[color=blue][b]~Asher~[/b][/color] Ash found himself almost unable to hold back the laugh at how easily the guy before him accepted the situation. It was nice, though, how this Gabe had the ability to let the little things roll off his back. Now if only he could not sleep on his back and all would be “right in the world”. Mentally scoffing he simply thought, [i] As if a world in a cage could be right. I’m not growing comfortable here.[/i][color=blue] “The name is Asher, but you can call me Ash.” [/color] He could tell the guy didn’t take notice of his condition yet. Usually Asher had no problem getting around, but for some reason there weren’t any spirits to guide him at the moment and most of the people in the hospital already were in the cafeteria. If there was one thing Ash hated it was having to rely to other people, well the living ones that is. He wasn’t one to swallow his pride easily. Hoping his roommate would remain oblivious he made a gesture towards the door.[color=blue]“Also, if you could lead the way to the cafeteria that would be great. Just until I get a hang of the layout. Being new here and all I don’t exactly know where to go.”[/color] [i]New here. That’s a funny way to look at it [/i]. Nevertheless, it wasn’t exactly a lie either. Now if the rest of the day could go smoothly, unfortunately, Ash was not a man of great luck. [@duskshine749]