Gabe was sleeping soundly and enjoying himself until he had a pillow thrown at him. He thought nothing of it, then realized, who could have thrown a pillow? He opened his eyes slightly and saw the outline of a person on the other bed in the room, and they were making some comment about how he sounded like a Wookie. "Ugh, sorry, I think it was because I'm on my back," Gabe slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, still somewhat asleep. Looking at the figure again he saw it was a boy, about his age, standing and getting ready to go. The other boy mentioned breakfast and Gabe stood up and got out of bed. "Yup, I'm moving, I can't do anything without breakfast," he stretched his arms and did a little hop. He was a little disappointed when he hit the ground, as he was every morning, though he wasn't entirely sure why. "So, I guess you're my new roomie. I'm Gabriel, but you can call me Gabe, everyone else does." Throughout their entire interaction Gabe had entirely missed that fact that they boy was blind, and continued to do so, he could be incredibly unobservant at times, "so what's your name?"