[@Sigurd] Sure thing, here we go: A) Nah, you'll be fine, I think. If someone has to correct you, it's not the end of the world. As long as you make the effort to check the wiki before talking about something too in depth. B) Yeah, I've been working with another old RP partner of mine. Right now I have a few plot threads, including a teacher character who is going to be making a greater effort than anyone has before her to bring muggle born witches and wizards to school. There's going to be a push from certain families to shun those students, a lot of conflict will be had in this way. I want to point out that the "pureblood" attitude won't be sequestered to Slytherins here. This is a time where wizards are actively hated by muggles who still believe in their existence, people from muggle families are not well liked by anyone. I hope we have a good mix of students from wizard families, and from muggle families. The major plot involves non-human creatures sort of rising up. I will need some willing victims, if there are any, PM me so we can get this going secret like. If there aren't any, be warned that you might be an unwilling victim. Don't worry, the worst of what will happen to students will happen to NPCs. C) Most people will have to, yes. I'm only going to let teacher roles go to people I trust. D) That's up to the players, and how they choose to have their characters interact. I hadn't decided if I'm going to put everyone in the same year or not. I think it's probably best, though.