Rinic and his men arrived at the destination where their assault would begin, the rocky out crop above the cave that would become the final resting place of these disgusting and vile creatures. Rinic and his men were ready. Ready to go to battle, ready to die in battle, and ready to kill in battle. No longer nervous, the warriors gave a running start and lept off the edge that resided a few hundred feet in the air, mages shortly after. They fell in silence for thirty seconds before casting feather fall and blinding light. The warriors cut through the orcs like a hot knife through butter. When there were none left, they descended, no casualties sustained by their side. As they formed up to enter the cave, Rinic walked around the group checking each of hi men, seein to any needs they had, and then took his place at the head of the formation. He drew his blade and enchanted it, electricity crackling through its blade, giving a low blue light that then became accompanied by the light of ten mages' spells. As they entered the cave, there was nothing but silence, every breath could be heard, even the sound of the blood running through their veins became clear as day. This bothered the men significantly, but Rinic calmed their nerves, telling them it was fear magic of the demon they were about to assault. Regardless of he cause, it still bothered them significantly. To counter act this, Rinic also lot a torch, the calming sound of a crackling fire moved throughout the room, giving the men a sense of safety, false though it may be. They continued down the cave for a solid three minutes with no opposition until they reached a six way turnig point. Then, ten orcs from each tunnel charged out. They met nothing but pointed lances and slaughter. Rinic was concerned by this, but so was everyone else. Orcs never were this open or unskilled. Contrary to popular belief, they were quite smart, especially in battle. [i] What if it was a trap that was meant for us to lower our guard?[/i] As he thought Of this, an arrow sped out and caught one of his men in the chest, killing him instantaneously. Before Rinic could shout to up shields, two more of his men fell to a black shafted arrow coming from the center tunnel. Rinic, reacting quick as he could launched a frozen ray at the entrance and sealed it off, trapping the orcs inside. As he cast his first spell, more orcs char he'd out and met his men with an even battle, 40 on 17 fighting men, with ten mages for support. His men wouldn't give an inch toward the casters. Rinic had wanted to save this spell for the demon, but it had to be used now. "Mass Bull's strength!", he roared, and his men's strength increased greatly. They drove back the orcs, cuttin them down with beautiful persician and anger. Killing five for each friend who fell to their blades unable to cease the momentum from this battle Rinic and his men charged down the passage, cutting down orcs like nothing. Battle was in their blood, and they were there for the battle. After cutting through so many orcs, Rinic and his men arrived at their destination. "Hello woorrrmmmmmsssssss!" said a truly evil voice...