[@BKburke] Hey there, and welcome to the RP (hopefully)! Ok so wow, getting right ahead with a character sheet. It looks really great, however there is one thing that I'm a little concerned about. He seems like a potentially very strong character, which at first we don't want. My only problem is that as well as having psionic abilities he is also tougher, stronger and faster than most humans. I would suggest looking at the abilities of the accepted characters and perhaps cutting down on quite a bit of the stuff you've got at the moment. Oh also, I have no problem with the healing (well, only a little one...) however would it be possible to put a limit on that or something that means that it is not able to be used often/has a negative effect on the user. I'm really sorry for any inconveniences and it's really really great to have you interested. Plus, Masrith sounds like a really awesome character and I love the race idea. Perhaps the sheet as it is, is what you could aim to develop your character into by the end of the RP? Again I'm really sorry, and I hope it isn't too much of a hassle.