"Oh, hey Miko," Yunosuke said, smiling warmly. Hers was always a welcome face, no matter the occasion. However, he was much more interested in Chosokabe. The headmaster was practically beaming, going on excitedly about the ability to engage in a Rank Challenge. Not only that, but to be tested as a team with Hattori. Frankly, he wasn't even sure that was a thing. He always thought going from rank to rank had to be done on an individual basis, and potentially in a small, dark chamber with torches and trap doors. There wasn't a lot of time to bask in the praise, though, especially when glass shattered almost in his face. Pure instinct drove him to dive to the side, tackling Miko out of the way with him, careful not to hit her too hard, but attempting to keep them both out of the line of debris. He ended up on the floor with her, doing his best not to look directly into her eyes as he quickly stood up, brushing himself off and working down a small, embarrassed blush as he sought the cause of the disruption. Unsurprisingly, it was Hattori, hands aflame and blades out, grappling with his smarmy older brother. The only thought racing through his mind at the moment was, [i]oh fuck, this had better not screw us out of our little try-out.[/i] Well, that and he hoped against hope that he wouldn't get stuck cleaning this shit up. He watched Hattori go down like a wet rag doll and felt his jaw hanging down. That was brutal precision, and it was amazing. Terrifying, too, of course. Yunosuke watched Shima as he showboated his way through his threat. It was rather funny, actually. Much as he was warming up to Hattori, he could definitely see the smart-ass family resemblance. "Look, [i]Shumai[/i], I'm gonna take good care of your precious little brother, but I can guarantee I'll wipe the goddamn floor with you if you pull something like that again," he said, with a sneer. He felt confident in making such a presumptuous bluff with the headmaster in the same room with him, but deep down, he meant it. Shima and Kazuya both rubbed him the wrong way, and Shima had just come in raising hell and endangering his friend and partner. That was two strikes in rapid succession. With that, he hoisted Hattori, slinging his arm around his shoulder in order to help drag the slightly taller guy. He gestured to Miko, "You wanna lend me a hand?" He would definitely appreciate the company. "Don't mind if I do," Teijo smiled as he crept up beside the human, seemingly from nowhere, to carry his half of his fellow yokai. "Weren't you...?" he began, stunned. "I told you the headmaster summoned me. I came back to see Hattori down and thought he wouldn't mind if I stopped to give you a hand," Teijo looked to Chosokabe who nodded in approval. Miko giggled slightly. "Don't worry, Yunosuke, I'll come with you," she chuckled, following behind the pair of mismatched guys. She had been impressed, of course, with Yunosuke's performance with the Berserker, but perhaps most of all, with the fact he was starting to feel more at ease with yokai. It had been a huge obstacle for him to overcome and he was blossoming as a result. They walked quickly and got Hattori in an examination room with the staff. Miko had hoped for a moment to be alone with Yunosuke, but Teijo struck up the conversation once more. "Before I get going, I want to tell you to watch your back," he said, deadly serious, hardly making eye contact. It appeared to be bad news, whatever it was, but he was having trouble putting it into words, "You're good at what you do. That's going to make you a target, especially if you keep running into Shinigami with such spectacularly destructive results." Miko's eyes darted between them as Teijo once more made an exit. She approached Yunosuke, who was ruffling his hair with a frustrated sigh. "Man, every time I think I'm starting to like the guy, he gives me bullshit like that," he shook his head and then turned his attention to Miko, "It's been a crazy day. Do you want to wait with me here for the dumbest yokai alive to wake up? I can really use a break."