Congratulations on your daughter! I'm certain that she's adorable. I'll repay your little bio with one of my own. I'm 27, living out on the West coast of British Columbia. Single, working as a tester in the videogame industry. Don't want to remain a tester, my goal is to end up doing design work for games. It's what I went to school for after all—that, and creative writing. As far as movies, I'll admit to being a bit out of the loop myself! Last thing I saw in theaters, I think, was Deadpool, and before that it was probably Zootopia. I don't really know what all is coming out in the near future, but I'm going to be watching that Star Wars: Rogue One thing pretty closely (It's dealing with the plotline from the Dark Forces videogames, which I grew up playing!) and I'm expecting that I'll like Moana when that comes out. As far as videogames, I'm looking forward to a few. The new WoW expansion comes out towards the end of next month, and Dishonored 2 is still on the horizon. FIFA also comes out late September I believe, so with any luck I'll have a lot of free time after that date if I get laid off like I'm expecting.