[quote=Kill Bones] I hope the addition of the ost made up for that last godawful 5% of the game [/quote] Actually, I think it did, for me at least. I really like soundtracks to some games, and I tend not to skip a lot of the songs when they come up on my iPod, so I've gotten several hours worth out of the music. Despite the super lackluster ending, I'm not going to let that dictate the rest of the series. As they say, it's the journey, not the destination. I don't see the point in being like those people who go on BioWare Social Network and froth at the mouth in every topic about how the ending ruined the series for them and how they will never trust BioWare again and how they deserved shit and returned their games immediately after finishing it and deleting their saved games and blah blah blah. Besides, this made up for the ending, a hundred times over: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7OWKdfaRAg