[@Deserted] Favourite campaign? Probably the Evil campaign we did years back, though that was likely because we had a great group dynamic. Basically, there were two players, myself and one of my close friends, and each of us ran two characters. I think we might have even made them gestalt or something. We set out with the ambiguous goal of gaining power, and we wound up using a combination of murder, drugs and mind control to organize a monopoly on the arms industry for a large city-state—we wound up being the only supplier to the guards / local military, and basically anyone who wanted to buy so much as a knife had to go through us. From there, we used our influence to gain access to ruling individuals, who we carefully and over a long period of time warped the mind of to leave our group in a position of greater power. There was no concrete goal and the campaign never really ended, but we had some great times. My characters were a yuan-ti sorcerer or wizard, I forget which, and an extremely brutal Lizardfolk cleric who greatly enjoyed frontline combat.