Hey guys, feel free to start working on your sheets and stuff. I've got Denny done, so here he is! For height, I recommend using this page (give or take an inch or two): [link]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_average_human_height_worldwide[/link] For a lot of traits, I suggest looking up charts like this if your character is an OC. Otherwise, having a glance at the canon character's wiki pages will help too! [hider=Kingdom of Denmark] [u][center][h1]Kingdom of Denmark[/h1][/center][/u] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Denmark.full.573670.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [i][color=red][h3][center]"When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things."[/center][/h3][/color][/i] [center][indent]Joe Namath[/indent][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Country name:[/color][/b] Kingdom of Denmark [b][color=red]Human name:[/color][/b] Mikkel Densen [b][color=red]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=red]Orientation:[/color][/b] Bicurious [b][color=red]Date founded:[/color][/b] 10th century [hr][hr] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/9b08f928f17c73f3403dbabda903d351/tumblr_inline_mj2ukoyjXz1r8fohg.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Personality:[/color][/b] Denmark is arrogant in his ways, confident with no bounds, and extremely stubborn. He has a youthful vigor, and tends to be the optimist even in aggressive situations. His wildness stemmed from his history as a Viking, although he has since calmed down and settled into civilised living. He thinks himself to be the King of Scandinavia due to his dominance in earlier days. He comes off as carefree, but is in fact a very diligent worker. He is an extremely heavy drinker. Although he can be boisterous, loud, and annoying to his more sombre siblings (see: Sweden), Denmark is diplomatic. He forges his own path, and isn't usually apologetic if he offends, but he likes to keep an even peace with others... most of the time. He also likes to believe that he's stronger than he really is, and still has his trusty Viking axe at home for when it's needed. Alas, it does not have much of an effect on stronger countries - it might have all the power of a butter knife when it comes to Russia or the USA - but it's scary-looking, and that's all that he really needs. Denmark has a focus on healthy eating and living. He avoids food high in sugar and fat, and prefers lean fish. He's also an advocate for green, active living, particularly cycling. Sometimes he can be a little annoying, trying to convince others to do the same - but it's in their best interests. He's hard to offend, and tends to be extremely open about his own beliefs. He is extremely open-minded and will listen to others' points of view (even if he doesn't accept them). Sometimes he can be too honest, but he believes that honesty is the best policy - what's the point in dressing up insults, or being subtle about compliments? All it does is dilute the meaning. [b][color=red]Appearance:[/color][/b] Denmark is one of the taller countries at 6 foot, and stands with a proud, straight back. His posture reflect his confidence, as does his quick stride. He's lightly muscular and slim, with especially nice calves from years of cycling and walking to get around. His viking history left him with some serious 'old man strength,' when compared to humans. He's not strong enough to grapple with America or France if they put their mind to it, but he's surprisingly strong for such a (geographically) small country. Denmark has wild blond hair that tends to stick up at odd angles, but he likes it that way. It's just long enough for him to pull it back into a teeny-tiny ponytail, but he wants it to grow a little longer before that (he tends to follow trends - more below). His drooping, bright blue eyes are set under black eyebrows that only serve to increase their intensity. They have the sweet expression of a puppy at times, although he doesn't realise it to be a charm. He has a wide mouth and thin lips, usually split into a big, white smile or laugh. Denmark follows trends, and is very active on Snapchat and Instagram as well as Tumblr. His favourite getup is smart and suited to cold weather - a long black double-breasted trenchcoat, shiny black boots, a red button-down shirt and a black tie. Apart from this, he likes to keep up with fashion. Bandanas are coming back, and he is often seen with a black-and-red one tied around his neck. Loose-button downs (especially in stark red, to his delight), have also resurged as fashionable - they let him leave a few buttons undone, and suit his tall, slender frame. His casual wear consists of these and slim-fit jeans or chinos, with leather shoes or boots. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8zq1svBu61qgslol.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [b][color=red]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Beer [*] Cycling [*] Flirting [*] Beer [*] Pickled herring [*] Greenland ([i]"...I'm not as small as you say I am, ja?"[/i]) [*] Other Scandinavians and Germany (he's been forgiven) [/list] [b][color=red]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*] Fast food [*] Sobriety [*] Conflict (However much he might not want to admit it, he's not a viking anymore) [*] Lazy people [/list] [b][color=red]Brief History:[/color][/b] Denmark came into being somewhere around the 10th century - between 871-899 (although his lands have been inhabited since 12,500BC). This was when he first appeared, as a baby that grew into a small, powerful child and eventually a teenager who lead his vikings. A monarch ruled the land, and between the 10th-11th century, he conquered for his country. Standing at the front of his longship, with an axe clasped in hand, he had been an extremely strong, muscular, scary figure who stared down upon his foes with no mercy. That time came to an end, as all superpowers do, and there were many years of swapping monarchs until the 16th century. At this time, he became part of the Kalmar Union with Sweden and Norway - as their leader. Eventually, he broke away, to leave them in their own union. He was involved in World War 2, with the siege on Copenhagen that only lasted around 2 hours before his surrender. Germany had been far too strong for him, no longer the fearsome viking of years before. He suffered greatly, but so did the world. Today, Denmark is an extremely peaceful country. He is often voted to be the least corrupt and happiest nation in the world, and has one of the highest levels of income equality as well. He's often looked to as an example of a country, as are his Northern European neighbours. [color=red][b]Extras:[/b][/color] His excessive drinking could be considered a problem, but as a country, his body is far more resistant than a human's. He usually has a beer in one hand if he can help it. It's hypocritical when it comes to his healthy attitude, and he knows it. [/hider] EDIT: Also FYI, I redid the character sheet template a little, since it wasn't working very well. :)