[h2][b]The Demigod of Secrets[/b][/h2]
[color=blue]Level: 1
Might: 4[/color]


[color=gray][i][b]Sin, The 7 Sins, The Sinner, Pride, Gluttony, Wrath, Envy, Sloth, Lust, Greed[/b][/i]
Level 2
6 Might 

There was a rumbling in the halls of the first floor of Cipher. Enas Amartía sat dozing quietly on his throne. His snoring was amplified by the vaulted ceilings and empty halls of his great throne room.  The palace had architecture like no other in the world, and was sufficiently exotic in his own kingdom to inspire awe in the populous. Cipher was to be a five story masterpiece, built by the amazing designers called the Tedar and the tireless miners and builders called Goblins. The first floor was split into three sections. The largest and main section was the [url=http://thiagoklafke.com/misc/throneroom/ThroneRoom_Unreal13.jpg] throne room[/url]. A massive meeting room in which people of Xerxes could see their Enas and the Popei, leaders of towns and villages outside the city-state. The other two sections were to be a ballroom, or a massive showroom, which would sit to the left, and to the right was to be a place of worship to him, a massive altar for those who worshiped him. Unfortunately, the only finished room was his throne room, upon command. The rest of the first floor was still under construction.

White marble pillars led up to his throne on either side of the walls, encrusted with a plethora of red, blue, and purple gems. Red drapes fell from the pillars, a yellow triangle with a star on top lined the ceilings. Cream colored marble tiles coupled with large archways leading into the other sections. In between the spaced marble pillars, mosaics and ornate ruds stood unfinished with statutes. Two of which stood on either side of him, the rest was to be of the rest of the deities.

Curled up in his mighty marble and mahogany throne, the Enas slept. Today the court stood empty, the only soul to speak of was that of Sin himself.  Outside was a different story, a warm mist of rain had begun to fall and lightning could be seen streaking across the blackened sky to the north. Storms had a unique way of putting him to sleep. The rain bore down mercilessly upon the heart of his city, pounding on the rooftops and turning the dirt streets into a warren of slick stones and muddy waters. The building of the city went uninterrupted though, many taking to the field in gusto. 

Soon though, the silence was broken. The echos of multiple footfalls roused Amartía from his slumber. The presence of the Illumi signified the point in time in which they were to divulge and hear the wisdom of their Lord on matters of the realm. Slowly, the green light of Sin's eyes flared to life like deep, glittering emeralds illuminated by sunlight.

[color=gray]"Speak.[/color] he breathed waving his hand dismissively. On que, the Illumi formed a semicircle below him, each dressed in fine white linen skirts worn around the waist, extending to above the knees. Similar to his except his was worn much longer.

Troll of Greed stepped forward first. [b]"My Enas, these past few moons since The Visit has been extremely successful. We will begin with the local information."[/b] Stepping back, Tedar of Heresy, stepped forward.

[b]"My Enas, as requested, the following House's nearest to Cipher have been established;

The House of Construct to the god called Tenkall.

The House of Life to the you called Jvan.

The House of Magic to the god named Astarte.

As was commanded, construction was quickly performed on the three floors of the temple, and is quickly being used, the House of Construct at least. Many seem to stay away from the House of Life. As was mentioned, each temple is divided into stacked upon levels. The bottom, is a place of worship the god. The middle level is a place of sacred practice, huge floors where tradable goods are manufactured chiefly by man. 

As was also mentioned, the House of Construct has been quickly taken up and used by many Roavik, mainly Goblin. The Goblins in the Ironheart mountains also seem to have taken interest in a hard, dark, glasslike volcanic rock, and have brought back many samples to experiment with. Many have died just trying to attain it."[/b]

Many began to snicker gently on the last few words. Goblins were known for their general stupidity, but that made them perfect candidates for all kinds of Sin, Lust mostly. With a wave of his hand though, the snickering stopped. He was interested in this, glass-like rock.

[color=Gray]"This. . . volcanic rock, it is glass no? And it is a rock? These are two different properties, that in itself is cause for pause. But what makes them use to us?"[/color] he inquired, and that was just the inquiry they were hoping to get. Eagerly, the Azibo of Pribe stepped forward.

[b]"It seems that when harvested, it breaks oddly, creating razor edges. They are sharper than any stone blade that the people are armed with."[/b] the Azibo drawled, hoping to impress his master. [b]"With Earthen Azibo's help, we were able to extract massive quantities of these sharp edged rocks for the Goblins to experiment with. Many weapons of war can be produced with this glass."[/b] 

Amartía was skeptical, glass, a weapon? It seemed foolhardy, but what if he was wrong? What if war came and this glass was the deciding factor? His Greed began to bubble forth, he couldn't let such an opportunity slip through his fingers. Turning to the Azibo, he made his first decree of the day. [color=gray]"Speed up this work. Have Goblin and Azibo continue to harvest this glass, then transport it to the House of Construct were I want as many Tedar and Goblins to figure out how to use it. Once figured out, I want it to used in all forms of weaponry. Bring me the first blade to be tested."[/color] he proclaimed. Immediately, Azibo of Pride went on his way, traveling to the House of Construct, then to the Ironheart mountains in order to pass on the decree.  

With that, Human of Wrath stepped forward. [b]"In light of this development, I believe is time for Amestris to begin amassing a military.[/b] the court cheered in response, but Amartía sat as stoic as ever, watching the Illumi. [color=gray]"Why?"[/color] he cooed, genuinely interested.

Bowing in respect, Human of Wrath continued on. [b]"We are an every growing city-state with a large population. But we are confined to this land. You yourself longed to take the desert when you were first born, this is you opportunity, you have the power, TA-"[/b] The human was unable to finish his sentence as blood began to pour from his mouth uncontrollably. A red translucent blade lodged itself in the human's throat without mercy. Slowly, with tears in his eyes, the Human of Wrath crumbled to the floor and died. 

[color=Gray]"You are not one to speak to me as if we were age mates. I am above you all, and you will speak as such. Is that clear?[/color] he words rained like hammer blows on the Illumi, but they quickly affirmed, hoping to avoid the same fate.

[color=gray]"Now, this is what I want. 

First, send out a decree with the following orders. A call is to be made of every able bodied man and woman to take up arms and join the armies of Amestris. Those who join will be given honor, fame, and prestige. The best of trade will be offered to them. Send this throughout the land."[/color] he began, suddenly standing and pacing around his throne.

[color=gray]"Next, children. 

All children will take up an apprenticeship with an appointed worker, whether it be in the fields, construction, merchanting, or fighting for their land. From sunrise, to sundown, they must learn. From the moment they can speak, from the day them become adults. Is that clear?"[/color] Nodding in agreement quickly, the Hain of Envy and Human of Gluttony left to proclaim and put in motion his decrees. He was growing tired of watched the children frolic and play. There was a time for work, and a time for play. If they were to be Amestris' future, this was the path they had to follow.

Turning to what was left of the the Illumi, he mulled over what he could possibly add to today's successful meeting. [color=gray]"As each and every House comes to fruition, I want an administrator to be appointed. Any information regarding the well being or the development of their respective Houses will be reported to me."[/color] That was a decree that he could stand behind. The current Illumi were simply puppets, babbling idiots with power that he gave them. They had their uses though.Suddenly, as if a torch went of his head, an idea began to form. The current Illumi would grow old and fall out of use, but if he could create children of his own, children who inherited his power, that would simplify things, and it would help curb his Lust. Two birds with one stone.

After his last decree, only Troll of Greed remained. [color=gray]"Go out, and find me seven women. Make sure they are the best of the best, ones suited for the Enas and the next generation of the Illumi!"[/color] With that, his Troll of Greed bowed low, and ran off, tripping over his own feet. Sin frowned, this was the price he had to pay for choosing such stupid puppets. 

With a huff, he sat back down in his seat, sleep calling his name one again. Today had been eventful, the formation of a military, a grand apprenticeship for children, and the discovery of a glass that could be weaponized. As Amartía slowly began to drift off to sleep, the pulsing of an unidentified object spurred him to life. A wave of power. It was as if a he was a dog and a bone had been thrown at him. Lifting himself out of his throne, he padded barefoot to the doorway of his palace. One last pulse gave him the location of his new target, a power that he began to Lust after. In an instant, he shook off his Sloth and launched himself from building to building. Lust and Greed fueled him, giving him the energy and power necessary to make one final massive leap over the Ironheart Mountains. With an immense ‘thud’ he landed on the other side, exertion setting on quickly, and with it came Sloth. Another pulse came, a latent one, calling to him, tempting him. Without a forethought, he broke into a run, the steady thump of his footsteps became a place of comfort. By surrendering himself to the miraculous beat of his feet against the grass, which soon became sand, he was able to succumb to the beast that was his Sin. 

Presently he came to a halt, his feet soaked in water and matted with yellow grass. For a moment, he found himself in awe. The unbridled beauty of the grasslands was nothing compared to that of the Purple Sands, but it was a close second. The pulses had disappeared, but the residual energy was still in the air.  Following the energy like a dog to a specified sent, he began to search for its creator. He walked unusually slow, almost robotically, as if his brain was struggling to tell each foot to take the next step. It was as if he were in a stupor; like someone under hypnosis.

A large open site soon came into view, pulling him out of his daze. Energy seemed to radiate from the locality, but a single cave oozed it. ‘Like a moth to the flame’,  Amartía made his way inside. Sniffing, searching, listening, he found himself alone in the darkness, but the energy was ever so present. A sudden pulse renewed his excitement, spurring him to move. Deeper and deeper he went, until he found that he had no need for the energy, a light led him right to his target. A swathe of leaf like skin enveloped the back wall of the cave, pulsating with energy. This is what he was after. The closer he dragged himself to the cocoon, the easier it became to make out what exactly was inside. A body.

[color=gray]”A body. . .”[/color] he mumbled under his breath. Eager to understand and gain more insight on the being resting in the cocoon, he lifted it from its place on the earthen floor, and placed it on his back. The sheer mass of the ever growing soul inside forced Sin to curse loudly, but he forced himself to move. Once again his Lust overtook him, empowering him. Once again, he broke into a run, dashing across the grasslands in a blur. Grass turned to sand as he twice over crossed the desert that would be his one day. Mentally, he began to prepare himself, he was to jump the mountain range once more. 

Heart racing and muscles taunt, he launched himself over. Wind whipped furiously against his face as he began to descend. ‘BAM’. The earth shook under the force of the impact, but Sin didn't stop there as he broke into a renewed run. Trees soon became buildings as he entered Xerxes once again. Many stared in awe at their Enas as he sped past them. As if they sensed his approach, young children pushed open the doors of the House of Cipher, a quiet place in which he could better study his prize. Carefully, he laid the cocoon to rest of the marble floor before finding himself lounging next to it, out of breath. Lazily, he reached over and mercilessly punctured the cocoon, air and liquid spraying everywhere. 

It seemed like an instant to Lazarus. He went from his vision fading as the floor was rapidly meeting his face, to suddenly snapping awake as his cocoon was violently sliced open, launching the liquids inside keeping him catatonic out into the throne room. With a momentary spasm, he rapidly sat up, tentatively sensing the world around him with his divine energies. First of all, as his energies began to exude outwards from his body, he noticed added weight on his body, and he was sitting on something. He flicked it almost instinctively. Thick and unwieldy. A tail? His form had changed. He expected this. Everything was so much clearer in his head, now that he had imbibed the power presented before him. He noticed something in the back of his head, as well. Knowledge that had been imparted on him by the god of time.

The toothy maw of his mouth opened in a facsimile of a smile as the realization that Fate dictated his creation washed upon him. All of that thinking had been done in a moment, and his actions in a few seconds. He was faster at thinking now, this much was clear. The world around him came to clarity as he supernaturally sensed the world around him, and he snapped his face to look at the demigod that sat before him. The visor on his helmet was flipped up, revealing an utter lack of eyes on his head. Where they should have sat, was not even a dent. Just a flat plane of whitened, shined and perhaps even a bit slimy skin, like that of a salamander.

He began to uncontrollably giggle as his madness overtook him, as he tracked the demigod with his face. He seeped insanity.

Wrath overtook Sin as he gaped at the being next to him. He left the comfort of his palace, jumped a mountain range, and ran the whole way forth and back for this bundle of madness. His anger began to pulse outwards in controlled bursts. He clenched his fists, forcing himself not to get violent, but his Wrath was a monster all on its own. ‘CRACK’. Amartía’s fist collided with the unusual beings’ face with enough force to throw him almost clean through a marble column. 

Lazarus let out a gasp as his face was impacted, his visor flipping down from the force as he proceeded to fly across the room, smashing into a column. He wheezed for a moment, recovering from the blow before speaking, [color=red]”Why,”[/color] he paused a moment to draw in another breath, [color=red]”why did you do that?”[/color] He slowly stood up, teetering unsteadily. With another moment to exude out the energy required to sense the world around him, he began to walk back, still tracking Sin with his now visored face. His toothy maw remained in its crazed smile.

Amartía padded over to the fallen beast. His Wrath began to grow, this palace was a gift, messing with it was a sting to his Pride. [color=gray]”You know how difficult it was to attain that marble column?!”[/color] he roared in retaliation. The sniveling beast seemed to be cognitive, and was acutely aware of the world around it. Interesting. Sin began to size up the being, prowling after it. In an instant, he made his move. Becoming a blur, he wrapped his red fingers around the smiling creature, all mercy gone from his eyes. Slamming the beast to the floor, he brought his face close, breathing in its scent. [color=Gray]”You're human, you Sin.”[/color] he breathed as he slowly loosened his grip on the monster. Amartía saw the beast in a new light, but did it?

The wind was knocked from Lazarus as he was once again slammed down, returning him to gasping. He drew in short, shaky breaths before responding.[color=red] “Correction, I was human, I Sinned.”[/color] with that he cracked his mad smile again, before it suddenly vanished. His mind suddenly flickered, his previous mad glee shifting itself to utter anger. In a moment’s time, his bipolar mind had switched his perception entirely. He took in a long, steady breath, fuming. He drew upon the rituals that he had done as a human, and this time poured divine energy into one of them instead of tapping it in small amounts. He screamed out arcane words, attempting to blast Sin off with a violent curse of force.

Amartía’s green eyes widened as the beast replied. It was human? Understanding struck him like an arrow to the knee. He silently cursed the gods for their meddling and their decision making. Despite the world and everything in it being their creation, they treated it as if they were ‘all’ toys. Now he understood how it felt to be a puppet, a byproduct of divine creation. Within the blink of an eye, the beast began to chant words of divine power. Feeding of the Wrath of the beast, he crushed its windpipe, forcing it to shut up. [color=gray]”Yes, you have sinned.”[/color] he huffed, lifting the monster into the air. [color=gray]”And I will remove that rafter that is stuck in your eye!”[/color] he proclaimed as he became to eat the Wrath of the monster. Blood red aura began to flow out of the mouth of the beast and into his. No longer would the beast feel Wrath, but in return, he transformed its Sin into Sloth. 

Lazarus’ mind, ever in flux, proved hard to change or feed off of. The Sin of Sloth did not last long before his mind flickered once again, suddenly rotating to something appearing to be sanity. [color=red]You know,”[/color] he gasped out as he slowly began to mend his broken windpipe, [color=red]“that would have killed me only a short time ago. But I feel, much,”[/color] another gasp, [color=red]“stronger. Faster. Resilient. And more importantly, more intelligent.”[/color] He continued to track the face of Sin, before slowly uttering out, [color=red]“We never formally met. I’m Lazarus. And you are?”[/color]

Wrath became Gluttony before flickering back to Wrath, then disappearing altogether. Amartía had enough of this fighting. It was apparent that the beast was mad, his mind a storm of feelings and thoughts. Under his hand, he began to feel the broken windpipe repair itself, much to his surprise. Dropping the beast to the floor, he padded over to his throne, Sloth overcoming him. [color=gray]”No doubt, as you see, the gods have souped you up, much to my dismay.”[/color] he sighed as he plopped into his seat. With a clap, a young maiden brought a cushion for the being to sit on. [color=gray]”Well, I am known as Amartía. It is...nice to meet you.”[/color] he retorted, gesturing for Lazarus to to take a seat. [color=gray]”So, do you know what you are?”[/color]

He accepted the seat, flipping his visor up once again, revealing his eyeless visage. [color=red]”That knowledge was given to me when I became a Demigod, yes. As Fate and Time dictated, I am the Demigod of Knowledge and Secrets.”[/color] He giggled madly again, before returning to his words, [color=red]”Secrets. Such a dangerous specific. Is it any wonder why I am afflicted as I am?”[/color] He idly moved his nonexistent gaze about the room, saying, [color=red]”Say, would you happen to have a hollow wooden box, and mayhaps some rope around?”[/color]

Demigod of Knowledge. Knowledge.That word brought back so many unwanted memories, memories he didn't understand. Frankly, he didn't want to understand. Bugs, people of the plants and eaters of the sun's energy, it was all so foreign to him. He kept his face deadpan though, this wasn’t a time to show weakness. [color=gray]”You speak of affliction, Sin is an affliction all of its own.”[/color] he chortled. Watching Lazarus, he began to realize the true potential of the demigod. Whether it be for war, or for domestic reason, such a power would be sought after by many. His Greed wouldn't allow that. Waving for a nearby attendant, he went about gathering the materials necessary fulfil the demigods request. [color=gray]”She will get them. But tell me one thing, where do you plan to go after all this?”[/color] he began, gesturing to the room they resided in. [color=gray]”You are welcome to stay here.”[/color] he cooed, watching the halfling warily.

[color=red]”Perhaps. Though I imagine I may have to travel for some experiments I have in mind. Inherent dangers. Gathering subjects. I may stay until I have somewhere of my own, to dedicate to my own means. The mountains sound nice. Secluded. Nobody to interrupt.”[/color] he slowly petered off, seemingly lost in his tumultuous thoughts. Ideas. He needed that box. So many things to write down, so much potential. He withdrew his sensory energy to a perceptible point as he turned inwards. He was essentially ignoring Amartia as he considered options and pursuits available to him.

Amartía rubbed his bald head absent mindedly as Lazarus seemed to lose himself in his own thoughts. Sin began to poke and prod, with an asset like Lazarus around, Xerxes, Amestris would prosper, expand. But he knew that he couldn't force the demigod to stay, he was no pet. [color=gray]”Lazarus,[/color] he began, his words easily snapping the young halfling out of his thoughts. [color=gray]”Well before you leave, I have a request. Amestris is ever growing, and as a growing nation, it is bound to run into those who wish to halt that growth. We live in a primitive age, stone is the material in which wars are currently built upon, but who ever hops the latest and greatest material, will have the upper hand. With your knowledge, do you think you can grow upon the weapons of war that this world clings to?”[/color] 

He idly considered Amartia’s words. [color=red]”Given enough time, metals seem promising, but I would need to test. Metallurgy is within my grasp, but not nearly the most efficient form of weapon I could provide. Now, the gap. I have some ideas in mind. If what I’m thinking proves correct - I would have to test first - I could very well weaponize it. Imagine. Sending a single person into the chambers of your worst enemy. And then his mind implodes and opens a portal to the Gap. Whatever is contained within comes out. An army on your enemy’s doorstep. Of course, they might be hostile to you as well, but the element of surprise would be on your side. I would have to test. So many tests. What about that wooden box? And a gem. A gem would be nice. A sample of a god’s essence. I have an idea. Not set in stone yet. So many things. So little time. The box?”[/color] Lazarus unleashes an utter stream of consciousness, the entire time looking at Amartia.

As if on que, the young servant returned, Lazarus’ requested [url=http://images.hayneedle.com/mgen/master:BYB833.jpg?is=300,300,0xffffff&cvt=jpg] box[/url] in hand, and rope in the other. Shakily, the servant placed the smooth mahogany box in front of the demigod and scurried off. Sin lost in thought, so much so, he barely noticed the servant. The possibility to weaponize...The Gap? It was an amazing idea, so much so that his Sloth became Lust. No man or demigod would step in his way, kingdoms would fall to under his rule. Yes, that was the power he wanted. With that, he promptly sat up, gazing at Lazarus with an unusual light in his eyes. [color=gray]”Alright Lazarus. You go ahead and begin, go about experimenting. I will help you in anyway I can.”[/color]

Lazarus simply nodded. [color=red]”I assume we are finished? I have work I need to get to. Things that need to be done. Everything’s clear right now. Though I imagine it won’t be for long. Need to get to work immediately. Do you have private quarters prepared?”[/color] He stood up from the cushion, box and rope in hand. His visor flicked down once again as the force of moving upwards pulled it towards the earth.

Amartía nodded, pointing in the general direction of an empty pyramid temple. [color=Gray]”On the second floor will be a massive workroom, the top floor will be a luxury quarter in which a patron can reside. It's all yours. The House of Knowledge.”[/color] he offered. It seemed that four Houses would be established today.

Lazarus simply nodded, scurrying away. Once he had located his quarters, he set to work, setting down the box. First, he looped the rope about it, allowing him to sling it over his shoulder and carry it with him. Next, he began to utter arcane words, pointing them in the direction of the box. Pouring immense amount of energy into the box, he set up a long series of arcane puzzles and guards, cursing and hexing the entire box for good measure. Anyone who failed the puzzles and failsafes would be in for a nasty surprise. With that done, he set to work. Rapidly forming a language in his mind, he began to carve arcane runes into the box, yet without tools. He wasn’t traditionally carving, but instead using his mind to overlay runes. A journal, to record his experiments and thoughts. Secure from prying eyes.

- Amartía has a meeting with the Illumi in which he sets up many programs.
- He calls for a taking up of arms. (WE NEED YOU)
- All children must join an Apprenticeship of their choice.
- He kills Wrath because he don't like they way he talking.
- He commands that woman be brought to his chambers later for baby making.
-He suddenly feels the energy wave that Lazarus gave off.
-Curious, he performs some Olympic feets and finds the cocoon.
-He carries it back to Xerxes and cuts it open in Cipher.
-Lazarus and Amartía have a crazy anime battle in which Amartía shows off his skills and Lazarus his magic.
-Lazarus ends up coming to and they begin to have a conversation.
-Amartía offers him a home in Xerxes and Lazarus decides to stay awhile.
-Sin gives him the House of Knowledge to stay and work in.
-Lazarus creates a super hexed and cursed box using 2 might.
-Lazarus invents an arcane enigma language using another 2 might to write in, hard to translate.