Close, close.
Really, it's more
Really, it's more
Oh come now, no need to ruin the mystery for the RP. @Raineh Daze
I don't think anyone's chosen to go with Tyaethe yet. XD
Meanwhile, Garrett has x-ray vision. Creepy.
@ZebanamanaI would say not, as it seems noone else went with the undead-pincushion. Just that brief interaction happened between the two.
@Zebanamana: I didn't actually have a name in mind... Ageline?
@Themerlinhawk: She didn't talk to Garret in my post? ^^; Since he didn't say anything to her.
@Zebanamana: I didn't actually have a name in mind... Ageline?
@Themerlinhawk: She didn't talk to Garret in my post? ^^; Since he didn't say anything to her.