Before answering Shay's question, her eyes narrowed again into dangerous slits, directed towards her brother. She wouldn't have expected any less from Samuel, to intrude on her life, and write in a letter of resignation for her to Mr. Harrison. She wasn't a child anymore, and while her blood boiled like the sweltering infernos of the London factories, she managed to rise out of her chair this time, and push it in, the dangerous glint in her eyes receded, and she could not furnish anymore anger towards her brother for the time being. Of course, she would make sure she would find the time to chastise him for trying to conduct her life. It was a mix of gratitude, one that warranted the need to thank him for helping her, even though she quite literally did not need his help, which he knew the same, and the other portion composed of irritation, for his nosy ways of deciding what was best for her. "For all this trouble, this new flat better be the real Mcoy, Sam. And I mean, the bee's knees. Or else I'm marching back down to Mr. Harrison's and explaining away your wrongdoings." In truth, any new accommodations would certainly be better than her cramped attic room that reeked of whatever dinner Mr. Harrison cooked for himself that evening at the rear compartment of the jewelry shop; mainly cabbage. And it took hard work to make sure her clothes smelled anything but. "You'll like it just fine. Oh, before I forget... Here, you'll be needing these to get in as well. I have my own set, so if I don't hear a report or see you 'round here before you're trip out to see the Von Goethe's, I'll pay you a visit." Sam fished out a knotted iron key, and she could tell from the make, in comparison to her own room key in the attic, that if the complex landowner furnished keys of this kind, it had to be a room full of swank. "Be sure to thank Elousie the next time you see her, she's done the part of helping to furnish your place, and the pantry's are all stocked. Room number is on the key tag there." Flicking ash off the end of his cigarette, he raised the tumbler to his lips, giving a tentative sniff before a slow draught followed. Snatching the key from the worn table top, Sam caught her wrist before she had the chance to depart , "And... One more thing. Check your nightstand when you get there. You can thank me later for that." His words were ominous, what had he done that she would have to thank him? Vera could only guess at the surprise that awaited her. Though to be fair, if she knew her brother well, she would thank him the next time she saw him again. With her agitation subsided now, her shoulders drooped as an appreciative smile came over her. "Right... Before it slips my mind, thank you Sam. I'll be sure to thank the others as well when I find the time." "Get some rest the two of you." Sam nodded as he raised the tumbler again to his lips, eyebrows raised as if to shoo them away. "And Vera...," he set the tumbler down and cleared his throat to speak, "just take the main road down until you hit the Warington Boroughs. Take a right at the crossroads, and go until you hit the park, make another right, and your flat is in that neighborhood." "C'mon then Shay. Let's see what Sam and the gang mustered up for me, eh?" While she had not removed her coat upon entering, she returned her cloche to her head and made her way for the door. [hr] [i]January 28th 7:15pm - 213 Rowanoak Lane[/i] The drive over to the borough was quiet, as Shay needed to focus on driving even more so as the weather continued with its now heavy snowfall. Again, the same luminescent glow descended over the city, and even though the sun had set an hour before, the sky above still clung to the sickly orange sheen. As the Peugeot rolled to a stop, Vera could hardly believe her eyes. She knew the Warington Boroughs to be a neighborhood of affluence, well more so than that of where the Tawdry and Mr. Harrison's were located. The streets were well lit, proffering no chance for any suspicious figures to linger about without being spotted in the bright orange lamplights. Her flat, was a five story edifice constructed of white stone. The windows that peered out at the world were numerous, and in French design, tall, trimmed in white with an arch. Balconies of the same stone material could be seen after the first floor. As Shay came around to let her out of the vehicle, still abstaining to his gentlemanly ways, they strolled up together to the entrance of the building. There, they could simply walk in, and while this bothered her, for ease of access to anyone seeking her ill-will, she found that her nerves were soothed by the decadence of the apartment. This place was nothing like that of her attic flat, nor that of Shay's. Smooth, polished dark floors bore long rugs, decorated Persian floor runners that ran the length of the hallways in opposite ends. Two gold placards directed them which way to go that held engraved room numbers with arrows pointing the appropriate direction. To the fifth floor, so to the right they went, into a door where several flights of stairs led them to the top landing. While holding a pale light to the decadence of the White Star, Vera had to admit, Tommy, and Sam, outdid themselves this time around, or at least in her mind. Throughout the building, the walls were papered with blue and white stripes, and the occasional potted flower, or hanging portrait. When they reached the fifth level, her legs ached, and sweat beaded just under her hairline. Turning right, Vera held the key in hand, glancing down at the key tag to make certain that she read the number right: [b]Apartment # 538[/b] Sliding the iron key into the bronze plated lock, Vera gave Shay a nervous grin, "Well, here goes!" With a gentle push, she opened the door to her new home, and gasped. Sam had not lied. A small living room, that could easily hold her entire room inside its walls contained two couches, a coffee table, three living chairs seated before a window. She disappeared quickly, and discovered that the entire place ran on electricity. There was even a telephone and a gramophone, much to her delight. As she went on exploring every nook and cranny of the flat, opening every drawer and cupboard she came across, her search led to the discovery of two bedrooms, both furnished with beds, one twin, and another of a queen, complete with nightstands and dressers. Even more shocking, there were clothes neatly folded inside the drawers. There was a full bathroom, and the kitchen most of all captured her heart. A table set for two near two French windows allowed for a pleasant look into the park outside. The stove still called for wood, but that was no matter. There, in the pantry, as promised, stocked full of food, and several bottles of whiskey, and even two bottles of wine. "Oh Shay! It's wonderful! What do you think? They've gone and set me up like a Queen of Sheba, they have! What will I ever do with all of this space? And two bedrooms-" Her words stopped short as she came out of the kitchen to find him "Would you care to stay with me here tonight?" She asked, a soft smile creeping over her red lips. Part of her wanted to return the hospitality that Shay had so graciously shown her, and part of her didn't want to be alone her first night in her new place.