[center] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/4773/f/2014/127/1/7/ultimate_peter_parker_returns_by_earthcenturion-d7hjufl.png[/img] [color=red][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'5 [color=red][b]Weight:[/b][/color] 145 lbs [color=red][b]Eye color:[/b][/color] Hazel [color=red][b]Hair color:[/b][/color] Brown [color=red][b]Other:[/b][/color] [hider=Ben's first costume.] [img]http://tri-stateoriginalart.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/alex-ross-spider-man-movie-original-art.jpg[/img] The costume Norman Osborn had made him. It was a red and black costume with black lenses. [/hider] [hider=Spider-Boy/Second costume] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8ppr0c9BJ1ryow7jo1_500.jpg[/img] A makeshift costume Ben'll make after ditching the one Green Goblin made him. It's very obvious he didn't take time into it, and that it was an homemade costume. [/hider] [/center] [color=red][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent] Benjamin "Ben" Reilly (Doesn't have a name right now.) [/indent] [color=red][b]Alias:[/b][/color] [indent] None (Soon to be Spider-Boy) [/indent] [color=red][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent] 16 [/indent] [color=red][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [indent] Male [/indent] [color=red][b]Classification:[/b][/color] [indent] Mutant (Technically was born with powers) [/indent] [color=red][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [indent] [b]Web Shooters[/b] - Like the original Spider-Man, Ben Reilly has web shooters. Norman Osborn AKA the infamous Green Goblin created them for Ben, except that they are a little more perfected than Peter Parker's. Not to mention the web cartridges store more artificial web in them. This is all he has for right now. [/indent] [color=red][b]Skills/Abilities:[/b][/color] [indent] [b]Combat Training[/b] - Ben was programmed with combat training, and was made to know how Peter Parker fights, and fights like him. Not to mention, he was programmed to have experience like Peter Parker as well. [b]Intelligence[/b] - Ben was given intelligence from when Norman Osborn had created him. He is almost as smart as Peter Parker, but not as close to being that smart. [b]Enhanced Agility[/b] - Like the original Spider-Man, Ben is extremely flexible. He can do a lot of tricks in the are that would make an actual athlete run for their money. [/indent] [color=red][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [indent] [b]Superhuman Strength[/b] - Ben has the ability to pick up 10 tons. Like Peter Parker, Ben can hit harder, kick harder, and throw harder than the natural human. Ben has to actually pull his punches unless he wants to murder someone with his fists. [b]Wall Crawling[/b] - In Ben's DNA, there are tiny sticky hairs that can even go through his gloves and feet. This gives him the ability to climb up walls without any gear. This helps him a lot to get around if he doesn't have his web shooters with him. [b]Spider Sense[/b] - Ben has danger intuition, he gets a buzzing in his neck whenever he or someone around him is about to be in danger. This helps him dodge an enemy's attacks, or even bullets. This cannot always save him though, as he needs to actually dodge. If he just stands there even with his spider sense tingling, he will get injured. [b]Retractable Spider Stingers[/b] - An additional add to Ben's abilities that Green Goblin had gave him, he can pop out spider stingers from the top of his wrists. These things are poisonous, and can stun an opponent for a while with it's poison. It can also be used for stabbing someone to death. [/indent] [color=red][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] [indent] Ben is weak to anything an human is weak to. Bullets harm him, punches harm him, and kicks do as well. Even though he has a little bit of durability, he can still die from blood loss or internal bleeding. His bones can also be broken like anyone else's. Green Goblin also had created a safe lock for Ben if he goes rogue and becomes good, the safe lock would kill Ben, frying his brain from the inside. This can be used a sub plot for him and possibly someone else to figure out how to get the safe lock out of his head. [/indent] [color=red][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [indent] Ben almost is identical to Peter Parker. He thinks just like a younger Peter Parker would. Except in this case, Green Goblin had programmed Ben to hate Spider-Man and hate heroes. He doubts Green Goblin sometimes, realizing he's doing Osborn's bidding, but Osborn usually wipes his memory. So far Ben, is a trained soldier who has morals. There is bound to be a time where Ben rebels against Green Goblin. [/indent] [color=red][b]History:[/b][/color] [indent] In a fight between Green Goblin and Spider-Man, which caused a lot of mayhem. The Green Goblin had cut Spider-Man a little in the heated battle. The Goblin ran off though, as this was what Norman Osborn had really wanted: Peter Parker's blood. He made many clones of Peter Parker, and all of them were failures. One had grown eight arms, one was too much like Peter Parker, and one was disfigured badly. There were many mistakes with creating the clones, until Green Goblin had figured out the perfect way to create the clone and thus for, Ben Reilly was born. Osborn then did the same thing, but multiplied his successful creation of many Spider-Man clones. Thus making an army of Spider-Men. He even gave them additional abilities to combat the heroes with. The Ben Reilly of Earth-713, is way different than the Ben Reilly from Earth-616. Instead of Jackal starting the Clone Saga, Green Goblin created a Spider-Army of clones from Peter Parker. He had got a sample of Parker's blood, and decided to fight fire with fire, and created his first successful Spider-clone. The Spider-clone was a baby, and obviously the Green Goblin wanted a soldier to battle the heroes, so he accelerated the boy's age into a 16 year old clone of Peter Parker. Green Goblin had noticed this clone thought like Peter Parker, and even had memories of Peter Parker's life. This caused Green Goblin to wipe his memory many times, not wanting a rogue clone. Green Goblin trained the young clone and made him think he was the real Peter Parker, and that Spider-Man took his identity and the heroes are the evil ones. He trained him to be the perfect match for Spider-Man. Osborn had given the clone web shooters and a black and red costume armored costume he had once had but gotten rid of. This clone did Green Goblin's bidding, and caused carnage. Some people thought this was the real Spider-Man who had became a menace. This was going even better than the Green Goblin planned. This clone was the ultimate weapon, but he started to think more like the real Peter Parker. And somewhere deep in his conscious, he was starting to realize he was being used. It's only so long before this clone rebels against Green Goblin.. [/indent] [color=red][b]Other:[/b][/color] [indent] I plan for this character to start as a villain, but become an good guy and learn how to be a hero from Spider-Man. [/indent]