[color=00ff00][h3]This is my idea...[/h3][/color]instead of having people come in, present a character, and when the game ends or the character dies, they all go their separate ways. End of story. Instead we get a group of gamers together... some people say "Hey, I was thinking of running this game." We all decide what to play together, and we go from there. However, when [i]this[/i] game ends or a character dies we treat it just like a face to face game. We say "so what are we playing next?" See what I did there? Instead of everybody walking away because the game is pivotal, it is the group that is pivotal now. So why am I on here recruiting? First of all, I suck at selling things, my games, my characters, myself. Secondly, I don't know if it is just me and a run of bad luck but I keep encountering 4 scenarios. This is over the span of dozens of applications and months of waiting and working and trying to get something going. [Hider=1) A game run by a tyrant with a chip on his shoulder.] [color=00ff00][b]Me:[/b] So, you keep shutting down my character ideas, but you don't tell me why or how to make them fit your game. Can you give me some feedback?[/color] [color=red][b]Ego-trip-man:[/b] I've had about enough of your guff, mister, one more step out of line and I'm banning your $@#@ &^%# from my game. Heck, you should be kicked off of the board entirely for $&#% stuff like that! I'm being gracious here, but one more peep out of you and I'm going to the board administrators about you.[/color][/hider] [hider=2) No-show players] [color=7ea7d8][b]Flaky Player:[/b] Gosh, 1 post of 25 words a week... I don't know, I'm sooooooo busy I've got work and school and Pokemon Go. When am I going to have time for this? I'd better just join, fill up an available space, and then vanish without a trace when the adventure starts. I'm sure that everyone will be appreciative that I got them started.[/color][/hider] [hider=3) The games I choose to run are invisible...] I don't get a single nibble and I have tried a number of strategies. People act like I'm peddling poop. [color=00ff00][b]What I say:[/b] Hey, come check out my original game concept. It isn't like anything you've seen before![/color] [color=aaff00][b]What they hear:[/b] Hey, you wanna buy some poop. Pooped it myself just this morning. Poop poop poop[/color][/hider] [hider=4) Games I have no clue about.] [color=yellow][b]GM:[/b] Whoooo's ready for some Hakatushi Mitsu Gi Mushi![/color] [color=00ff00][b]Me:[/b] *Read read read* What!?[/color] [color=yellow][b]GM:[/b] You mean to tell me that you didn't buy the reel to reel films from Japan and translate them into English or learn Japanese to really experience them they way they are intended? I could explain, but there's just too much. Go watch the entire series, it's only 10,000 hours worth, I'll save you a spot.[/color] [color=ed145b][b]A throng of other players:[/b] Oh! Hakatushi Mitsu Gi Mushi![/color][/hider] So, enough on recruiting for games. That isn't working out, and enough for applying to games, that isn't working out. [color=yellow]So, let's just focus on meeting some new respectable people and decide where to go from there.[/color] As for me, it really doesn't matter what we are playing. (I say that, but I don't play horror or tabletop at all.) I'm game for anything because this really isn't a pivotal life decision here, it's a game. I don't have a story that HAS to be told, and I don't have a character I HAVE to play. Some of the best games I've been in are ones that I had no control over character creation. So, playing? Sure, I'm cool with that. Running a game? I'm cool with that too. So, here are some ideas on what I can GM for you guys if Fantasy Rising: Somewhat generic fantasy, but I find that D&D straight up isn't as fun since you have to be pretty educated in the Encyclopedia Arcana (aka 3.5 edition) Rift Runners: Sci-Fantasy with modern characters from earth traveling to fantastic places. Superheroes (I prefer Marvel, but I am better equipped at handling DC) Alpha Zone: Science Fiction band of misfits in which the characters are trying to go big or go home. Elf Dawn: This is a comedy game in which characters are about equal to Christmas Elves in a Lord of the Rings kind of world. Something Else: I am super creative and have been generating new worlds, environments, plots, etc for about 25 years now. We can do free-form, or we can use a rules system. (I have my own creation as well if anybody wants to give it a go.) In addition I am willing to play just about anything so long as I am surrounded by the right folks. So, how's about it? Let's get some introductions some blabbering (and the whole friendship making thing) and some votes on what we want to play.