([@Ophidian] And [@Dynamo Frokane] Collab Post) Arnaud Degas liked to think he was a simple man. Give him a duty to perform, good music, good drink, a decent plane and some fine male company and he was content. He currently had the music and the drink. As demonstrated by the fact he lounging back in a chair, shirtless, drinking some of the rum he’d managed to salvage from the old outpost. And the plane was stashed in a cave somewhere. He was however, lamentably, without fine male company. He was also, lamentably, running low on supplies. Food was….nice. Also necessary for life. And he only had enough left for a month or two more. Still. At least he’d starve to death properly. In a fairly home cabin, good music from a recorded track, and a red flag pinned to the wall. ….Well. Actually he wouldn’t so much starve to death as put a bullet in his brainpan when it got that bad, but details. A knock on the door and some muffled words interrupted his train of thought. His hand immediately want for the AK-47 laid out on the table, slowly, he made his way to the door, and he raised his voice to respond. “Well.” Arnaud drawled. “That’s a nice story, but I’m gonna need to ask for some proof. These aren’t exactly safe times. Or places.” His voice has a light caribbean accent to it, along with something of a hereditary french accent. The result...was...interesting to say the least. And also popular with the foreigners, if past experience was any indication. Roland sighed relief when he heard the inhabitant respond with such a civilized tone, but also kept on guard when he heard the lock and tumble of what sounded like an Assault rifle in the person's hands. He motioned Rggie to get a better angle on the door as he spoke. [i]I have my contract here with me, it has the Albion Avengers seal of approval along with a signature from Commander Ryan from the British division. Also if you look out your window you will see our planes, we aren't bandits, most of us are ex-military. I'm happy to come in and talk to you unnarmed if you want, we can discuss anything you aren't sure about.[/i] Roland kept his gun close but had it lowered, hoping that Reggie still had him covered. Arnaud Degas paused. “Alright. Let’s say I believe you. Open the door real slow, and we’ll talk.” He paused, mind racing. “And if you are who you say you are, I hope you’ve got a guard on those planes.” If they did have supplies….well, this could be his ticket out of here for one thing. Not being certain he was going to die in the next month or two would be what was known in the business as a ‘big plus’. Roland didn't want to take any risks by startling a man with an assualt rifle so he holstered his own pistol and motioned Reggie to lower his and stay back with the group, who were all looking pretty fed up and exhausted having to wait in the freezing wind, placing all their faith in Roland's diplomacy. [i]I'm afraid these planes are all currently unguarded, we are single fighter pilots who have been contracted together for a mission, we arent an official military unit.[/i] Roland kept his voice calm as he spoke and slowly pushed open the door. Only to see a Tall handsome young man brandishing and AK-47, seemed like a sensible weapon, especially if he was here alone. [i]Well, here I am, my pistol is in my side holster, but they safety is on as you can look and see, and I have no intention of using it, may I come in? I wish to negotiate a way for my wingmates to enter with you and they dont seem to comfortable at the moment.[/i] Roland peered over the man's shoulder and saw a red flag pinned to the wall, and noticed an army jacket on the table behind him. [i]I take it you are communist military? Central American maybe? I'm Ex-Canadian resistance, technically allies depending on what war sticks out to you most.[/i] Arnaud paused and considered the situation. “So. You come in, pistol holstered, admit you’ve got alot of friends outside-giving away any ambush, and you’ve got more knowledge of politics then the average bandit.” Then waved his hand. “Alright. That’s all I wanted. Confirmation. They can come in.” He slung the AK-47 over his shoulder. “And yes. I flew for the Federated Republics down in the Caribbean. We were hoping to set up an outpost up north. Expand. Force projection. All that.” He waved his hand around the cabin. “Clearly, this didn’t quite work out.” Roland exhaled deeply as the man unfocused his gun on him and took a more relaxed stance.He could tell this soldier was legit and no way some sort of criminal. Roland looked around the cabin, it was certainly livable but not somewhere a private would station himself by choice. Nonetheless it was warm and Roland was eager to negotiate his team inside. [i]Yes, I do have a few teammates, two of which cant stand up and need another 4 just to keep them upright, we've been flying for days, you see and we are low on fuel so we had to land somewhere. But we are all going to die in the nighta cold without shelter, so if you will have us for a short time soldier we could trade you some food rations and possibly fix up that bomber plane of yours in the shallow cave, on of our crew is a fixer class and he'd be happy to take a look at it.[/i] The rest of the team had now found themselves closer to the door, all freezing and looking desperate. Roland looked back at them with empathy but turned towards the soldier awaiting a response. “Uh. Sorry. Must now have been clear. Yeah. They can come in.” The FCRC pilot tossed Roland a sly look. “But I’ll take you up on that offer of supplies. I’ve got enough for two months myself-but if you’re giving me a chance to get off this rock….well, help yourselves.” [i] Well thank you for you hospitality, but now with the bunch of us, that month's ration kind of turns into a couple days ration, even with the food we have, but I do have a plan. And I dont expect any of us to be stuck on this mountain for more than 24 hours. But we will need your help, Private.[/i] Roland outstretched his arm to shake the man's hand as he turned around and nodded to the rest of the crew, they all scurried in whilst shivering with hurried nods and mumbled thank you's to the reasonable stranger. Roland made his way in and sat at the largest table he could find and pulled out some folders and his computer. The plan was being formulated.