[center][color=0072bc][h3]Takamachi Nanoha[/h3][/color][/center] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GRoqhsy.jpg[/img] [/center] [color=0072bc][b]Name:[/b][/color] [i]Takamachi Nanoha.[/i] [color=0072bc][b]Aliases:[/b][/color] [i]The Ace of Aces, White Devil (if you wanna live, don't mention this one within her hearing range).[/i] [color=0072bc][b]Age:[/b][/color] [i]25 (as of Force).[/i] [color=0072bc][b]World of Origin:[/b][/color] [i]Lyrical Nanoha Franchise.[/i] [color=0072bc][b]Powers/Equipment:[/b][/color] [i]Nanoha isn't known as the Ace of Aces for no reason. She's one of the strongest TSAB mages to ever exist, having achieved an overall rank of S+ Aerial Mage, meaning that she's about as powerful as whole battalion of common mages (in fact, she's much stronger than that, if she pulls all stops). For mere convenience, Nanoha is usually limited to around AAA+ power level, which is still leaps and bounds above what most people can ever achieve in their whole lifetimes (though, Nanoha did so when she was a but a nine years old greenhorn). Her whole list of powers and spells is huge, but, focused mostly in one thing, air superiority through massive firepower, crossing Nanoha is highly unadvisable. [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/H6xvpvk.jpg[/img] [color=0072bc]Fully armed Nanoha, having the Strike Cannon, Fortress and Raising Heart (drone mode).[/color] [/center] Aside from her usual Intelligent Device (a computerized magic staff), Raising Heart, Nanoha is also in possession of two additional arms systems, the Fortress and Strike Cannon, both primarily used to deal with threats that are highly resistant or even immune to magic, by converting her magical energy in pure kinetic energy for destructive force blasts, as well as shielding her against pretty much anything less than battleship levels of fire power.[/i] [color=0072bc][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/color] [i][url=http://nanoha.wikia.com/wiki/Nanoha_Takamachi]Read Here.[/url][/i] [color=0072bc][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [i][url=http://nanoha.wikia.com/wiki/Nanoha_Takamachi]Ditto.[/url][/i] [color=0072bc][b]Other:[/b][/color] [i]None that I can recall now.[/i] [center][color=0072bc][h3]Theme[/h3][/color] [youtube]https://youtu.be/bQRVssMA2wI[/youtube][/center]