Appearance: As an Ulitharid, Marith stands nine feet tall [hider][img][/img][/hider] Name: Masrith Race: Ulitharid. They are a more powerful sub race of Illithid. Personality: Masrith is a pretty cold an logical individual. His actions have no concern for the feelings or emotions of others and only really seeks to better himself and his race. He lacks basic understanding on the concept of above world morality because he is a race from a place called the under dark. He isn't one to start fights and prefers to simply observe things and learn from others mistakes. He has a harsh and more spiteful temperament however. He is extremely observant and intelligent individual. He has a certain hatred toward magic as it is banned in his society and fears the insane undead as they pose a very viable threat to his people. Background: As an Ulitharid. Masrith started off as nothing more as a tadpole waiting to undergo the process of Ceremorphosis. After burrowing into the brain of his host and replacing it. His body developed into that of an Ulitharid. Making him far greater physically and with mental prowess against his Illithid brothers. He was granted a higher status because of this and lived as a noble. Masrith always sought to benefit and improve himself over others and was not considered a kind individual. Living a life with two mentally dominated slaves kind of does that. He always sought the better of his species and only ever followed the laws set by the elder brain. Occasionally trading with other races of the under dark and going to the surface to collect more slaves for their society. It however, wasn't a life full of adventure until the rise of the mountain. The curse began to spread and it was quite shocking. The curse didn't effect them as their minds are absorbed by elder brain anyway. However, This did leave a problem for them. The rapid increasing of undead posed a threat as undead have a good resistance to to mind control. The ones with the mind intact can still be tamed but those with a hollow mind are completely immune to mind control. The society immediately saw this as emergency matter and sought a way to the end the threat. The elder brain and other Ulitharids conversed to discuss a course of action. They decided that it would be best to aid the other above races to destroy this curse and sent several parties to the surface. Masrith was a member of one such group. His people don't have a good rep with humans and others and were rejected. They sought to search for answers on their own but were ambushed by insane undead leaving Masrith separated from his party. Masrith does not know his way above ground however and doesn't know his way home and thus travels alone to seek answers to stop the curse. Abilities: Please note that his mind effecting abilites do not work on insane undead. Sane undead have a good natural resistance to it and strong willed individuals can resist them as well. Masrith has physical strength, speed, reflexes, and stamina that out class a human and rival orcs in physical stature. He also is a skilled combatant in hand to hand combat and is capable of disarming foes efficiently. He however has no idea how to effectively use a sword, spear, or even knives in combat. Darkvision: Can see perfectly clear in complete darkness. Psion: As a Ulitharid, his most powerful trait is his mind. He is cable of reading minds and dominating the minds of others, though only two at a time. Mind blast: attacks an opponents mind with a blast of psionic energy. Can kill if enough energy is charged but normally feels like a really hard punch. Psionic shield: Can create a shield of psionic energy to protect him. Hive mind: Masrith can link the minds of his allies to better communicate and plan while in or out of combat. Translate: He can mentally communicate with any creature that knows any language. Augment: Masrith can psionically augment his body to better himself physically. He can also use this to heal himself and others. This can't regenerate lost limbs or cure disease and poison but can stabilize a fatal wound. He can also use this to sustain his body from sleep and eating for 3 days. Dominate: Masrith can forcefully dominate the mind of an strong willed individual but it takes two uninterrupted hours of focus. The individual most also be present within a 5 foot radius. Constant use and strain of his psionic abilities can cause extreme head aches if not careful and can even cause hallucinations. In extreme cases, it can even cause him to become mentally unstable for a short time. Equipment: Leather pants braced with steel leggings. A back pack to carry supplies. Steel gauntlets thick enoughb to allow him to catch straight swords and knives in combat. They could technically stop a claymore sword but the force would break his hand. All seers eye: It is an eye patch that allows him to read and understand any written language. It also does not hinder his sight. Other: like other ulitharids, he does have the potential to strengthen his mond to be able to open dimensional gates. He cant do it. That is just an example of how powerful their minds can become.