[h2][b]The Demigod of Secrets[/b][/h2]
[color=blue]Level: 1
Might: 4[/color]

Dear Diary, wrote Laz, I’ve got a lot of problems.
But at least other gods would have a lot of trouble reading you, diary.
Oh shit Laz is paranoid. Time for a walk to the countryside.
A fruit? Cool, let’s eat it.
I feel happier. Let’s eat more.
Eat more you fucker. More!
Harvest that shit, gotta keep yourself high for the inspiration on solving problems.
Fucking daydreams aaaaaaaaaa
He’s got a lot of ambition.
[center][h3]Journal of the Blind Seeker[/h3][/center]

The box should be secure. Sooner would come the death of the universe than a person should crack the recherché depths of what this unassuming box holds. Such is fitting for such a log of secrets and experiments. And should they break the curses keeping this box from crumbling to ash or teleporting itself back to me, they will have to translate the language of which I write. They would sooner achieve mastery over the Gap.

Onto more important matters, there lay several chief things I must study. The Gap: The Divine Energies: And perhaps the most importantly, sensing when a god is overlooking me. Amartia may not be able to sneak upon me, but any god could easily spy upon me. This is something that first and foremost must be rectified. My powers pale in comparison to those infinitely my better, but I have an idea. It must be tested, of course.

This is where the Divine Energies come in. The arrival of a demigod fluctuates the natural energy in the area, to a degree of which I can sense. But a god is more powerful, yet more precise. My theory is that they can idly hold back their power, keeping the fluctuations of power smaller and more precise, whereas a Demigod such as myself would have to put conscious effort into it. On the flipside, this works both ways. Demigods can sense the fluctuations of energy from Demigods, and Gods can do the same to Gods. That is the theory, at least. Must be tested.

I never got that gem I asked for. It is the easy part of my plan. I must also find a way to measure the level of Divine Energy in the room before I can even begin to create methods to detect changes in it. Anything in my vicinity would throw off the results. I’m here, and I provide more than the baseline divine power. A measurement system based off of the baseline of when I am near would prove easy to hide yourself from. No, I need somewhere else. And that means I need a way to measure the divine energies in an area without my power being in its range. And for that matter, any other divine being’s range. Including those they blessed and the artefacts they leave behind.

After that is done, I must find a way to make this machine portable. I must also retrieve a sample of a god’s essence to imbue into a gem. Therein lies the problem. Nay, two problems. The first is, how do I capture a sample of a god’s essence? Finding a God willing -- or unwilling -- of which I can sample from would be a daunting task. Secondly, imbuing the essence into the gem would prove to be difficult. Gods have many times, I am sure, placed their essence naturally into various objects or people. The difference here is that I will be doing it artificially. I would need a lot of samples to test. I will request many samples of godly essences from Amartia, but I suspect he will prove less than useful in this matter.

Once the baseline has been placed, and measurement systems created, I must take both the machine and the enchanted gem. Incorporate them into one another so that the measurement system knows what to detect. And once it detects the god, it can alert the user to their presence. Given that they prove to not be more deceptive and subtle than the god who provided the sample enchanted into the gem. Not a reliable solution, but it would be better than nothing, and most importantly, would prevent the gods from idly looking into my work without my knowledge.

So many things need to be done. I need to work on the Gap itself as well, to appease the greedy fool that is Amartia. He knows not what he trifles with, he simply eats up my words and I let his greed take over. It is a wonder he has not been deceived into the downfall of his city yet. But he will be watching, and should I not appear to be delivering what I promised to him, a facet of Amartia will be lost; the providing of whatever resources he can get his hands on to me. I would have to locate them on my own. Unacceptable waste of time when there’s so much to be done.

The Gap itself may prove to assist in finding the answer to my dilemma, which solves the problem of Amartia. The question is keeping him out while I work on my other machinations without rousing his suspicions. I also require someone to create my machines, yet I can not rely on inquiry to the temple of Teknall in the city. Too risky, they could tell Amartia of what I am creating. Not that they would understand the blueprints or the purpose, but they could very well tell Amartia of the machines, and should Amartia not see them soon hard at work on discovering the Gap, suspicions would be aroused. He is more powerful than me, I dare not invoke a second Wrath upon myself.

The second use of the Gap is the testing of a measurement device. Should I be correct, the Gap should be in constant flux with regards to Divine Energy. Using the machine in it should help me iron out false positives of god detection. It is all about precision. The machine should be able to detect the slightest changes in the levels of divine energy in the room should it be able to alert the presence of a god to me. But first, how to measure the divine energies in the room? I can do it naturally, but that does not mean I know how to do it artificially.

Madness tightens its grip on me. A trifling problem, yet useful. I should be unaffected by the energies of the Gap, the ones that could drive even gods mad. I am already inflicted with it, I cannot be inflicted with it a second time. It could affect my research. Must be dealt with in time. For now, I must focus on my other projects and intrigue.


Lazarus closed the box, whispering arcane words to lock it once again. He had to explore his surroundings. His mind flickered, and utter curiosity overtook him. Tinged even with paranoia. Something wasn’t right, he was sure of it. Even if everything was right. He exited the pyramid he had been given, intent on making his way through the countryside. Something there seemed to call to him. People watched him pass. [color=red][i]There is an evil holding them here, yet they will not try breaking its grasp. Perhaps rightfully so -- a demigod is not simple to kill or run off.[/i][/color] He kept his visor down, hands folded behind his back as he made his way through the throngs of people. The countryside beckoned.

After a long while of walking, he came to what drew him there. Some kind of fruit. What did it do? There was only one way to find out. If it was edible, it would satiate his hunger. If it was poisonous, it would not kill him. If it was hallucinogenic, it would assist in finding area where the Gap seeped through. No matter what, he won from eating it. And so he plucked one of the fruits, and took a bite.

He didn’t know what to make of the flavor. Yet it lifted his mood. That he liked. He finished off the fruit. His mind was being affected by this fruit, but in a good way, he surmised. He plucked out another fruit, gulping it down as well. And a third. And a fourth. Inspiration suddenly hit him like a truck. It was the fruit. They gave him that feeling! So many ideas, they brought it out! He had to harvest them. They would be useful. So useful. So many ideas. He began to dream of what he could achieve, before he caught himself. A side effect? No matter. Its uses were too great to wean himself off of due to a single side effect.

He broke off into a full-on sprint, back to the town. People got out of the way as buildings began to surround him. He plucked a simplistic basket from one of the people. They did not complain. You did not complain to a demigod. And just as fast as he was gone from the trees, he was back. He took an extra two to consume right there, and spent the rest of the day harvesting the fruits to take back to his laboratory. All of his problems seemed so lesser with the inspiration they provided. He needed to keep himself in a high, to further his goals.

He halted suddenly, daydreaming of what he could discover. He stood in place, holding the basket filled with fruit. He would become a god, nay, he would mass produce gods. He would take the place of Fate and Amul’Sharar. The universe would be his. Gods would fear him. He would be a whole new level of powerful. Surely. It wa

He broke out of the daydream. He had more important things to do. Maybe it would be worth neutralizing the daydreaming. Unacceptable delay to figure out the horticulturalism required to do so. Something to do later. He began his walk once again, intent on making use of the drugged inspiration he had put himself in. He’d have to be more careful about the daydreams in the future.