The pale woman stared up at him and gently took the offered hand before standing up. "Thank you," She murmured softly, wading out of the water. She then tossed her head back to the yell the woman had called out to her with, and spat in her direction. Gippal only smiled, Alex was hard to get along with. He looked at her as he followed her out of the water and saw her turn back to him. "I apologize... for my abruptness. I have had a harsh few days." Before he could answer the chocobo came to her and trilled proudly to show her its prize, she looked at it sternly. "Abra... that was rude what you did. Apologize." Abra, held its head up in visible surprise and sheepishly bowed its head to Gippal, as though it really were apologizing. He made a sad, low trill before nudging the ball back to Gippals feet. Gippal hesitated for a moment before placing a palm on the chocobos head and stroked it with a smile. "You are forgiven Abra." He knew how smart these birds where, one actually saved his life on a mission before, so he knew he was understood just how well he reacted to the woman's command. He then turned to her and said, " Don't worry about it. Pick understand, we all get those once in a while. Can't get mad at someone when I would probably act like that just as well." He looked down At the ball and popped it up with his foot and caught it with his left hand with ease. He looked over to see the one who gave him the ball to sign, who didn't want to get near the bird. So he simply dropped the ball again and gave it to be a soft kick that soared high and landed just at the boys feet. "My name is Gippal." He said softly as he watched the boy pick up the ball and run off to his parents with a smile. He looked at her and asked, "May I ask yours?"