[quote=@BrobyDDark] Looks like someone never played the vpets. Digimon gain better skills with each evolution, however controlling them and using these skills to their fullest get harder to control. Lore wise, this is because their data is reconfigured into an entirely different being, with some similarities, meaning they can't use their previous skills, only know about them. Skullgreymon is even in a whole other type than Agumon, Agumon being a [i]Vaccine[/i] type while Skullgreymon is a [i]Virus[/i] type. I'll bet with your attitude you would have gotten Skullgreymon from a Black Tyranomon instead of a Black Greymon, you [i]loser.[/i] [/quote] Who cares about the vpets when the actual good Digimon game had it so Digimon can learn and inherit skills from across types and evolutions. Slap a god damn healing ability on your pathetic SkullGreymon if you want, who gives a shit. Why anyone would want a SkullGreymon when its stats are fucking pathetic I don't know. I'm too busy literally creating fucking Satan himself with Lucemon while you're wasting time thinking the vpets matter. With your lack of skills good luck against the royal knights you gen wunner. And for the record, I got SkullGreymon through both Ankylomon. Black Greymon is now Omnimon Zwart by the way and he can't even become SkullGreymon because SkullGreymon is stupid.