[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjEyOC5lN2ViZTYuUVcxaGNuVERyV0UsLjA,/old-type-personal-use.regular.png[/img] [color=gray][i][b]Sin, The 7 Sins, The Sinner, Pride, Gluttony, Wrath Envy, Sloth, Lust, Greed[/b][/i][/color] [hider=Summarino/Might] Level 2 3 Might -3 Might [hr] [list] [*]Sin impregnates seven woman of different race. (1 Might used) [*]The babies grow and mature very quickly in the womb and areready to be born. (1 Might used) [*]Amartía nation builds some more. [*]Organizes a Military and continues to gather more.(1 Might used to speed it up) [*]Goblins tinker and end up creating sickle swords. [*]Use of Obsidian as a material of war becomes widespread by hardening it with the help of the Azibo. [*]Time for his kid's to be born. (YALL GODS LEAVE HIM ALONE NOW YEAHEAR! [/list] [/hider] [/center] [i]The man with no name rose from the floor and let his gaze wander from the dying man before him. He turned to a trunk, and from it he pulled a large ethereal lantern. The thing was heavy. Hundreds, if not thousands, of lives jingled about in the primitive lamp. From farmer to Royal Advisor, the man with no name had lived it all. He slipped the lantern open and added another one to the collection. And so the River of Souls flowed on. The man who had no name opened a dresser, and stuffing some clothes to his evil trunk, he left the room. The hallways were afire with yells and cries. People were shouting at the bloodstained man who had been an executioner. They were crying for their beloved King, wailing for a great injustice. He blocked them out, his mind was slowly growing fainter, he found it hard to think. Yet no one stopped him as he walked. They screamed, yes. But no one raised a hand to halt him. All but the young Uri. He stood there, towards the back of hallway, before a flight of stairs that led out of the palace. He wore silken clothes of bright blue and had a golden ribbon, lined with purple tied above his ear. The man with no name saw the ribbon and knew that the boy was heir to the throne. "You killed my father." The man with no name shook his head. "I did no such thing." He replied. "Your father did not understand the ways of the gods. He knew nothing of how to keep himself healthy. He was his own downfall." The young man fumbled for words. "I loved him." The nameless man nodded sadly, trying to think of what to say through a clouded mind. "I did too, for a time. Many people loved him." "But now he's gone." The boy continued, seemingly ignoring what the nameless man had said. "He can live on." He spoke. "He can live in your actions and your memories. Learn from him, and know this," The man with no name bent down to the boy. "Immortality is not something you should seek." The Uri boy nodded meekly. A tear dribbled down his cheek. Standing up straight, and giving a quick bow the man with no name spoke softly. "Long live the King."[/i] "The truth waits for you..." Sin ran this one sentence through his mind over and over again. The words ran out of meaning soon enough. Of course, he knew that it was referring to dreaming and reality being melded together in the confines of his mind. Neither could exist without the other now. Memories of a life that had little meaning what so ever fought for space in his mind. In the end, satisfying his Lust seemed to be the only way to rid himself of the memories. Or keep them at bay. That solution had been tested out many moons ago. As was requested, seven women of varying sizes were bought to just one of his many [url= http://pre06.deviantart.net/51d6/th/pre/f/2010/155/6/d/the_forgotten_sands_concept_3_by_deusindaemone.jpg]private apartments.[/url] The room being of an ornate over arching cathedral-like design with new aged pillars lining the walls. Everything around seemed to be either an expensive polished wood or an immaculately carved marble or granite. Red linen drapes accented with gold trimmings hid the acts. A whole week had been dedicated to the act of fertilizing females, be it human, Hain, or Rovaik, he could careless. Being the powerful being that he was, he was able to impregnate them all. No doubt, they were pampered by the servants who walked Cipher, soon, guards were added to the ranks. Xerxes had grown quite strong during the past few full moons. He had been quite surprised himself in fact, the Illumi proved to be of use when the jaws of death reared its ugly head in thier dreams. While his children grew in the wombs of seven, thousands gathered in Xerxes after his decree. The chance of honor and fame was hard to resist. Human, Hain, and Rovaik came together to form the bulk of the Armies of Amestris. Both male and female were accepted without prejudice, but were trained separately. Sin made sure that the training was arduous, working the soldiers both mentally, and physically. Many were told to bring thier own weapons from home, but wooden versions were incorporated just in case. While more and more citizens joined the Amestrian ranks, the Requiem went about organizing them. Five new Houses were incorporated. The House of Greed, Lust, Envy, Wrath, and Pride. While soldiers weren't organized in terms of vice, they were systematically placed in terms of power and use. The House of Greed was home to the defenders, soldiers who resided in Xerxes in order to defend its people. They were to be spread out all over Amestris, and they would be the greatest in number. The House of Lust, Envy and Wrath was home to the true soldiers. They were the men and woman who would fight on the fields of battle, theoretically. They were trained accordingly. The House of Sloth though was an interesting group indeed. This House was to mainly be composed if Azibo and Ogru. The Ogru were being bred in small quantities, but were kept in the in the mountains for saftey. Speaking of mountains, Obsidian suddenly became a much needed commodity. With the help of Elemental Azibo, massive quantities of Obsidian was being harvested. Carrying out his decree, Goblins soon found inconsistencies in the glass-like rock. Weapons could be forged from them, but they broke much to easily. A simple solution of incorporated. By relying on the Elements many Azibo could manipulate, Obsidian could be hardened, but retain its amazing egde. This allowed for blocks of the black rock to become blades, arrowheads, spears, and axes, and an unusual [url= http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/images/1147052/egyptian-khopesh-sword-black.jpg]sickle-sword[/url] that was accidentally created by Goblins. A design in which Sin grew attached too. Many guards could and woulf be seen carrying these sickle like obsidian blades. Sin was lost in thought, lounging silently in his palace apartment. All these things weighed heavily on his mind. The formation of his armies, the creation of the next generation of the Illumi, but it seemed that the gods had other plans. Reports of an unusual fruit that increased the creativity of those who ate it reached his ears. In addition, children overall seemed to be more distracted than usual, but they were children, it was to be expected. Worst of all though, the ocean began to sing. It was a song of temptation in which drew his sailors into the murky depths of the sea. He loved it. Funny how nature could be so sinful. Unfortunately, he couldn't have his fisherman dieing, so a decree was made. Wax and cloth was to be used to block out the sirens song at sea. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it would work for know. The rush of scurrying steps forced Amartía to retreat back to reality. A young servant suddenly barged in, her breath shallow . [b]"My Enas! The seven are going into labor!"[/b] she huffed, bowing respectfully before running off again. With a sigh, Amartía forced himself to his feet. Gods or no gods, no amount of their meddling would ruin this day, he wouldn't allow it. Today was the the birth of a new chapter in Amestrian history.