I was in this group that was playing Game of Thrones. Anyhow, as we went along I was the one holding the item of power (you know the one that if destroyed or properly used saves the day) We wind up getting double recruited by two underground organizations that basically say "do what we want or die." Unfortunately, they are also in direct opposition to each other. Anyhow, we had been going for months strait, and my character had lost 2 of her 3 brothers, her pacifist father was imprisoned and sentenced to be executed. The guy she had a crush on was assassinated, her friends (PCs) were getting killed off one by one. She was betrayed by one of them. Every time we tried to use the item of power (she was the only one who could use it) it wasn't enough or was riddled with evilness. So, anyhow, I started cracking open the psychology books and began implementing PTSD and more and more aggressive psychological coping methods because it had been one thing after another. In the end, I find a third avenue from the cloak and dagger groups that are pulling our strings. I realize that they all want our arch-nemesis dead and are undermining his authority... so I marry my character off to the guy, trading protection from these shadow agents and using the item of power to counter them. LOL! Expos-facto I went through and showed, step by step, how my character was starting to loose it, and the other players were like "Oh my gosh! I didn't even notice that!" Awesome ending, and rather appropriate for the universe.