[quote=@MacabreFox] It was kind of your atypical medieval fantasy story, although, I've been having some serious issues with plot. Can't seem to create a good antagonist, one that is actively involved with the story, and not some evil-doer that does evil stuff because he is evil >.>' I literally just scrapped it all the other day, but I found a world-building/plot development questionnaire that should help me flesh out my plot. I'm kinda disappointed in myself, really, my brain seems to be fried when it comes to plot. I just want to write, but I don't want to write shit. I know that just by writing, every writer will write shit, but this is something I actually intend get published. Getting through the first draft is something I've never done before. But anywho, the [i]idea[/i] is: [i]Protagonist (a woman in her twenties, struggling to find a purpose in the world she lives in) is the reincarnated spirit of the Great Queen, the only Queen, that lived centuries ago. Her reincarnation is the sign of a prophecy, where a dark evil grips the land, and threatens to destroy hundreds of years of established peace.[/i] But like I said, my antagonist is shit, don't even really have one. >.>' fried brain is fried. Yes! I'm glad to hear that ^.^, I don't know if I'd be any good at surviving in the wild if I needed to x) be too busy picking flowers and thinking, "Wow! Look at all of these trees!" I don't know why roommates can't be... roommates, I mean, why do they have to make it so awkward? Why can't you all just hang out, and share the central living space like a normal family? Albeit, you're not a family, your strangers essentially, but I feel like there's no effort between people these days to establish genuine relationships. D: NOOO! You poor thing. Cats are just the best. My roommate, the ones aforementioned, I would steal her cat, (ok not really steal him, but he wanted to hang out with me, so of course I wasn't going to say no...) and he just loved to sleep by me, during the day, though I think that was because my bed was right next to the window where the sun shone, aka, prime-time nap spot. Point being, I have a lot of pictures of her cat still on my phone... I mean its been two years since we've lived together xD but I still have them just cuz. The only big dogs I've ever owned are huskies, and I have to say, if I got a big dog, I would definitely get one, although picking one out from the pound is just as good. I think they're based out of Toronto? It's great if you do have life insurance at work, but I strongly recommend you get something before you get much older, the prices just keep going up the longer you go without, and if you get really sick, like if you have a heart-attack or stroke later in life, and don't have any private insurance, your rates will skyrocket. Besides, work insurance isn't permanent, and when you leave your place of employment, it doesn't go with you, but if you want to keep, they'll charge three-fold. Some policies even allow you to gather cash at a guaranteed interest rate. Then again, I can't say for certain, because I'm sure Canada is different than here XD Definitely check into it. [/quote] First off, I POSTED GAH SORRY ABOUT THE SHITTY WEIGHT /seppuku If you want I can take a look over your antagonist and story in general and offer some ideas. o.o Sometimes it just takes a second set of eyes and brainmeat to help inspire ideas. I know what you mean about writing, though; a bit thing that's stopped me from writing personal stories is because I worry it'll be shitty and aimless. As for your premise, a big place to start is to actually write out some notes of characters and how they'll fit into the story, and make sure you write out exactly what that prophesy is and maybe give it some historical weight, as well as finding out how real or distant things like gods and spirits are in this setting, as well as take time to define to yourself exactly what this evil force is, ask what it's motivations are, what populates it, what makes it evil. Most effective evil characters don't see themselves as evil, per say; they believe what they're doing is just and right. If you want to make a character like that, you want to make sure it's not cartoony evil where it's just doing vile thigns for the sake of being an asshole. Either through fear, respect for power, or believing in their cause are why they'd have followers. You need to be able to define how exactly the villain fits into the world and why they're the villain, and why they're in charge. The thing with my old room mates is we were friends from high school and had a pretty close relationship. I just think they were addicted to the fucking game and literally let everything else, including hygiene, slip away. And aww! That was like one of those roommate's cats; she was adopted by them, and the cat took to me like crazy. If she had the chance, she'd hang out in my room, or hop up on my lap and stay there. Super affectionate! I like to adopt mutts; Bjorn was a happy accident, but rescue dogs are wonderful. If I get another dog, I'll definitely go to the kennels and shelters and pick one up there, just a big friendly goofball that needs love. Whelp, I'm already awfully sick. :D GG life, fuck me over before I get a chance. But yeah, like I said, work benefits and insurance is pretty comprehensive no matter where you work, as long as I'm employed anywhere, I'm generally well covered for everything, and there's government organizations that help with expensive medication costs and what not.