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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

*waves hand in dismissal*

I wouldn't worry about somebody just randomly deciding to blow up all your stuff just because they can. I'd remind you that despite the two confrontations with the Dragon God and others in the last RP, there wasn't a single outright fight between two gods nor an utter annihilation of someone's creations and heroes.

Sure, if you only look at Might then Zephyrion could probably overpower Niciel and kill all her angels and blow up the Nice Valley, but first there's the question of how that could be justified IC and secondly there's the issue of permission. Nothing of that magnitude should really happen without an OOC discussion first

Zephyrion was angry enough to be ready to fight Vulamera over some blood.

That was probably because of M.A.D No one God tried anything because the Gods were all relatively balanced in Might. Everyone had enough might to go 'Hmm, maybe I shouldn't try to destroy this guys things who can easily destroy my stuff.' Now we have most people who really don't have to worry about that.

IC and OOC often don't match up. You really think if Toun or Kyre know that they can eradicate Vestec and his creations there will be a valid IC reason for them to not go to town?

Regardless. We'll see how this pans out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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IMO apply a posting system to Might. You start losing might if you don't post enough (Say, one post a week or every 2 weeks), and you get bonus might if you post plenty. (And not filler, GM discretion if it advances the story and gives you might)

EDIT: And to prevent someone from posting once with no real detail and just filler, and then vanishing again until the time limit, they have to advance the story with the post.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

Zephyrion was angry enough to be ready to fight Vulamera over some blood.

That was probably because of M.A.D No one God tried anything because the Gods were all relatively balanced in Might. Everyone had enough might to go 'Hmm, maybe I shouldn't try to destroy this guys things who can easily destroy my stuff.' Now we have most people who really don't have to worry about that.

IC and OOC often don't match up. You really think if Toun or Kyre know that they can eradicate Vestec and his creations there will be a valid IC reason for them to not go to town?

Regardless. We'll see how this pans out.

Fair point and good example, though Vulamera could (and would have, according to Hael) have just fled from Zephyrion and that would have been that. The IC can be written in such a way as to not violate another RPer's wishes, within reason.

But I suspect that I might be alone in the mentality that any influence of importance upon another's stuff should be done with permission. Maybe it's just because I like to plan ahead and having huge curveballs can sometimes torch a story that I was going for. Out of curiosity, what do the rest of you think about the degree to which we should require OOC permission to do destroy each others' stuff IC? Other than the fair warning rule, I don't think the OP's rules address this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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But I suspect that I might be alone in the mentality that any influence of importance upon another's stuff should be done with permission. Maybe it's just because I like to plan ahead and having huge curveballs can sometimes torch a story that I was going for. Out of curiosity, what do the rest of you think about the degree to which we should require OOC permission to do destroy each others' stuff IC? Other than the fair warning rule, I don't think the OP's rules address this.

Depends on the stuff.

If it's like an entire race, an entire faction, a Holy site, a Hero, or a Divine Weapon/shield/item/whathaveyou then you should ask.

If it's a part of the race, a member of the faction (within reason. If it's a faction of robots and you want to corrupt a few of them it's gonna take a little bit of doing unless you hack or some such), or just attacking a Holy Site, hero, or weapon you have to ask shouldn't ask.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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As far as I am concerned, half of the Might in Ull'Yang's possession is no-limits. Reserved only for rebirths and Avatar deaths. The other half would be the might that Ull would use. Now, as far as the whole, rich people can annihilate poor people: I think that everyone here is mature enough to not do that... If there is no justification ICly for a rich god to use all of his might to overpower another god/annihilate his creations then why even talk about it in the first place?

Now, I would be in support of a Might Cap. Say, for example, 50 Might. That would be the utmost one god would be able to store and when it is reached, the said gods Holy Sites instead of generating more might for him, they would radiate the divine essence to their surroundings and enhance them, change them for the better or worse

That way, the gods would have to constantly spend might so that they won't lose on any extra mp that would go to waste if they were capped. This way we could also leave the inactive gods MP pools alone and once they get capped, we can use their Holy Sites to further the plot of the rp.

Maybe Mammon's Holy Site overloaded and the excess might mutated his worm creatures, creating unspeakable horrors that Liprasil could later go and kill.

That kind of stuff.

These are my two cents, take it as you wish.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Fair point and good example, though Vulamera could (and would have, according to Hael) have just fled from Zephyrion and that would have been that. The IC can be written in such a way as to not violate another RPer's wishes, within reason.

But I suspect that I might be alone in the mentality that any influence of importance upon another's stuff should be done with permission. Maybe it's just because I like to plan ahead and having huge curveballs can sometimes torch a story that I was going for. Out of curiosity, what do the rest of you think about the degree to which we should require OOC permission to do destroy each others' stuff IC? Other than the fair warning rule, I don't think the OP's rules address this.

I am of the mind that from the point a god creates a race/holy site/anything and places it in the world without any protection, ANYONE is capable of destroying/influencing/doing anything to it without permission. I treat the IC as an alternate reality and so, ANYTHING IS FAIR GAME.

If you can somehow get passed all the restrictions, barriers and defensive mechanisms that I placed to cut off my demiplane from the rest of the Universe, you can go ahead and raze it if you'd like. I would be pissed and I would go to war, but from the moment I put it out there, I knew what I was getting into and so I'll try to find a way to fight you ICly. If I cant and then end up getting destroyed. Well, fuck. I was careless.

The might system is a little flawed, but only if there's no cap imo.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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<Snipped quote by Cyclone>

I am of the mind that from the point a god creates a race/holy site/anything and places it in the world without any protection, ANYONE is capable of destroying/influencing/doing anything to it without permission. I treat the IC as an alternate reality and so, ANYTHING IS FAIR GAME.

Only problem with that is most Gods can react instantly to anything like that, so instantly destroying is out. Not to mention, poor lif or Belvast or Amartia would be SOL.

Vestec would have a great time smashing their pretty little empires.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Fair point and good example, though Vulamera could (and would have, according to Hael) have just fled from Zephyrion and that would have been that. The IC can be written in such a way as to not violate another RPer's wishes, within reason.

But I suspect that I might be alone in the mentality that any influence of importance upon another's stuff should be done with permission. Maybe it's just because I like to plan ahead and having huge curveballs can sometimes torch a story that I was going for. Out of curiosity, what do the rest of you think about the degree to which we should require OOC permission to do destroy each others' stuff IC? Other than the fair warning rule, I don't think the OP's rules address this.

I think there is a logical limit, and that doesn't even have to do with might.

For example, even without spending might, let's say Ilunabar decided to fight Amartía, I could easily make an abusive post and wipe out Xerxes using free actions:
>Ilunabar just outright sneaks upon Amarmy and armlocks him against the ground and call her divas and heroines to destroy the place
>Outright give everyone nightmares, or fill the place with illusions
>Take some of the Jvanic beings from Julia, let them infect the whole place, then send the 14 or so white giants captured in the Capital to stomp everything

Of course, I would never do any of those, even for the minor teasing I'm going to do I asked for a permission.

But I really wonder, for example, if Logos decided to fulfill that whole "mind raping a goddess to become his wife" plotline and just used like, 20 Might to do it. While I'm sure Dawn wouldn't do that, I can't help but think about what would happen if he was keen on doing that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@Rtron True. This is one of the weakness of the god genre in general. There are no clear boundaries in relation to a god's power. Here, a god can do anything as long as he has sufficient Might and/or the right Domain/Portfolio. The power of demigods is downplayed and mortals are puny little ants that are of no significance. The thing that really disappoints me is that this second iteration of the RP on this site started out with one thing in mind. Expansion.

Yet, we are still stuck on one planet.

I don't know why that is the case. If we wanted to start over but completely ignore the rest of the Universe like in the previous RP, then we could have just continued from where we left off previously. There was no need for a new RP.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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IMO a smaller world allows us to put in more detail and do more intrigue. I'd save everyone going to their own planets until the puny mortals create FTL drives and start going everywhere.

Also I'd be all up for not downplaying demigod powers. Let's give us some power. Totally no bias here. Not at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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@Rtron True. This is one of the weakness of the god genre in general. There are no clear boundaries in relation to a god's power. Here, a god can do anything as long as he has sufficient Might and/or the right Domain/Portfolio. The power of demigods is downplayed and mortals are puny little ants that are of no significance. The thing that really disappoints me is that this second iteration of the RP on this site started out with one thing in mind. Expansion.

Yet, we are still stuck on one planet.

I don't know why that is the case. If we wanted to start over but completely ignore the rest of the Universe like in the previous RP, then we could have just continued from where we left off previously. There was no need for a new RP.

I expect that's in the late future. We're in the bronze age right now. It wouldn't be fun for anyone if you go to your own planet. What would that do? There'd just be a bunch of Acron's running around and Vestec can't visit them all!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

IMO a smaller world allows us to put in more detail and do more intrigue. I'd save everyone going to their own planets until the puny mortals create FTL drives and start going everywhere.

Also I'd be all up for not downplaying demigod powers. Let's give us some power. Totally no bias here. Not at all.

Demi-God power isn't downplayed, it's just a stage.

From Weakest to strongest it's





Without help from the Gods to create something, it wouldn't exactly make sense if a Hero could just duke it out with a God. Or for a Mortal to smash a Demi-God. Demi-Gods can fight Gods, Heroes can fight Demi-Gods, Mortals can fight heroes without getting curbstomped. But without an edge, the lesser powered ones will lose.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Oh and one more thing. Why should gods even be able to use 20,30,40 Might all in once? Who said that there shouldn't be a maximum might per usage/post. Limits, people.

The only two guys that should be limitless are Fate and Am'Sa.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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<Snipped quote by Vec>

I expect that's in the late future. We're in the bronze age right now. It wouldn't be fun for anyone if you go to your own planet. What would that do? There'd just be a bunch of Acron's running around and Vestec can't visit them all!

So are officially going bronze? Like, in my next post, can invest in bronze making or naw? If not, ima hit up the obsidian and leather. I got stuff to invent and innovate. And can someone make the wheel, how are we in the bronze age with no wheel? @WrongEndoftheRainbow If Sin picks you up, can use some of yo might to make the Wheel? Since the gods to busy...doing stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

So are officially going bronze? Like, in my next post, can invest in bronze making or naw? If not, ima hit up the obsidian and leather. I got stuff to invent and innovate. And can someone make the wheel, how are we in the bronze age with no wheel? @WrongEndoftheRainbow If Sin picks you up, can use some of yo might to make the Wheel? Since the gods to busy...doing stuff.

It's not on the top of his priority list, but I could probably spend some might on it. But someone's gotta pick him up and he's gotta hatch from his cocoon first. Which I still don't know when. Probably once someone picks him up or when 2-4 posts go by, depending on how long it takes for them to get posted.

That means if you pick em up, let's collab him coming out of the cocoon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

It's not on the top of his priority list, but I could probably spend some might on it. But someone's gotta pick him up and he's gotta hatch from his cocoon first. Which I still don't know when. Probably once someone picks him up or when 2-4 posts go by, depending on how long it takes for them to get posted.

That means if you pick em up, let's collab him coming out of the cocoon.

Deal. First I gotta make a nation building post. Give me, 2 hours?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Sure. As long as noone else gets to him first, you got your wheel and he's got other work to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Sure. As long as noone else gets to him first, you got your wheel and he's got other work to do.

Sin calls him first!!!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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<Snipped quote by WrongEndoftheRainbow>

Deal. First I gotta make a nation building post. Give me, 2 hours?

Sure. As long as noone else gets to him first, you got your wheel and he's got other work to do.

<Snipped quote by WrongEndoftheRainbow>

Sin calls him first!!!!

That's a very nice plan you have there.

It'd be a shame if

a certain Chaos God

were to grab the Demi-God of Knowledge first.


As for Bronze, wait for Teknall to start giving the Rovaick some Bronze shtuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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It's a race, and the first post out gets Lazarus. Ready, set, go! I'll be watching my PMs for collab messages for a bit, otherwise once Sin finished his post I'll work on that collab.
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