[h1][center][b][u][i][color=darkblue]Inherit[/color][/i][/u][/b][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://img06.deviantart.net/6248/i/2013/159/c/c/stopmotion___oc_commission_by_phil_cho-d68bnvo.jpg[/img][color=red](Ignore the fast-forward symbol and replace it with a large I. Also, I do not own this art, obviously.)[/color] [color=lime][u][b]Height[/b][/u][/color] [color=black]5'8[/color] [color=lime][u][b]Weight[/b][/u][/color] [color=black]138 lbs[/color] [color=lime][u][b]Eye color[/b][/u][/color] [color=silver]His[/color] [color=red]eyes[/color] [color=lightblue]shift[/color] [color=gold]colors,[/color] [color=black]depending[/color] [color=yellow]on[/color] [color=darkgreen]the[/color][color=teal] incarnations[/color] [color=olive]abilities[/color][color=maroon] or [/color][color=brown]skills[/color] [color=chocolate]he's[/color][color=white] using[/color][color=darkslategray] at[/color][color=gray] the[/color][color=navy] time,[/color][color=cadetblue] though[/color][color=aqua] his[/color][color=greenyellow] eyes[/color][color=purple] are[/color][color=magenta] usually[/color][color=plum] a [/color][color=khaki]deep[/color][color=darkgoldenrod] hazel.[/color] [color=lime][u][b]Hair color[/b][/u][/color] [color=black]Black[/color] [/center] [hr] [center][color=darkblue][b]Name[/b][/color] Chance Cynix Vivit [color=darkblue][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Inherit [color=darkblue][b]Age:[/b][/color] 15 [color=darkblue][b]Gender:[/b] [/color] Male [color=darkblue][b]Classification:[/b] [/color] Metahuman [color=darkblue][b]Equipment:[/b] [/color] [url=https://www.karatemart.com/images/products/large/collapsible-bo-staff.jpg] A large, collapsable bo staff, baton combo.[/url] The staff is able to be used in it's collpsed state as a baton, as well and being able to seperate into two seperate escrima sticks in it unfolded form simply by unlocking and twisting the mechanism. The staff is kept in a small holster on Chance's left hip, in it's collapsed form. [url=http://www.dixmetals.com/images/Portfolio_images/5_foot_dia_stainless_steel_ground.jpg]A large, eight foot metal disc that Chance can use to levitate and fly on. The disc usually floats idly around him, or is found under his feet resting on the ground when not in use.[/url] [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51LzEHYA6vL._AC_UL115_.jpg] A small, over the shoulder sling backpack[/url] containing a few items. [hider=Inside the backpack] [url=http://www.recoilweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/1206-02-o+multi-tool-buyers-guide+multitasker-tools-series-2X.jpg]A Multi-tool[/url] [url=http://www.jamesbondlifestyle.com/sites/default/files/styles/fancybox_popup/public/images/product/ga074-maglite-flashlight-3-d-cell.jpg?itok=hTKj34iH]A Police Grade Flashlight[/url] [url=http://www.michellehenry.fr/first-aid-kit.jpg]A Basic First-Aid Kit[/url] [url=https://securethumbs.ebay.com/images/g/wO0AAOSwwo1Xcxwo/s-l225.jpg]A hunting Slingshot[/url] [url=http://img.dxcdn.com/productimages/sku_257981_1.jpg]A pack of one-hundred-sixty, metal marbles that Chance uses as ammo for his slingshot, he is able to "charge" these marbles to create a rather explosive effect.[/url] Four bottles of water [/hider] His smartphone, which he usually keeps on his person, whether it be in his bag or in his pockets. [/center] [hr] [center] [color=lime][b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][/color] Olympic level gymnast Professional level weapons expertise Knowledge and skill of a mechanical and electrical college grad. [color=darkblue][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [color=red][b]Inheritance:[/b][/color] Chance absorbs the abilities and powers that played a large role in their previous lives. Say for instance in their past life they were a professional chef, they would gain their cooking ability, however, they would not gain their little bit of surfing experience from those few times they vacationed in Hawaii. This goes for powers as well, so say they were once a superhero/villain, or used their powers for a large portion of their life, they would gain whatever power they had in that life, however, they would not gain the power of the metahuman they were six lives ago, who just so happened to be a hydrokinetic, though they didn't use their ability for more than basic tasks or on a day-to-day basis, they would not gain this ability. Chance is limited to only one skill or power for each of his past lives, not both and not multiple of each. If his previous self had three superpowers, he would not gain all three, nor would he gain the most powerful or the most useful, but rather the one they used the most, had the most experience with, had the longest, and had the biggest part in their life. Chance also is not born with access to all of his previous skills or powers, but rather, if he's lucky, he unlocks them through his life. Even as this is, he is almost guaranteed to never unlock all of his skills and powers in one lifetime, unless some powerful being capable of doing so had helped him, or, he became immortal and had forever to unlock them, and even then it would take hundreds of thousands of years. [color=silver][b]EM Manipulation:[/b][/color] Chance's first unlocked, and most formidable power of this life, so far. Chance has gained this ability from one of his past selves, Electromagnetism Manipulation and, in theory, has the potential to use this ability in quite a large variety of applications, including electrokinesis, light manipulation, and quite a few more. Though, it is on a much much lower scale as of now, only able to control metal and sense disturbances and/or presence in the field, allowing him to be able to sense people around him, if not with a bit of concentration. Chance is able to control roughly up to six tons of weight, though this is with strain, and if he pushes this ability for too long it can cause intense shooting pains throughout his entire body, potentially causing him to lose control of his ability, therefore creating a large, nuclear like explosion of electromagnetic energy, causing death, destruction, and potential widespread chaos. Chance has gained much skill and power in this ability, able to use it to potentially take down a lot of heavy hitters, and will serve him well in the field. [color=darkred][b]Arachnid control:[/b][/color] Chance's second power that he has unlocked in this life and has had for nearly six years, gaining moderate experience. Chance is able to call and psychically control arachnids, though this power is completely dependent on the amount, and type of arachnids in his immediate vicinity. Chance's normal range for psychically calling and controlling these arachnid creatures is thirty-five feet, or roughly 10.7 meters. Chance can push this up to fifty feet, with concentration, and at a max one-hundred, though this would cause extreme psychic feedback, causing his senses to overload and render him unconscious for most likely a few hours. Also, if Chance tries to control too many of these creatures or create too large of a horde, the results will be almost exactly alike, though the spiders would be sent into a wild frenzy mode, acting as one hive-minded being that attacks everything in sight. [color=lime][b]Compression of localized energy:[/b][/color] Chance's third, and final unlocked power so far, which he has had for a total of two months, gaining very limited power. Only able to create small "eruptions" by sucking all the heat in a small area into one spot and compressing it, creating a small "cold-zone" and then once the heat is compressed enough it "erupts" into a small, contained explosion, creating a fire in said area that will burn out in around twenty seconds. He is also able to energize small to medium sized handheld objects, such as charging his marbles to make them explosive, of charging his staff for added damage, as well as being able to supercharge his hand, enabling him to use it as a kind of plasma-torch. Once he gains more experience and becomes more powerful wit this ability he will be able to create orbs of energy that can be used for various effects, as well as creating explosions and fires, etc. [color=lime][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Just because Chance unlocks a power, by no means (of his own accord) will it be as powerful as it was in his previous life, but rather a weakened version that he will grow back into, and possibly past what he had in his previous life, however, this process is not quick and requires him to gain experience using the power. Though Chance has incredible stamina with the two powers that he has had for most of this life, his recently unlocked power and other powers he unlocks drain him extremely quickly, only able to use them in short bursts until they completely burn him out, making him lethargic, unable to use any of his other abilities, often leaving him out of breath, and more often than not causing him to have piercing migraines, as well as giving him horrible stomach and muscle cramps, causing nearly debilitating pain. Recently, Chance has been experiencing intense flux's in his power levels, which can be dangerous if one were to happen at the wrong time, as these flux's can, and have thrown his powers into disarray more than one time, causing him to lose control and often lash out. When he does manage to keep his powers under control through these flux's, he is able to accomplish things he never could have before, such as create eruptions large enough to create substantial craters in the ground, or lift and control well over his normal limit in metal. This began shortly after his mother's passing, around five months ago. Ever since Chance has been trying his hardest to keep these flux's under control, and possibly even find a way to harness them, though to him it has been seemingly to no avail, he has made progress. These flux's result in intense whole body pain and severe migraines worse than any other his abilities may cause him. Chance is always down for a good fight, and will always prefer to do things with his fist and abilities rather than using his brain or thinking up a plan of battle, instead he's usually the first one on the field, seen throwing out various kicks or punches, or dealing out the damage with his powers. As you can guess, this often gets him in great deals of trouble. Chance suffers from severe anxiety, though he's struggled through his entire life trying to get it under control, and has finally managed to do so. Though, the tiniest, tiniest metal push can break this, sending him into an extreme attack, as well as completely ruining what he hs worked his whole life to get under control. Whatever form this push may come in, whether it be psychic, magical, through some kind of toxin or gas, or whatever other methods you could think of. [/center] [center] [color=darkblue][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Chance's personality is quite shaky, depending almost entirely on his confidence level. when he is feeling quite confident he can be quite charismatic, as well as funny and what most people would consider the "cool guy", though it can sometimes cause him to be varying levels of ignorant. When his confidence is down a bit, he can be the quiet, shy guy that's in the corner that won't speak unless spoken to or really has something to say. [color=darkblue][b]History:[/b][/color] Tis is born a prodigy in each and every one of his lives, always unlocking his first skill at the age of five and progressively is able to bring it closer and closer to where it had been in whatever previous life he had possessed it. This life, Tis, or Chance rather, unlocked the skill he possessed as Simona Amanar, an Olympic-level gymnast, and gold medal winner of the 2000 Olympics, quickly becoming an Olympic level athlete himself, at the extremely early age of eleven. A year prior to this, Chance unlocked his second ability of this life, gaining amazing talent in staff, rapier, and dagger combat. Due to all this, Chance and his family have always lived quite well, not quite rich, but most definitely on the wealthier side of life. as well as being known around the U.S, while not exactly being "famous" he had his fifteen minutes of fame, and may still be recognized by a few people, who cared to remember who he is. Just this year, Chance unlocked yet another ability, though it isn't exactly what you'd call useful... at least not yet. Chance gained the knowledge of a community college mechanical and electrical grad. Though this does grant him the ability to create small projects, that could potentially benefit him, as well as grant him the knowledge to speak to the more, eh, technically advanced heroes, it would not grant him the ability to make himself anything that could really make a difference in a battle, or really any kind of really tight situation, unless he were to work with someone. As of now, Chance isn't really able to do, well, much of anything with this ability as the knowledge and skill is still coming to him. Chance has been able to keep his powers under control for most of his life, but he always felt as if he should be doing more with his incredible talents and abilities, only holding back for fear of what he saw of other heroes lives, in the small glances the public sometimes sees. He always practiced with these abilities, when he wasn't training in his other fields of skill or studying for school. Chance's life was always very busy, and his parents could be quite strict and we're always stern, they were good to him, nd did they're best to raise him right. Though Chance would often get overwhelmed with his crazy life and everything his parents made him do, he loved them, very much so. And it was because of this that Chance was so utterly devastated when his mother was killed in a battle between the Fantastic Four and Molecule Man. It was at this point in time that Chance became obsessed with being a hero, and has such began training his abilities on his own as much as possible, until taking up this opportunity. [color=darkblue][b]Other:[/b][/color] My favorite Marvel character is either Loki or Havok. [/center]