Alright, I did a lot of work on the House Arryn CS. Its ready for review, if there's any issues with it I'm happy to change them. [hider=House Arryn] [center][h1][color=1e90ff]House Arryn[/color][/h1] [img][/img] [hr] [h3]Overview[/h3] Located on the eastern shore of Westeros, House Arryn is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, having one of the oldest and purest lines of Andal nobility. They are the proud principal noble house of the Vale of Arryn. Their seat, the Eyrie, is located in the Mountains of the Moon, thousands of feet above the valley below. Due to the location of their seat, House Arryn tends to remain isolated from the rest of Westeros. In recent years, uncertainty over the future of the house has only amplified this isolation. The current Lord of House Arryn is the young, Sterlan Arryn. [img][/img] [i]"The most splendid work ever built by the hands of men, a palace worthy of the gods themselves. Surely even the Father Above does not have such a seat."[/i][/center] The Eyrie is an ancient castle, though small compared to other Great Houses' seats, the Eyrie makes up for it in its defenses. Due in part to its location at the peak of the Mountains of Moon and its large amount of built defenses, The Eyrie is considered impregnable by many. During the winters, it is downright impossible to travel safely in the Mountains. In order to reach the Eyrie, travelers must follow the dangerous high road through rocky foothills and thick forests in the Mountains of the Moon, then through high passes and deep chasms to the Vale of Arryn. Travelers on the road are often attacked by the rebellious mountain clans that reject Arryn rule and live in the foothills of the mountains. If they manage to follow the entirety of the high road than travelers must go through the highly guarded Bloody Gate, a series of battlements along the mountain road which leads to the Eyrie. The Vale of Arryn consists of various regions, it is a land of fertile soil, rivers and lakes. The Mountains of the Moon border the Vale to the west. The Valemen, the people of the Vale, are known as reliable warriors steeped in honor and the worship of the Faith of the Seven. Wheat, corn, pumpkins, and barley are grown in the fertile dirt of the Vale. [hr][center][img][/img][/center] [b]Lord:[/b] Sterlan Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East. [b]Seat:[/b] The Eyrie [b]Heir:[/b] Harrold Arryn [b]Religion:[/b] Faith of the Seven [b]Military strength:[/b] House Arryn can call upon 45,000 soldiers. [b]Immediate family members:[/b][list] [*]Jon Arryn II - [[i]deceased[/i]] Former Lord Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East. Father of Sterlan, Harrold and Haleleigh Arryn. [*]Alessa Arryn - [[i]deceased[/i]] Wife of Jon II Arryn, mother of Sterlan, Harrold and Haleleigh Arryn. [*]Sterlan Arryn - [17] The current Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East. First born son of Jon II Arryn and Alessa Arryn. [*]Harrold Arryn II - [15] Sterlan's younger brother and heir the House Arryn lordship and all of its titles. Twin brother of Haleleigh Arryn. [*]Haleigh Arryn - [15] Twin sister of Harrold Arryn. [/list] [hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Sworn Houses:[/b][list] [*]House Arryn of Gulltown. [*]House Baelish of the Fingers. [*]House Belmore of Strongsong. [*]House Corbray of Heart's Home. [*]House Donniger. [*]House Egen. [*]House Elesham of The Paps. [*]House Grafton of Gulltown. [*]House Hersy of Newkeep. [*]House Hunter of Longbow Hall. [*]House Lynderly of Snakewood. [*]House Melcolm of Old Anchor. [*]House Moore. [*]House Pryor of Pebble. [*]House Redfort of Redfort. [*]House Royce of Runestone. [*]House Royce of the Gates of the Moon. [*]House Ruthermont. [*]House Sunderland of Sisterton. [*]House Templeton of Ninestars. [*]House Upcliff. [*]House Waynwood of Ironoaks. [*]House Wydman. [*]House Waxley of Wickenden. [/list] The following are not directly sworn to House Arryn: Borrell, Longthorpe, Torrent, Shett, Coldwater, Tollett, Hardyng. [hr] [center][b]Recent History[/b][/center] Recent times have not been kind to House Arryn. First, the long-serving Lord Jon Arryn died, with one heir, the sickly son Robert. Lord Jon's wife Lysa ruled in her son's place and kept House Arryn neutral during the War of the Five Kings. Lady Lysa marries her childhood lover, Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger. Not that long after this marriage, Lady Lysa dies after falling through the Moon Door. Robert is too weak and young to properly rule the Vale, so Petyr Baelish, ruled in his place as the Lord Protector of the Vale, with Robert as his ward. Robert's heir is Harrold Hardyng, a recently knighted squire and the great-nephew of the late Lord Jon Arryn. Several powerful nobles under House Arryn align against Baelish's rule. Then winter comes, and the frail Robert dies. Littlefinger is removed from his position and Harrold ascends to lordship as Harrold Arryn. With a heir to the new Lord Arryn needed, Harrold is married to Bethany Blackwood of House Blackwood, a sworn house under House Tully. House Arryn swears loyalty to the returning Targaryens. As they once more take the throne, House Arryn remains wardens of the east. Lord Harrold and his wife have three child, two sons, Bradyn and Donnel, and a daughter, Alyssa. For nearly three decades Harrold rules, he's a fine Lord to his death. The lordship passes onto Bradyn, a lustful man he has several bastards before even ascending to lordship. Bradyn's antics as lord including parties and whoring embarrass some of the Houses under House Arryn. He dies old and overweight. His son Jevan becomes lord. Lord Jevan has five children, two die in infancy and one dies after climbing outside the Eyrie. Jevan is left with two surviving sons, Braedon and Elden. Braedon becomes Lord after his father dies. Braedon is only able to have one son after trying with multiple wives, his son, Roland is sickly, afflicted with the shaking sickness. While the condition can be treated with, it is not good for a potential lord to have. After his father dies of a sudden heart attack, the teenaged Rolan becomes lord. While he is Lord he continues to suffer from violent seizures due to his sickness. He dies young and without a heir after falling to his death in the valley below. It is suspected that he was pushed, but nothing can be proven. Rolan's cousin Seldan Arryn is next in line for lordship. He is a proud, noble man that tries to bring honor to the position. This reflected upon his second son, Jon II. Seldan rules for just over a decade before he dies of disease. His oldest son, Hugo Arryn becomes Lord. Huge is much like his father, an honorable man. He is lord for seven years before he dies without an heir. Jon Arryn II, Hugo's brother becomes the head of House Arryn. He marries Alessa Royce. Their first son, and eventual Lord, Sterlan is born. Two years later they have twins, Haleleigh and Harrold. Jon's wife dies in childbirth of the twins, this event deeply saddened her husband and he never married again. Jon is an honorable, patient man, a well liked figure in the Vale, for years he tries to juggle raising his children with his duties as lord. He is lord for seventeen years, during the later years of his rule he tries to branch back out into the rest of Westeros, make House Arryn more than just an isolated house with a Great name. Before he can succeed in this, he dies of a disease, the sickness gradually weakening him as it effected the honorable Jon. Eventually it robs him of his ability to properly wield a sword and makes him too weak to walk unassisted. On his deathbed Jon tells his son Sterlan words of comfort and confidence in the boy's abilities. The words stick with the young Sterlan as he becomes the current Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East. In recent years, House Arryn has remained neutral and silent on the matter. It is very likely that they will have to pick a side, another issue the young Sterlan Arryn is nervous over deciding. [hr] [hider=Lord Sterlan Arryn] [center][h3]Sterlan Arryn[/h3] [img][/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Seat:[/b] The Eyrie [b]Heir:[/b] Harrold Arryn (brother) [b]Personality:[/b] Calm and composed, Sterlan is a patient young man. This was a value that his father instilled in him and is one he tries to center himself on. He has control over his feelings and rarely shows anger. He always tries to show politeness to others, giving respect to everyone that he can. He was very close to his father, and idolizes the man, trying to do what he thinks would make the man proud of him. He's well mannered and honest, acting how he believes a Lord should. Sterlan knows that he represents the Vale as a whole, it's a responsibility he knows he has to handle the best he can. He tries to put the needs of the Vale ahead of his own. He's a decent swordsman, though he has little interest in the art of combat nor does he have any military experience. He's nervous about being put in such an important position at a young age, though he tries his best to hide these feelings. He also knows that he needs to marry soon and have a true heir, his brother is even younger than him and not in any real shape to become Lord of the Eyrie. [b]Biography:[/b] Sterlan Arryn was the first born son of Jon Arryn II and his wife, Alessa. The occasion was a celebrated one as Sterlan a healthy baby boy. Two years later Sterlan end up with twin siblings as Harrold and Haleigh Arryn were born. This birth did not go as smoothly as Sterlan's, Alessa died in complications from childbirth. While both of the twins were fine, they had no mother. Jon was struck deeply by the death of his wife, and as a result he never married again. Sterlan remembers his father bringing him and his younger siblings to the site of his mother's grave once every year on the day of her death. Jon took it upon himself to raise all three of his children right, this situation was complicated as Jon's older brother, Lord Hugo Arryn died from disease. As a result, Jon was crowned the new Lord of the Vale, the head of his household. He still tried to spend as much time with his children as possible, but his duties as a lord often conflicted with this. Due to this, Sterlan developed a friendship with several of the servants that cared for him. Sterlan looked up to his father as a teenager, this admiration only increased at his father's disease then subsequent passing. Despite how painful it was for the man, his father fought through it with valor like that of a legendary knight. Upon his passing, Sterlan became the new house lord. [b]Claim To The Throne:[/b] N/A [b]Appearance:[/b] Sterlan is a fair skinned young adult with medium length dark brown hair and brown eyes. He stands a shade under six feet tall, his frame lean with no real muscle definition. His facial features can be considered attractive, and he is without blemishes or scars. He tries to smile and hide his uncertainty about being a Lord. [/hider] [hider=Haleigh Arryn] [center][h3]Haleigh Arryn[/h3] [img][/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Seat:[/b] The Eyrie [b]Heir:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] Haleigh is a shy and quiet girl, the opposite of her twin brother, Harrold. Even her hobbies are quiet, picking flowers, reading poetry, riding horses through the fields. She's kind hearted and caring. Despite how much her brothers pick on her, she loves them both more than anything else in the world. She's spent her entire life within the Vale, though she knows she may be married off to a man in another land. [b]Biography:[/b] Haleigh is the older of the two twins, being born seconds before her brother, Harrold. During both of their births their mother died tragically. Neither of the twins saw their mother, but their father often told them about how beautiful, sweet and caring she was. Much of Haleleigh's childhood was spent in the beauty of the Vale, she often ran through the green fields of grass with her friends, or planted flowers in the gardens of the Eyrie. Her twin brother has picked on her since both of them could walk and talk, but its done in a loving, playful manner. When their father became ill, Haleigh was deeply saddened like many in the Vale. Her father was a good man, he read her stories before she went to sleep and bought her her first horse. For a few years she had regrets over her mother's death, she thought her brother and her were to blame for it. She died in childbirth after all. Haleleigh brought these thoughts up to her father and he soothed them, it was a freak accident, they were innocent infants. 'The Seven act in strange ways' was another of his words to her before he passed. Since then, Haleigh is uncertain about her own future as well as her house's. While she has faith in her brother, he is a good man, even if very young for such a position. The trouble with the Iron Throne has her a bit concerned, their family is a Great House of Westeros, and one way or another they were going to be involved in it. [b]Claim To The Throne:[/b] N/A [b]Appearance:[/b] The most noticeable feature about Haleigh are her piercing blue eyes, they always seem to be wandering the room wherever she is. She is a girl of average height, she stands 5'5 with a petite body frame. Her skin is a fair shade, she is a beautiful young women though she doesn't do very much to show it off. [/hider] [hider=Harrold Arryn II] [center][h3]Harrold Arryn II[/h3] [img][/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Seat:[/b] The Eyrie [b]Heir:[/b] N/A [b]Personality:[/b] Harrold Arryn II is a loud teenager, one that always seems to be laughing or joking. He pokes fun at everyone, especially both of his siblings. He's an adventurous young man, someone that would walk across Westeros just to see what the other side is like. He has an interest in combat, being read tales of fierce knights and dragons have done much to strengthen that fascination. He doesn't see a lot of outsiders, when he sees them he often asks many questions. Harrold is also next in line for Lordship if anything were to happen to Sterlan. That thought hasn't even crossed his mind. [b]Biography:[/b] Harrold Arryn II, often referred to as 'Harry' is the youngest of the Arryn siblings. He is a few seconds younger than his twin sister, Haleigh. His sister and his births were both a sad and happy occasion, new life was brought into the world, but a beautiful one was taken as Harrold's mother died giving birth to the twins. Like Haleigh, he never saw his mother's face though his father would often tell him that she was the most beautiful woman he had laid eyes on. Harrold could not exactly argue such a claim. From a very young age Harrold was an adventurous boy that got into all kinds of trouble. When he first could walk he asked one of his guards if they would carry him to the top of the mountains so he could see the view. That never happened, but Harrold has said that he wants to climb one of the tallest mountains by their home someday. He also took an interest in combat, tales of legendary knights and fearsome dragons striking a chord with his adventurous side. If he were not born in such a prestigious home, it is likely he would have tried to become a knight. Like his other siblings, Harrold was deeply saddened when his father took ill, then died. He didn't understand how such a thing could happen to such a honorable, kind man. It wasn't fair. Harry's only recently returned to his usual jovial form, now with his brother as the new lord, Harry has all the reason to try to lighten the mood around the Eyrie. [b]Claim To The Throne:[/b] N/A [b]Appearance:[/b] Harrold stands 5'8, lean like his brother. Facially he is similar to his twin sister, Haleigh, they are not identical twins but when they were younger often got confused with one another. He has blue eyes and his brown hair has been cut short. While still quite young, he has the features to be a handsome man. [/hider] [/hider]