[hider=It's a Work in Progress] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7pN6OAA.png[/img] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBcXe2B97TQ]Holy water cannot help you now[/url][/i] [b]What is your real name?[/b] Ava Johnson [b]Are you male or female?[/b] Female [b]What is your age?[/b] 16 [b]When is your birthday?[/b] 11/23 [b]What grade are you in?[/b] 11 [b]What are some of your hobbies and interests?[/b] I have no hobbies. Nothing interests me. [b]How would you describe your personality?[/b] I wouldn't. [b]What has your life been like so far?[/b] Boring, and why does the school need to know this? [b]What will you pick as your screen name (and alias if asked)?[/b] xXx666D4rkShad0wGo3tia666xXx ; Jordan [b]What are your thoughts on the project?[/b] I don't think about these sorts of things [i]Ava actually doesn't think about these sorts of things[/i] [b]Anything else you'd like to add?[/b] No [i]Apparently has an Australian cousin named Norma[/i] [hider=Relationship Values] [b]Jordan Welsh-Noire - Fellow ElderFornicator[/b] An Internet friend who I know but I don't [i]know[/i]. [b]Samuel Childers - Childhood Friend[/b] Still has not reached sufficient friend level to unlock my tragic backstory. [b]Abigail Childers - Cousin of Friend[/b] Self-explanatory. [b]Ashley Hart - ???[/b] What are we? [b]Ivan Komolov - Communist[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NMnnMRWJ-0]Remember, no Russian[/url] [b]Everyone Else - Neutral[/b] I don't care enough about these people to write descriptions of them. [b]Badly Drawn Dog - Magnum Opus[/b] I have no regrets. This is the only path. [/hider][/center][/hider]