Hey guys! It looks like this thread is still active so I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring so to speak. I'm a 31 year old tech support agent from Northern California (Think forests and farmland, not beaches). I like the idea of creating a group of writing buddies and going from there. I know for me personally, my posts tend to drop off when I'm one of 20 folks on an RP and there's a ton of posts to catch up on. A small group, especially one that jumps genres occasionally sounds like the perfect situation! I've done some online Star Trek RPGs in my day, and right now I just finished DMing the first part of Rise of the Runelords (Pathfinder) and now get to play the next section. My favorite genres would be scifi or fantasy, though I've always wanted to do an X-men or Marvel game. Got in on one where it was gender-bent Avengers but it fizzled before anything got off the ground. I'm admittedly much better at the character creation part of the RPG equation, but I'm definitely willing to give it a shot. I also think it could be amazing to use some concept art found online (I'm loving Efflam Mecier's work right now) and build a world around it. This brief intro turned into a huge post, but I'm just super stoked about this idea :)