[color=purple][b] ☽ Lunafreya ☾[/b][/color]

     Sighing in relief her smile once again return to her face, as she leaned her hand onto her cheek which was propped up on the table at the elbow.  Taking another bite of her yogurt as she watched the girl get up to get some herself.  Lunafreya could not help but watch the fragile figure make its way.  Feeling odd for staring she instead scanned the entire area of the cafeteria noticing Gabe in the distance.  Surely, he would sit next to Soren; she did not know if the two were friends, but this was not the first time she had seen them together.  She felt her cheeks getting hot and instantly looked back down while taking another bite…that was another issue entirely.  Luckily, it wasn’t long before her friend returned saving the day or rather just Luna’s mind.

     Happy to not have completely offended the blessed person across from her  (at least to the point she seemed to want to return, which is always a good sign) Luna simply waved her hand in the air, [color=purple] “You are absolutely not rambling at all and if you still think you are then please ramble away.” [/color]  Truthfully, she needed all the human contact she could get.  With the dreams getting worse and her fear of the dark intensifying she couldn’t help but be willing to think about anyone other than herself at the moment.  Something was going on here, something she could not quite put her hand on. 

     Pulling her thoughts away from herself and looking at the person across, her Luna was found herself blurting out, [color=purple] “You know you have the most stunning eyes I have ever seen. You’re like really pretty.”[/color]  After saying it she was completely oblivious the words had been out loud at all, certain they were just in her mind and nowhere else.  This type of mindlessness happened often, getting Luna in trouble in more than one occasion when the news was not to kind of one.

     Stirring her spoon in her yogurt she looked out the barred windows, past the dull monotony of the courtyard into the distance as greenery folded out before her eyes.  [color=purple] “You ever think we are going to get out of this place?  I wish we could all just fly away,”[/color]  [i] To just become birds. Isn’t that a thought.[/i]  This comment was both to anyone and no one. A though drifting in every patient’s minds without any reality to uphold it.  Still hope existed nonetheless.
