[hider=WIP - House Nymeros Martell] [center] [b][h1][color=f7941d]House Nymeros Martell[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/01f0/i/2014/157/1/6/game_of_thrones___house_martell_by_crimsonanchors-d7l8rej.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][color=f7941d][u]Background[/u][/color][/b] House Nymeros Martell, known more commonly just as House Martell, are the ruling House of Dorne. Their current ruler is Prince Qeron III Martell. The Martells have ruled Dorne since Mors Martell wed the Rhoynish princess Nymeria, who led a conquest to unite the petty kings of Dorne and ultimately topple the region's self-proclaimed High King, Yorrick V Yronwood. Since the marriage of Princess Myriah Martell to Daeron II Targaryen, the Martells have loyally served the Targaryen Kings, and supported Queen Daenerys in the Targaryen restoration. However in the last century the Martells have become increasingly distant from the Iron Throne, more preoccupied with internal power struggles and growing further apart from the other Kingdoms of Westeros, having only managed to completely reunite the region around three decades ago. [hr] [b][color=f7941d]Seat: Sunspear[/color][/b] [img]http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd264/Soter07/Sunspear.jpg[/img] [i]"Sunspear's history is a curious one. Having been little more than the squat, ugly keep called the Sandship in early days under the Martells, beautiful towers baring the Rhoynish fashion would eventually spring up around it. It became known as Sunspear when the sun of the Rhoyne was wedded to the Spear of the Martells. In time, the Tower of the Sun and the Spear Tower were both constructed - the great golden dome of the one, and the slender, high spire of the other becoming the first things that visitors beheld by land or sea. The castle sits on a spur of land, surrounded on three sides by water, and on the fourth side by the shadow city. Though the Dornish may call it a city, it remains no more than a town, and a queer, dusty, ugly town at that. The Dornish built up against the walls of the Sunspear, then up against the walls of their neighbour's homes, and so on out, until the shadow city took on its current form. Today, it is a warren of narrow alleys, bazaars filled with the spices of Dorne and the east, and the homes of the Dornish built of mud brick that remains cool even in the height of the burning summer. The Winding Walls were raised some seven hundred years ago, wrapping Sunspear and winding throughout the Shadow City in a snaking, defensive curtain that would force even the boldest enemy to lose their way. Only the Threefold Gate provides a straight path to the castle, cutting through the Winding Walls, and these gates are heavily defended at need."[/i] Maester Yandel, sometime during the reign of Tommen I Baratheon [hr] [b][color=f7941d][color=f7941d][u]Military[/u][/color][/color][/b] The Martells have one of the smaller armies in Westeros, worn down by years of internal conflict between noble Houses. Now, their army numbers around 35,000 men. Their tactics are normally dependent upon guerrilla and skirmish tactics rather than openly meeting opposing armies in the field, where they are often outnumbered and insufficiently armoured. In terms of equipment, Dornish soldiers usually fight in loose-fitting robes covered with small, light metal discs due to the hot climate of Dorne. This form of armour provides less protection but does provide the advantage of affording more mobility and greater speed than much of the armour issued among other Westerosi armies. Spears, small shields and double-curved bows tend to be the most common weapons among Dornish soldiers. A particular strength of their military rests upon the world-renowned sand steeds that they use as mounts. Capable of running with incredible swiftness for unparalleled periods of time without tiring, the Dornish have worked hard to incorporate these powerful cavalry options into their forces. The mounted archers of the Dornish are the best in Westeros, and their mounted warriors are as skilled as any other. Matching up against other Houses, the Martells seem to excel with cavalry options and light infantry, but struggle to field medium or heavily-armoured troops, lack basic ranged options and siege equipment, and struggle to supply their army. However, no-one wants to see Dorne return to the divided province it had become in the last century, and now the Dornish army fights with the fire of the sun as a united and ferocious army. The Dornish has little military navy. The majority of their ships are dedicated to trade, although still they have few of these ships in comparison to other Westerosi kingdoms. The Dornish have rarely had need for ships; invading forces hoping to land on their shores will more often than not be met with inhospitable desert. The waters around Dorne are rumoured to be littered with whirlpools, sharks and even Kraken, posing as much threat to Dornish ships as anyone else and making travel by sea about the province difficult. [img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/3/33/Ryan_M_Barger_House_Dayne_Reserves.jpg/350px-Ryan_M_Barger_House_Dayne_Reserves.jpg[/img] [House Dayne Cavalry] [hr] [b][color=f7941d][u]Noble Houses of Dorne[/u][/color][/b][/center] [b]House Allyrion of Godsgrace[/b] Current Lord: Barret Allyrion, Lord of Godsgrace Heir: None [b]House Blackmont of Blackmont[/b] Current Lord: Jonos Blackmont, Lord of Blackmont Heir: Anera Blackmont [b]House Dalt of Lemonwood[/b] Current Lord: Dontar Dalt, Lord of Lemonwood Heir: Dontell Dalt [b]House Dayne of Starfall[/b] Current Lord: Arron Dayne, Lord of Starfall Heir: Ser Entan Dayne, the Sword of the Morning [b]House Fowler of Skyreach[/b] Current Lord: Ayleen Fowler, Lady of Skyreach Heir: Jaelyn Fowler [b]House Greyhall of Salt Shore (Formerly held by House Gargalen)[/b] Current Lord: Korban Greyhall, Lord of Salt Shore Heir: None [b]House Honn of the Red Dunes (Formerly held by House Vaith)[/b] Current Lord: Dareth Honn, Lord of the Red Dune Heir: Darron Honn [b]House Jordayne of the Tor[/b] Current Lord: Lady Myria Jordayne, Lady of the Tor Heir: Colton Jordayne [b]House Manwoody of Kingsgrave[/b] Current Lord: Ser Jarrik Manwoody, Lord of Kingsgrave, the Knight of Skulls Heir: Rylen Manwoody [b]House Qorgyle of Sandstone[/b] Current Lord: Quentyn Qorgyle, Lord of Sandstone, the Dusty Scorpion Heir: Qonos Qorgyle [b]House Sandstone of Spottswood[/b] Current Lord: Ellya Sandstone, Lady of Spottswood Heir: Allya Sandstone [b]House Stonecast of High Hermitage (Formerly held by House Dayne)[/b] Current Lord: Sofina Stonecast, Lady of High Hermitage Heir: Seldan Sand, Bastard of the Torentine [b]House Toland of Ghost Hill[/b] Current Lord: Trytas Toland, Lord of Ghost Hill Heir: None [b]House Uller of Dragonfall (Formerly Hellholt, changed at the request of Lord Karsan Uller)[/b] Current Lord: Roberd Uller, Lord of Dragonfall Heir: Kiyari Uller [b]House Wyl of the Boneway[/b] Current Lord: Grandin Wyl, Lord of the Boneway Heir: Donnal Wyl [b]House Yronwood of Yronwood[/b] Current Lord: Yorek Yronwood, Lord of Yronwood and Warden of the Stoneway Heir: Yllia Yronwood [hr] [center][b][color=f7941d]Recent History[/color][/b] [b]303 AC - The Death of Doran Martell[/b]. Doran's death sees his heiress, his eldest daughter Arianne Martell, become Lady of Sunspear and Princess of Dorne. Arianne held great love from her subjects, baring more resemblance to her uncle Oberyn Martell than her own father, whom she regarded as weak. Instead, Dorne had a new ruler, one of action and passion. Dorne's future looked as bright as the sun on its sigil. Little did they know that the ascension of Arianne Martell would mark the beginning of one of the darkest centuries in Dornish history. [b]304 AC - Arianne Martell marries Korro Allyrion[/b]. The whole of Dorne rejoices as their Princess takes a husband from a powerful Dornish House. Korro Allyrion becomes Prince of Dorne and Lord of Sunspear. [b]308 AC - The Fall of Arianne Martell[/b]. For four years rumours of Korro Allyrion's impotence had spread throughout Dorne as no heir was born to the couple. Arianne, fiery and impatient, began to misstep. Blaming the new Queen Daenerys Targaryen for the death of her younger brother Quentyn Martell across the Narrow Sea, Arianne revealed that she had long since been planning, alongside the notorious Sand Snakes, to rebel against the crown and restore Dorne to the independent principality it had been in the time of the first Targaryen Kings. Knowing that to do so would bring certain destruction to House Martell and years of misery for the people of Dorne, Prince Trystane Martell began to conspire with his sister's council to depose the Princess and make himself Lord of Sunspear. In a single, bloody night, Trystane acted, along with lords Yronwood, Blackmont and Manwoody. The Sand Snakes were put to the sword, deemed too dangerous to be kept alive, and Arianne was seized and imprisoned along with the councillors who supported her plans. Trystane showed mercy to his sister and sent her, along with her councillors, across the Narrow Sea in exile to live out the rest of their days in the Free Cities. Trystane assumed the mantle of Lord of Sunspear and Prince of Dorne, and appointed the Lords who had supported his plot to his council. [b]308 AC - Trystane Martell weds Anyara Dayne[/b]. This would cause great tension in the next decade between House Dayne and its cadet branch of High Hermitage. [b]309 AC - Birth of Prince Oberyn II Martell[/b], eldest son of Trystane and Anyara Martell. [b]311 AC - Birth of Princess Arianne II Martell[/b], second child of Trystane and Anyara Martell. [b]316-317 AC - The Starfall War[/b]. The cadet branch of House Dayne, lords of High Hermitage, had grown to resent their parent House after the marriage of Anyara Dayne to Trystane Martell, branding them traitors for marrying into a dishonourable and treacherous family. In 316 AC, Lord Carrick Dayne of High Hermitage sent a raven to the neighbouring Houses of Dorne, calling for a rising to crush the Lord of Starfall and appoint an honourable House in their place. However, House Dayne was an ancient House held in high regard, and none took up arms against them. Instead, Lord Arthur Dayne of Starfall led his men to the gates of High Hermitage, storming the castle and slaughtering all inside, including Lord Carrick and his family. In the aftermath, Trystane thanked House Dayne for helping to keep the peace in his Kingdom, and appointed Ser Sedric Stonecast, a Knight in service to House Dayne, as the new Lord of High Hermitage. [b]320 AC - Lewyn Sand born[/b], the bastard son of Trystane born of his Paramour. [b]326 AC - Hellholt renamed to Dragonfall[/b] at the request of Lord Karsan Uller in recognition of the death of the mighty Meraxes. Many feared the Targaryens would see this as an insult but nothing came of it. [b]330 AC - Arianne II Martell passes away[/b]. Fever takes the couple's 19 year old daughter, causing Anyara to be overcome with grief. [b]331 AC - Anyara Martell dies[/b]. Overcome with grief at the death of her only daughter, Anyara Martell strangles and kills Trystane's paramour out of anger that his bastard lives while his trueborn does not, before taking her own life by jumping from the Spear Tower. [b]335 AC - Trystane Martell marries Lyanna Fowler[/b]. Despite his old age of 58, Trystane Martell takes another wife, and fails to produce any more children by her. [b]344 AC - Trsytane Martell passes away[/b]. Old age takes the Prince of Dorne and he dies aged 67. Oberyn II Martell becomes Prince of Dorne. [b]345-352 AC - The Yronwood Rebellion[/b]. Oberyn II Martell had spent much of his young life outside of Dorne travelling the world, and many saw him as unfit to rule the Dornish. House Yronwood, ever rebellious, saw an opportunity to rise up against House Martell and restore House Yronwood as the High Kings of Dorne, as they had been before the days of Nymeria of the Rhoyne. Lord Yoren Yronwood declared his rebellion, and was met with support from Houses Uller, Jordayne and Gargalen. Dorne split into a state of open civil war, with Houses Dayne, Manwoody, Qorgyle, Dalt, Wyl, Santagar and Fowler declaring for House Martell. Houses Allyrion, Vaith, Stonecast and Toland remained neutral. In an attempt to dissuade Houses from Oberyn Martell's cause, Yoren marched 3,000 men to Spottswood and laid waste to House Santagar, slaughtering their 13 year-old lord and his regent uncle, destroying House Santagar. And so began a guerrilla war that would see the deaths of nearly 6,000 Dornishmen from both sides. Seeing that his side was hopelessly losing, Lord Gargalen defected to the Martell cause, turning his men on his encamped allies and slaughtering over 1,000 men from Houses Jordayne and Yronwood. The war would go on for 2 more years, however, before eventually a joint Qorgyle-Manwoody-Martell force marched on Yronwood. Oberyn argued that no more death was needed; that Yoren should come out and face him and settle this war with a duel. Oberyn II Martell defeated Yoren Yronwood in single combat and ended the rebellion. Lord Yronwood was defeated and his lands and titles were passed on to his daughter, for his sons had fought in the rebellion. The Yronwood sons were sent to the Wall, along with Lord Uller. Lord Gargalen's eldest son was taken to Sunspear as a ward to House Martell for his part in the earlier stages of the rebellion. Lady Jordayne was exiled across the Narrow Sea. The bastard of House Qorgyle was given Lordship over Spottswood and legitimised for serving as one of Oberyn's captains, but instead took the name of Sandstone after the home he grew up in. [b]352 AC - Oberyn II weds Joanna Manwoody[/b]. [b]353 AC - Lewyn II Martell born[/b] as the eldest child of Oberyn and Joanna Martell. [b]355 AC - Lewyn Sand send to Oldtown[/b]. Oberyn II had great love for his bastard brother but wanted him to be happy, so he sent him to become a Maester of the Citadel. [b]356 AC - Ellaena Martell born[/b], eldest daughter and second child of Oberyn and Joanna. [b]359 AC - Illara Martell born[/b], second daughter and third child of Oberyn and Joanna. [b]372 AC - Oberyn II Martell dies[/b] aged 63, believed to be from fever but his ill health for the last 6 years could have easily been the cause. Lewyn II Martell becomes Prince of Dorne. [b]376 AC - Lewyn II Martell marries and dies[/b] after sustaining a wound in the melee of his own wedding tournament, which festered and caused his death at the age of 23. With no heir, his younger sister Ellaena Martell becomes Princess of Dorne. [b]380 AC - Ellaena Martell marries Tolyn Toland[/b]. Dorne rejoices after almost 30 years of peace between the noble Houses of Dorne. [b]381 AC - Qorbyn Martell born[/b], eldest son of Ellaena and Tolyn. [b]381-384 AC - The Destruction of House Vaith[/b]. After the death of Lord Vaith, his two twin sons both sought to claim the Red Dunes for their own. Many believed that the son with an heir should assume the mantle, but soon Dorne divided once more and the sands ran red with blood. The eastern Houses of Dorne saw no need to intervene in these matters, but Houses Uller, Qorgyle and Dayne were sucked into the conflict. The conflict was limited to words until the final year, but when Houses Dayne and Qorgyle faced House Uller in the field, Lord Uller was slain and his army was shattered. It seemed as though the war finally had a victor, until the victorious lord Vaith and his heir were poisoned at their victory feast and killed. The other Lord Vaith, a convenient survivor, was brought to Sunspear to answer for his crimes and ultimately executed, destroying House Vaith and leaving the Red Dunes without an heir. [b]384-386 AC - The Settlement of the Red Dunes[/b]. Ellaena Martell appointed a hedge knight, Hanfred Honn, whom she had been rumoured to be bedding, as Lord of the Red Dunes. Outraged, Lords Qorgyle and Dayne declared their rebellion against House Martell and sought to stake their claim on the Red Dunes. However, when the rest of Dorne threatened to take up arms against the two Houses, they had no choice but to stand down or be destroyed. House Honn was founded as Lords of the Red Dunes, taking two blood-peaked sand dunes on a white field as their sigil. Even to this day they are looked down upon as no more than an upjumped sellswords who rose to power by sleeping with the Princess. They are thought very little of by both the Lords of Dorne and the Lords outside it. [b]392 AC - Ellaena Martell passes away[/b], aged 36. She passed away in her sleep with no sign of ill-health of foul play, so her death is attributed to natural causes. Qorbyn Martell is just 9 years old, so Tolyn Toland serves as regent. [b]397 AC - Qorbyn Martell becomes Prince of Dorne[/b]. The Prince comes of age on his sixteenth name day. [b]401 AC - Qorbyn Martell marries a low-born woman from the Reach[/b], much to the surprise of the Lords of Dorne. [b]405 AC - Qorbyn Martell's wife has her third stillborn child[/b]. Qorbyn divorces her and, overcome by the grief of losing his children, takes the black and heads North for the Wall. [b]405 AC - Illara Martell becomes Princess of Dorne[/b], aged 46, sister of Qorbyn's mother Ellaena. She had two children, Mors III Martell, aged 16, and Mariah Martell, aged 13. [b]408-419AC - The War of the Sun and the Spear[/b]. In 408, Illara Martell made the decision to step down as Princess of Dorne and set off across the Narrow Sea to live out her days in Pentos. This led to great conflict within Dorne; Mors III Martell was the rightful heir as Prince of Dorne. However, he was well known in Dorne for being unintelligent, socially awkward, unfriendly and an isolationist, not fit to rule the Dornish. Many wished to see Mariah Martell rise as Princess of Dorne, passing over Mors in the line of succession. Mariah stated her desire to become Princess over Mors and this instantly created a divide between the noble houses of Dorne. Houses Yronwood, Dayne, Stonecast, Qorgyle, Manwoody, Blackmont, Dalt, Fowler and Toland declared for Mariah Martell. Houses Uller, Wyl, Honn, Sandstone, Jordayne, Gargalen and Allyrion declared for Mors Martell. The resultant conflict would last for 11 years, and see the deaths of thousands. The war saw only a few major battles. The Siege of Salt Shore would see a joint Manwoody-Dalt force overrun the keep of House Gargalen, slaying the heirless Lord Jorrin and ultimately destroying the noble House. The Battle of the Boneway saw House Wyl attempt to besiege Castle Yronwood, but their inferior numbers saw them surrounded and butchered in the pass down to the last man, including Lord Sygmor Wyl. In 419 AC, Mors III Martell finally realised the futility of his campaign. The Houses supporting Mariah were better armed, had superior numbers and training, and had been winning most of the significant conflicts between the two sides. He arranged for peace talks to be held in Sunspear, and headed to the capital with a host of Lords to hold talks. The Treaty would be known as the Peace of the Sun and the Spear. [b]419 AC - The Peace of the Sun and the Spear[/b]. The Treaty was signed between Mors III Martell and Mariah Martell. Mors would give up all claim he had as Prince of Dorne and leave the Kingdom. The main Lords involved in his campaign would head to Castle Black. To consolidate alliances and reunite Dorne, Lords Blackmont and Manwoody would also head to Castle Black for their role in the destruction of House Gargalen. Ser Korban Greyhall would inherit Salt Shore for his service to House Martell as Mariah's Sworn Sword. Mariah would marry Lord Mykal Allyrion to consolidate the relationship between the sides. [b]420 AC - Mariah Martell marries Mykal Allyrion[/b] in accordance with the terms of the Treaty of the Sun and the Spear. [b]421 AC - Lewyn III Martell born[/b], eldest child of Mariyah Martell. [b]424 AC - Mors IV Martell born[/b], second son and second child of Mariyah Martell. [b]430 AC - Aeryn Martell born[/b], first daughter and third child of Mariyah Martell. Mariyah Martell passes away during childbirth. [b]437 AC - Lewyn III Martell marries Melyssa Manwoody[/b]. [b]439 AC - Elia Martell born[/b], eldest child of Lewyn III Martell [b]440 AC - Daeron Sand born[/b], bastard son of Lewyn III Martell [b]442 AC - Quentyn II Martell born[/b], eldest son and second legitimate child of Lewyn III Martell [b]445 AC - Oberyn III Martell born[/b], second son and third legitimate child of Lewyn III Martell [b]448 AC - Mykal Allyrion dies[/b], aged 59, of natural causes. Lewyn III Martell becomes Prince of Dorne. [b]450~ AC - Blood Runs over Westeros[/b] [hr] [b][color=f7941d]The Family[/color][/b] [b]Lord:[/b] Lewyn III Martell, Prince of Dorne and Lord of Sunspear [b]Wife:[/b] Melyssa Martell (Manwoody), Princess of Dorne and Lady of Sunspear [b]Siblings:[/b] Mors IV Martell, Aeryn Martell [b]Legitimate Children:[/b] Elia Martell, Quentyn II Martell, Oberyn III Martell [b]Bastard Children:[/b] Daeron Sand [hr] [b][color=f7941d]Other Notable Characters[/color][/b] [b]Lord Quentyn Qorgyle [/b]- one of Lewyn's closest friends and advisors. A man of almost 80 years, he is wise and remembers well the times of war that Dorne suffered through, and helps to guide Lewyn away from repeating his ancestors' mistakes. [b]Lord Arron Dayne [/b]- One of the most experienced commanders in Dorne and kept as Commander of the Dornish military. [b]Ser Entan Dayne, the Sword of the Morning [/b]- one of two knights in Dorne of global renown. While he cannot hope to live up to the legacy of Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Entan is a remarkable and noble knight, loved and feared in equal measure. [b]Ser Jarrik Manwoody, the Knight of Skulls [/b]- Where Ser Entan inspires both fear and love, this man is regarded by many as a demon sent form hell. Cruel and brutal, none can doubt Ser Jarrik's fearsome ability and terrible reputation. Stories of his exploits are few and far between, as few live to tell the tales. [b]Lady Myria Jordayne[/b] - A close friend of Lewyn Martell, Lady Myria is an oft calming voice in Lewyn's court, advising caution and patience where others would charge thoughtlessly to action. [b]Maester Ulywk[/b] - the wise old Maester of Lewyn's household [b]Ser Davyn Drinkwater[/b] - the Master-at-Arms of Lewyn's household. [b]Ser Berrykk Sand, the Bastard of Dragonfall[/b] - the Captain of the Guard of Lewyn's household. [/center] [hider=Prince Lewyn III Martell] [center][h3][color=f7941d]Prince Lewyn III Martell, Lord of Sunspear[/color][/h3] [img]https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a2516756392_16.jpg[/img] [hr] [b][color=f7941d]Basic Info[/color][/b][/center] Name: Lewyn III Martell Titles: Prince of Dorne, Lord of Sunspear Age: 29 Seat: Sunspear, Dorne Heir: Princess Elia Martell Religion: Faith of the Seven [hr] [center][b][color=f7941d]Personality[/color][/b] Lewyn Martell, Third of his Name, Prince of Dorne and Lord of Sunspear. Even after two years, the titles still sounds strange. Humble and strong-willed, Lewyn Martell has always been concerned more with the fundamentals of his position. His duty is his life, and his duty is to his people. It would be difficult to reason that Lewyn Martell has ever been a particularly sensible or wise man. For wisdom, Lewyn leans on his close friends and advisors. Passion burns within this man like the fiery sun of Dorne, and as a result many would consider him a reckless and headstrong leader, willing to do whatever it takes to further the glory of Dorne and his people, often without considering the consequences. Lewyn Martell has only ruled Dorne for two years, and has learned much in his time. He never asked for the burdens of leadership, but knows that his people look to him for guidance and he cannot let them down. As a youngster he was always adventurous and free-willed, much like many of the failed Dornish rulers of the past century, but with the gift of reflection on his side, he aspires to put aside his own personal desires and work to restore Dorne to its rightful glorious place in the world. Dutiful, honourable, humble, passionate and well-loved are words that all apply to Lewyn Martell. However, reckless, headstrong, injudicious and pretentious apply just as strongly. Nevertheless, Lewyn hopes to avoid sinking back into the bloody and treacherous darkness of the last 150 years, and will do whatever it takes to achieve this. There are few things that Lewyn loves more in this world than his family. His children, including his bastard Daeron, are what keeps him going every day. Lewyn spends as much time with his family as his duties will allow, and is a kind, caring father figure. He has been teaching all of his children, Elia included, to ride and plans on teaching them all to fight when they are of an age to do so. Himself Lewyn is an average fighter at best. He rides well, is an OK shot with a bow and is nothing exceptional with a spear. However, his skill lies in his movement, for his physical prowess allows him to be quick and agile, and although not particularly wise or intelligent, his mind for combat allows him to outwit opponents and also gives him a reasonable mind for strategy, although he has commanders for his armies for a reason; he is far from a tactical genius. Among Lewyn's habits are exploration and hunting. He has been known to frequently journey across Dorne, visiting the various Lords and Ladies of his land in turn and spending time with each. A man of the people, Lewyn has been known to walk the streets with little to no guards and talk to the common folk, allowing him to build up a personal connection with his people and the Lords who support him, and inspiring love across the land. Like many of the Dornish, wine and sex are two of his greatest loves. No doubt Lewyn has fathered many a bastard across Dorne, but Daeron is the only one he has openly taken into his family. However, Lewyn is somewhat fearful of outsiders. Few every make the journey to Dorne and in the last century Dorne had become increasingly isolated in the world. With the recent death of Aegon X Targaryen, Lewyn knows that the time has come for Dorne to reach back out into the world. A new King must be found, and quickly. But, should a suitable King fail to present himself, Lewyn has toyed with the idea of returning Dorne to an independent principality, as it had been for centuries before and during the reign of the Targaryen Kings of Old. [hr] [b][color=f7941d]Biography[/color][/b] Lewyn Martell was born in 421 AC, two years after the Peace of the Sun and the Spear, as the eldest child of Mariyah Martell and Mykal Allyrion. Growing up, his mother Mariyah kept Lewyn and his younger siblings at the Water Gardens where she knew they would be safe. She oft told her children stories about the bloody ages that they had been so fortunate not to witness, in particular the War of the Sun and the Spear. She always emphasised the value of family and caring for those around you, since her life had been torn apart through conflict with her own brother. As young as eight years old, Lewyn Martell was already showing his free spirit. He found himself befriending the guards in the Water Gardens and would sneak out at night, often with one of them to ensure his safety, to explore the surrounding lands. He was truly in love with the world, and swore to himself that one day he would see it all. Eventually his mother found out about his late night escapades and had the guards that aided him arrested, but was moved to release them when Lewyn swore he would take their punishment on their behalf for they had done nothing that he had not asked of them. These were the earliest signs of Lewyn showing his honesty and sense of honour. Alas, when Lewyn was nine, his mother Mariyah passed away in birthing his younger sister Aeryn, leaving Lewyn with no mother and a distant, uncaring father figure. Lewyn was tall for his age, ultimately growing to stand at six feet and two inches. Well-muscles and agile, Lewyn had all the makings of an exceptional warrior like the mighty Red Viper of Dorne, Oberyn Martell. The tales of Oberyn had always captivated and inspired Lewyn, but when he began his combat training, he fell short of his dreams. While he was quick to latch on to the theory and ideas behind combat, his hands could not follow his mind and his combat skills were doomed to mediocrity. Lewyn Martell was freed from the water Gardens at 12 years of age. Lord Quentyn Qorgyle, a close friend of his mother Mariyah, took Lewyn under his wing and quickly grew into a close friend and almost father figure. The pair travelled Dorne together, and Quentyn taught Lewyn all he knew of the world both inside and outside of Dorne, in Westeros and Essos. He told Lewyn stories of history, ancient legends of the world, filling Lewyn with wonder and enhancing his desire to see the world. After a year touring, the duo returned to Sunspear, and just before his seventeenth name day he was wed to Melyssa of House Manwoody. Two years later, Melyssa gave birth to their first child, Elia Martell. In the next six years they would have two more children; Quentyn II Martell and Oberyn III Martell. In the same stretch of time, Lewyn fathered a bastard son named Daeron by an unknown Paramour. From then on, Lewyn found himself spending more time in the capital. His daughter Elia came of an age where she too grew curious of the world, so Quentyn Qorgyle and Lewyn set out once more to take his daughter on a tour of Dorne. His other children remained in Sunspear with their mother, including the bastard Daeron, whom Melyssa had come to love as if he was her own. He was forced to return, however, when news of his father's ill-health reached him. He had been visiting his wife's brother, the new Lord of Kingsgrave when news reached him. However, by time he returned to the capital, his father had passed and Lewyn was now the rightful Prince of Dorne. The first two years of Lewyn's reign were peaceful and uneventful. He spent much of the time calling various Lords to court, rearranging his household and council, and spending time reconnecting with his grieving younger siblings. Yet, his whole life would change when Aegon X Targaryen, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, passed away unexpectedly. His death sent shockwaves through Dorne, who had historically been supporters of the Targaryens. Yet as new claimants began to thrust themselves into the fight, Lewyn began to question Dorne's ties to the Targaryen Kings. Now, he knows not how to proceed. The swords of Dorne are not ready for war, yet they must be so should they hope to survive the coming storm. War would come to Dorne soon whether they wanted it or not. The only question left to settle is who the Dornish will raise their spears for. [hr] [/center] [/hider] [/hider]