promise that it won't take as long next time. So I've been thinking, would you all prefer to quick travel to the mountain (not RP all the bit in between the tavern and the mountain), or actually do it all? Or a mix of both? It's up to you, [@Azereiah], [@dereken], [@Nerevarine]. Also, what do you think of the idea of madness/illness/fear/things like that. Events that act as writing prompts and have effects on the character, such as making them ill, that little bit madder, etc, that means that you can RP in different states of mind. Or you could have a reason why it doesn't have an effect on your character, which would add a bit of variation in how characters react to situations. This is just the base of an idea, but it could spice things up a little bit you know? So yeah, these things are up to you. Oh, and if you have any ideas such as that for the RP let me know...