[quote=@Fabricant451] Who cares about the vpets when the actual good Digimon game had it so Digimon can learn and inherit skills from across types and evolutions. Slap a god damn healing ability on your pathetic SkullGreymon if you want, who gives a shit. Why anyone would want a SkullGreymon when its stats are fucking pathetic I don't know. I'm too busy literally creating fucking Satan himself with Lucemon while you're wasting time thinking the vpets matter. With your lack of skills good luck against the royal knights you gen wunner. And for the record, I got SkullGreymon through both Ankylomon. Black Greymon is now Omnimon Zwart by the way and he can't even become SkullGreymon because SkullGreymon is stupid. [/quote] >not understanding the basics of digivolutionary lines >current year HA! Someone has no idea what they're talking about. Black Greymon becomes Skull-Greymon, which becomes Black WarGreymon which, when Jogressed with Black Metal-Garurumon becomes Omegamon Zwart. Oh, but of course you wouldn't know that anything that can become Skull-Greyemon can become Omegamon Zwart. And you think my skills are inferior? I beat Omegamon EASILY with my WarGreymon, AND I tamed BanchouLeomon, the fiercest of all the Leomon line. And oh, Lucemon, eh? That shit's WEAK! Call me when you get Arkadimon and Ghoulmon in your inferior games!