[center][h1]The Stage Is Set...[/h1] [hider=map][img]http://i.imgur.com/9cxGraZ.jpg[/img][/hider] [h3]Important Figures[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jk43sJ6.png[/img] Queen Isabelle de Brienne of Jerusalem The young daughter of Queen Maria Aleramericci, Isabelle was thrust to the throne of Jerusalem as an infant, her mother having died shortly after she was born. A spirited young girl, she is in need of guidance if she is ever to become a competent monarch. [img]http://i.imgur.com/tMXl4CA.png[/img] Jean de Brienne Regent of Jerusalem Father of Isabelle and consort of the late Queen Maria, Jean was thrust into the regency at the request of the Pope. Jean is a proud old crusader, though years of resisting Muslim aggression with little help from the church has given him a cynical view of the Vatican. After nine years, Jean's health is failing and he has taken to seclusion, leaving the rule of Jerusalem in the hands of the council. [img]http://i.imgur.com/hKnKnWj.png[/img] Guerin de Montaigu Grandmaster of the Knights Hospitallars Known for his brilliant and cunning tactics on the field of battle, Guerin de Monaigu is arguably the most powerful figure in the kingdom, with a sizable host at his command and the lordship of Baalbak and Krak Castle within the Hashishin controlled lands of Archa. [img]http://i.imgur.com/3cVbptw.png[/img] Peter de Montaigu Grandmaster of the Knights Templar Elder sibling to Guerin de Montaigu, Peter lacks the landed titles of his powerful younger brother, yet he still has a great host at his command. Peter is proud and stubborn but has a strong sense of justice that makes him a popular man in the kingdom. [img]http://i.imgur.com/dYpTJc8.png[/img] Balian de Grenier Count of Tyrus The lord of Tyrus and a masterful head for strategy has made Balian indispensable in the struggle to control Jerusalem from Muslim infidels. Diligent and popular, he is loyal to the council and the Queen. [img]http://i.imgur.com/YTPAG25.png[/img] Jean d'Ibelin Count of Beirut Ruler of the Beirut stronghold and a keen scholar and statesman. Despite the rumours of sodomy that surround the man, his lordship over Beirut, though despised by the populace, has accrued great profits for his treasury. [img]http://i.imgur.com/znV3UJZ.png[/img] Pope Honorius III Honorius oversaw the Fifth Crusade, first initiated by his predascessor, Pope Innocent III. The Crusade was a disaster, Honorius failing to secure the troops and funds needed to gain victory. Led mainly by the forces of Hungary and Austria, the crusader army was defeated by Egyptian forces, and an uneasy peace between the Ayyubid Caliphate and Europe ensued. Honorius ascended to St. Peter's throne in 1216, and is a native of Rome. Though holding a strong sense of justice, Honorius is known to fear heretical and Muslim conspiracies to weaken the church. [img]http://i.imgur.com/btUJv0V.png[/img] Friedrich II von Hohenstaufen Holy Roman Emperor, King of Italy Born in Italy, Friedrich is a man of limitless ambition. Viewing himself as a descendant of the Roman emperors of antiquity, Friedrich took the title of Emperor of the Romans at his papal coronation in 1220. From his power base in Italy, where he rose to become King of Sicily before taking power in the greater Holy Roman Empire, Friedrich rules with an iron fist. Pragmatic and unforgiving to his enemies, Friedrich could easily be considered the most powerful man in the world. [img]http://i.imgur.com/mhcx8XA.png[/img] [/center] WIP