let me know if my Character provided is alright? I can make some changes if need be. I was actually going to use her as a main character to a graphic novel collaboration thread I posted a few months back. I am currently going to school full time for my bfa in visual development, and I am a fairly skilled artist who loves to add artwork to rp threads. If any of you guys are interested in that please PM me. I am planning to do a graphic novel based around her and a few other characters but I need help developing the story, which I thought would be cool to develop as an rp first. Here is some of my work... [img]http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f306/casey_robinson5/IMG_20160225_190934_zps0ixvkiim.jpg[/img] This one is the sort of look I am going for as for image for my graphic novel. [img]http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f306/casey_robinson5/hanger%2047_zpssmmyihig.jpg[/img] [img]http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f306/casey_robinson5/IMG_20160225_190114_zpsdrvwawue.jpg[/img]