[@Deserted] I'm mostly concept and setting design! I have a very strong grasp of art theory, my dad was an instructor in 3D art at the school and my mother is a painter so I grew up around that stuff. I can do some basic scripting, mostly to prototype my ideas in gamemaker, but my art skills are fairly meh. TBH, if I had a good artist handy, that would open up the options for making several games. I haven't actually written anything in ages, but I want to get back into writing. Last time I was sitting down to write something to show to other people, that was probably when I was writing MLP fanfiction under a pseudonym over on FIMFiction. For whatever it's worth, one of the things I wrote there got top slot in the featured stories box for like a week, so apparently people quite enjoyed it. When I get back into writing stories, they're likely going to have a savage fantasy bent to them.