Earth, Old Mogadishu, In a Bar With the group huddled around the table, the old Russian spacer puffed his cigar one last time before stamping it out in the ash tray. “ Alright, this is why I need you for missions. ” The old man placed an old, large laminated scroll on the table and pushed to forward, revealing a heavily annotated map of the solar system. “ Out beyond asteroid belt, on Pluto, there is a Cache of .” he took a pause, as a large toothy grin stretched across his face“ Treasure” he said with a hearty laugh. “ Advanced technologies, Weapons, other rarities, all ours for the taking. I have commissioned a ship, with FTL, “ he said with a confident nod “ It will take us two weeks time, and we will go through some tough territory.” The old spacer pointed at Mercury and Venus with two fingers. “ These planets, and their moons are controlled by the Arclight corporation, you know the famous fusion core manufacturers. Life here is hard, and human rights is nonexistent,” he said with another loud laugh. “ Luckily, we don’t have to go there. We will need pick up supplies for trip on Mars, I have man on Millennium station. From there, I have secured safe passage through asteroid belt because that place is truly a war zone. After asteroid belt we are on our own until we reach Pluto, this is why I need you. Past the asteroid belt is unknown space. Kind of like Wild Wests, yes. Bandits, and god knows what lives beyond the planetary stations we lost contact with those colonies centuries ago. Who knows if they are even alive,” he said with a shrug. “ It is of no consequence to us, we only need to stop at the planets to cool our FTL drive. “ The old man placed both hands on the table as he leaned forward “ I can promise you each a share of the treasure and free room and board along our travels, what do you say?" ( You already know this is not going to as planned) ((Post for interest, or provide a character sheet!))