So this is a story I wrote a long time ago and thought it would be entertaining to make it as an RP so lets see who I can get to go along with this, keep in mind that the plot below talks like its part of a bigger world because it is but for this RP I'm only going to focus on this one aspect of that world. [hider=Plot and starting point...well sorta] There are continents on the planet Cresea that have been vastly settled on by sentient creatures such as Traylor, Zayler while others like Heldruma have given birth to a cluster of sentient life in the form of the Su, Euclian, Daria, even the Tartarians show signs of cognitive thought process, this is a prime example of evolution or nature taking a swing at something different. However, there are continents on Cresea where the process of evolution happens much slower or not at all, where the creatures continue on their savage ways with no real signs of slowing down, where every generation is just as monstrous and vicious as the last and there’s no other place on the known map quite like Iluin. If there was ever a place real monsters live Iluin would be it with plenty of diverse ecosystems ranging from mountain ranges, plains, jungles and much more, Iluin can house just about all walks of life ready to climb its way from the muck and survive long enough to stake a claim on a piece of land. Iluin quickly became a forbidden area for sailors even the strongest of mages came back with horror stories of their abilities being sapped away when in truth the continent itself has an overlay of mana in the atmosphere just like the rest of the world and nothing there has adapted to use magic so there’s a much more concentrated amount of it so concentrated in fact its nearly visible by the naked eye. With so much unused mana around magic spells tend to work differently than in other places like Traylor, most spells tend to be a lot more powerful when used which would make taming Iluin easy for a group of mages; however, because none of the creatures here can use magic directly more than half of the population are born with a strong magical immunity this being the only positive form of evolution taking place. Many years past and the continent was now nothing more than a distant memory, people knew not to go near it but nobody seemed to talk about it much anymore until strange tribe claiming to have origins to Iluin sprang up and began recruiting those who would help them tame the land. This tribe of dragonkin called themselves the Eruset a for the most part a new race of subdragon with human features, a lot more scales than skin and their generalized builds were made for killing. The Eruset are too few in numbers to lay claim to such a savage land so a recruitment drive has been set in place to drum up anyone willing to fight with them, many would be too afraid to go but those who had nothing to loose, looking for fame and glory or just thrill seekers would be drawn to this obvious suicide mission. [/hider] OOC: This RP is going to be fantasy (Duh) mainly PvE where you (your character) along with others (other characters and NPCs) will try to survive the horrors of Iluin all while attempting to create a functioning settlement that protects you from the abominations both day and night as well as discover the connection the Eruset have with this place in general. Think of it as Monster Hunter meets Bloodborne. As far as races go I won't limit you on whatever you create, nor will I have a direct say in the magic (Some are out of the question like space and time manipulation.... Vectors too) they use, just keep in mind the stronger they are, the more I have to go out of my way to make Iluin nerf them; I only ask that your character be thought out and presented in a.... unique (riiiiiight) way. Because this is just an interest check I wont type out how the Eruset work as a race, just know they can't use magic, have a high resistance to it and their technology is somewhat akin to how the video game bloodborne's weapons are (transforming)