[hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/x66kg5D.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JimA3KA.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjg3NTQ0YS5WVzVzWldGemFDQjBhR1VnVkhKdmJHd2guMAAA/twikling.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/x8ji4yg.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AkmVTDj.gif[/img] [color=#7d393d][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mayweather East Dorm Roof → Mrs. Lovelace’s Office [color=#7d393d][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] Tris with random lady on the phone [@Viciousmarrow] → [color=8493ca]Mrs. Lovelace[/color] [@lovely complex] and those in her office: [color=669900]Hugo[/color] [@BeastofDestiny], [color=burlywood]Ananya[/color] [@Aewin], [color=6ecff6]Cara[/color] [@Wintergrey];; Mrs. Lovelace sends a text to her daughter and an email to [color=8e45c5]Lucas[/color] [@Legion02] [color=#7d393d][b]Tranquil → Crushed → Invigorated → Giddy → Hypnotized → Flirty → Eager[/b][/color] [/center][hr] [indent]The world was a wide open plain of exploration. So much to do, so much to see! So what’s wrong with taking the back streets? Wait that wasn’t his thought process, that was his phone ringing. All Star by Smashmouth was, of course, the only logical ring tone for someone such as himself. In fact, he considered himself much like the fabled Shrek, for he too was love, he too was life. Atop this bastion that was the student dorms, he could see all of this campus, this flourishing kingdom of Mayweather! Producing his phone from his pocket, he took the call, and voice of an elderly woman who had clearly had one too many cigarettes in her life whispered into his ear. [color=gray]”Is this Tristram Cringe?”[/color] Those words were followed by a distinct cough. No doubt the poor woman was stricken by a plight of chronic bronchitis. [color=#7d393d]“Yeah. That’s me.”[/color] he responded bluntly and unenthused. Better to lead them on with that mysterious air of disinterest! Too much excitement led people astray. [color=gray]“One of the contestants for the Mayweather Sixteen had to withdraw. Congratulations, you’ve been randomly selected as the replacement.”[/color] She was about as hyped as he was about it, which was to say not at all. [color=gray]“Please report to Mrs. Cecilia Lovelace. Now.”[/color] Tris didn’t even get a chance to respond before she hung up on him. [color=#7d393d]“...Unexpected.”[/color] he whispered to himself, his blue eyes darting about. He’d never been entered in the tournament before, and he certainly never had wanted to. Now he was expected to be in the spotlight and [i]do things[/i]. Sighing, the blonde man paced back and forth on the rooftop. On the upside, he would be there with Eliana, his most cherished dove. And then there was Cecilia, who was almost as much of a joy as his beloved. Perhaps this wouldn’t be such a bad thing... But there would be the chance he would actually have to fight Eliana! What would he do in that predicament?! He could not harm such innocuous beauty! Frustrated, Tristram fell to his knees, threw up his arms, and cried up to the heavens. How dare the fates betray him like this! Like a defeated servant, his hands fell to the rough concrete and tears threatened to pour from his crystalline orbs. No! He could not cry! He had to be strong, to get through any obstacle that was thrown up him. If the fates wished to be like this, then he would bend them back into place! Collecting his bearings, he breathed deep and got back to his feet, feeling stronger than ever. He would not be defeated! The newly awakened Charade would vanquish anything in his path, anything for his emerald fairy. Reality warped around Tristram’s illustrious form and moments later, he was standing before the blonde beauty that was Cecilia. How many times had he been in this office? Hundreds, no doubt. There was also the familiar form of Hugo, who he had actually just seen not so long ago in the White Room. How strange it was that he was here too! A new figure was standing in the office, a blonde that Tris had no recollection of. Oh, and then there was… Tris had to think about her name for a moment, but he was certain he had seen her before. She seemed nice, neat, swell! There were numerous words he could use to describe her, but perhaps the best was serpentine. Because she was a snake. Not like a traitorous sort of person though. An actual snake! How cool was that? Tris silently laughed to himself about it before waving at Cecilia. [color=#7d393d]”Hey, Cecilia. Guess I’m in the tournament now. Pretty cool, right? Also I didn’t get to tell you earlier but those black panties really look good on you.”[/color] As if to emphasize his comment, he gave her two thumbs up. Such was his relationship as a pest in Cecilia’s hair. Mrs. Lovelace furrowed her eyebrows at the former Blink Dog’s banter. This year was impossible. Never in her entire teaching career had the school systems fail this much, all thanks to one ‘princess’ of the Sophomore class. The stress was evident in her facial expression as she examined the newcomer and the other three students sitting behind him. Her nail tapped on her desk as her green orbs scrutinized her students’ physiques. First came Hugo, who was always dreadfully dressed. He went by the alias ‘Slipman’ and loved that ‘rasta’ lifestyle. Then followed a student she hadn’t formally met yet, Cara Reaper. Though she’s been enrolled since the beginning of the school year, she has just made her arrival. Mrs. Lovelace was wondering when she would show up, it seems like the tournament drew her in. For a first year, her newfound reputation was already seen as a hindrance to the older woman. A young girl, who thought she could walk in and out of Mayweather when she pleased. Due to her poor attendance and failing grades, she would have to take a large assessment test to bring her F to a possible C, for all of her classes. Luckily, she was a freshmen so the assessment exam wouldn’t be as demanding. Ananya was excused due to her having to return to her family for a couple of weeks. She was an exceptional student and kept with her studies even while away. The modest and respectful Indian girl was the only one in this room that deserved any of her respect. In came Tristram Cringe, someone who has always pestered her since day 1, even if his antics changed a year ago, he was still extremely tiresome. Fortunately, he would never be as troublesome as Ms. Vargas. Subtly, she shook her head in disapproval with just the thought of the red haired princess that somehow befriended her youngest daughter. “[color=8493ca]Sit down, Mr. Cringe. That way of talking is not only disrespectful but can get you written up. I don’t want to waste your time, so keep your talking to a minimum.[/color]” Tristram grinned joyfully at Mrs. Lovelace before sitting down right on the floor, his flowing garments sprawling everywhere. [color=#7d393d]”I don’t really think it matters if you write me up again, Professor. I mean, if you do, it’ll be like… the 447th time? I mean, honestly, I’ve done worse. Remember that time I surprised you in the bathroom? Even you have to laugh at that one.”[/color] he bantered, reminiscing on all the times he’d had with the blonde. Yes, she could be an intimidating woman, but truth be told, Tris loved it. Almost as much as he loved Eliana. Piping down for now, he let the woman say what she had to say. Bringing her left hand to the crease on her forehead, Professor Lovelace was getting to that point in her day when she needed a shot of whiskey. Deciding to ignore the pest on the floor, she looked at the others, her gaze going to Cara first, “[color=8493ca]Ms. Reaper, you’ve missed a little over a month’s worth of school work. It’s nice to formally meet you, I am Mrs. Lovelace and I will be your Disciplinary & Defense Instructor--[/color]” [color=#7d393d]“Sexy title, right? Absolutely scandalous. You can discipline me anyday, Professor.”[/color] Tris chided with a chuckle. With an unfazed expression and a sharp, lethal glare, the professor continued, “[color=8493ca]I will not question why you decided to show up today, but before you can participate in the tournament I need you to take a SCAR (Superseding Conventional Arrangements and Registration) Screening Saturday to bring up your grades in some way, unless you want to fail out your first semester.[/color]” Her attention turned to everyone, “ [color=8493ca]Ms. Sylvia Vargas decided to place herself in the tournament, which swapped you three in. Though, I just received an email and it seems like one of our students has withdrawn and Mr. Cringe will be taking her place.[/color]” Under her breath, she muttered, “[color=8493ca]Unfortunately.[/color]” [color=#7d393d]”It truly is a pleasure, though you may call me Charade. I have no doubt that I will at least come in 5th place. It’s a proper number, I think.”[/color] With a flourish of his indigo cloak, the blonde disappeared before reappearing on Cecilia’s desk, standing tall and posing like an 18th century general, one arm in the air and the other clutching a bottle of potent liquor. [color=#7d393d]”Professor, I think you could use a drink. You certainly look stressed.”[/color] Producing two shot glasses from his flowing clothes, he poured the dark liquid into the vessels and turned on his heel toward Cecilia. His glass in the air and his other hand offering her a drink, he gave a bawdy toast, [color=#7d393d]“To good health and a hopefully uncrippled victor. Unless that contestant is already crippled! Then there is nothing we can do. Oh! And to our most bootilicious Professor!”[/color] Well, Mrs. Lovelace had just about enough of this. With a quick snap of her right fingers, the noise resonantly echoed in the room and entered like sound waves to Tristram’s brain. With her emotionless voice, she demanded, “[color=8493ca]Put the two shot glasses down on my desk and the whiskey, sit beside Ananya and keep your mouth closed.[/color]” The eccentric man was hypnotized by Cecilia’s astonishing power, forced to comply with her demands in the order that she announced them. [color=#7d393d]”Oh, you tease. You know I love a good mind fuck.”[/color] he pestered her as he sat the shot glasses down, along with the exquisite bottle of alcohol. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own as they hopped down from her desk and flung himself next to the serpentine woman. Then, like a vice, his mouth was clamped shut, finally letting a calm silence settle on the room. Internally, he was laughing like a madman. He hadn’t had this much fun in ages. So much time had already been wasted. “[color=8493ca]My apologies.[/color]” Her green orbs met with Ananya's stare and a subtle smile fell on her face, “[color=8493ca]I do hope your family is alright with your sudden participation in our annual event. I can easily convince the Headmasters to switch you out, if you cannot dedicate your time this year. Think about it and email me your decision within the next day or two, alright?[/color]” Oh, this was nice. Silence for once. No interruptions. Looking over the others, Mrs. Lovelace clasped her hands together and stood silent for a moment before continuing, “[color=8493ca]Mayweather Sixteen, as most of you already know, is an all day event where you can showcase your skills and be observed by well known faces in the super community. Think of them as potential employers when you graduate. People that can help you get your name out there. I realized I forgot to tell this to the other’s participating, so I will send everyone on the roster an email reiterating all that the tournament encompasses. There will be breaks between battles, every battle will be timed, but you will also be judged. Winner is decided either by your opponent forfeiting or is incapable of fighting. That being said, you won’t be able to surrender until five minutes in. I can’t promise you that you will leave the arena unscathed, but I can say you won’t die.[/color]” Going silent for an instant, their professor opened up her desk drawer and took out a metal [url=http://www.novate.ru/files/u18927/sam-jerichow-derezzed-06-example.jpg]bracelet[/url] and held it up for them to see, “[color=8493ca]The hyGen Chrome band. This little thing may not seem much but it can read your body pressure, heartbeat, and your capacity to fight. It can even inject a sedative serum if it thinks you’re going too far. When the bracelet blinks red it will inform you that your opponent is reaching their limit and it would behoove you to stop but most students do not, which is where I come in and end the match.[/color]” Placing the bracelet back into her desk, she sighed, “[color=8493ca]This year after you have a one on one fight, the winners from the first 8 battles, will enter a free for all. The winner of that will be this year’s Champion.[/color]” Opening up her laptop, she began to write up the email for the participants about everything she went over at both meetings, while adding, “[color=8493ca]I suggest you study your opponents and talk to people who have been in the tournament before, like our previous winner, Leon Fulton, who can tell you a thing or two about the arena. Do not think your only opponent is the person standing in front of you. Life is never that easy. I will send you four the roster. Before the end of today, please email me three people you would like to face and why.[/color]" Quickly finishing her email up (those who want to know everything about the tournament read [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3816173]Ceciliaaa![/url]), Cecilia gave her students permission to leave, “[color=8493ca]One more thing, if you have any questions, email me. Ms. Reaper, I will send you a time and place for your exam this Saturday. Please do show up.[/color]” Bringing her head up, she nodded at her students and muttered, “[color=8493ca]Happy Tuesday.[/color]” Snapping once more, she released Tristram from his trance. It was obvious she wanted to be alone so regardless if any of them wanted to chat, they would have to wait another day. Released from the mental restraints, Tristram was free once more! The prospect of choosing his opponents had him rushing over to Cecilia’s desk. Without even asking permission, he grabbed a pen and a presumably blank piece of paper and began to muse over his choices. After a moment, he had decided and furiously began scribbling down his selections. [quote]1) [color=darkcyan] Eliana Lovelace[/color] - Sorry, Professor, but I think she’d be really easy to beat. She’s a freshman and I haven’t heard anything good about her powers. I mean, seriously, this would be over in like… a minute. Really, I’d just want to fight her for the quick win. Also she’s your daughter, so I’m obligated to put her on this list to annoy you. ;) 2) [color=wheat] Ananya Sharma[/color] - Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE! 3) [color=crimson]Elijah Masterson[/color] - I have heard things about this fellow. That he sees the arcane and is something of a pyromancer. Is he good enough to challenge someone with my set of skills though? I’d like to see that for myself. Then again, maybe this is a terrible matchup ‘cause he might accidentally kill himself. He throws a fireball, I reflect it back, and… well… Let’s get out the broom and the dustpan. Actually, you might want to ignore this. Secret Option 4) [color=#506256] Leon Fulton[/color] - Seriously, have this guy come out just randomly during a fight. You know, like the WWE champion guys? Then we can fight him for the [i]BELT[/i] in a STEEL CAGE MATCH. That would be awesome and I would literally love you forever. P.S. I already love you forever. You’re the best bae teacher ever. P.S.S. Seriously, those panties are an A+. P.S.S.S. Call me, maybe? (414) 701-5632. XXOO, Tristram Cringe aka Your Loverboy<333[/quote] Finishing his masterpiece, he slid the paper over to her with a gleaming smile. [color=#7d393d]“Don’t think about me too much while you’re alone here in this room. If you need a uh… concubine, you know my number.”[/color] With a tantalizing wink, Tris blew the lovely cougar a kiss before he strode out of her room, wiggling his hips like a supermodel all the way out. Oh, Cecilia! You’re breaking my heart! You’re shaking my confidence daily! That old Simon and Garfunkel song reverberated throughout his head as he sauntered back into the hallway. By all accounts, this meeting had gone splendidly. In fact, he would say it was probably the best meeting ever. But what new adventures awaited him next?! Looking down at the piece of paper, which so happened to be one of her evaluations for a student, Kayla Styles to be exact, she uttered, “[color=8493ca]That’s rather unfortunate.[/color]” When the door closed and she was [i]finally[/i] in blissful solitude, she grabbed her phone off her desk and quickly messaged her eldest daughter back. [quote][b]To: [color=darkcyan]Eliana[/color] [color=8493ca]Alright. We’ll talk tomorrow. Relax for today. If you are good this week, I’ll give your card back.[/color] [/b][/quote] From the stress that Tristram bestowed upon her to Jenna informing her Eliana hasn’t been herself lately, Cecilia tried to be more kind than Eliana would be use to. Elijah was right, she needed to trust her daughter more, but when you hear so much going around on campus, which so happens to involve her daughter, of course, a mother would worry. [indent][color=8493ca]To:[/color] [i][color=8e45c5]Farweight, Lucas[/color][/i] [color=8493ca]Subject:[/color] [i]Requesting a Meeting[/i] [color=8493ca]Date:[/color] [i]Oct 11, 2016 4:20 PM EST[/i] [indent][i]Hello Lucas,[/i] [i]I would like to set a time for us to discuss certain matters. It doesn’t have to be today, since I’m sure you’ve had just as long of a day as me. However, I will be in my office for another thirty minutes, if you are able to. If you do choose to come after your talk with Leon Fulton, please forgive me if I’m not as professional… It’s just one of those days. My block period this week is from 11 AM to 12:45 PM or you can see me after 3 PM tomorrow. Your choice. [center]Thanks.[/center][/i] [/indent][/indent] [indent][right] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JimA3KA.png[/img] Mrs. Cecilia Lovelace Disciplinary & Defense Instructor Control Room Supervisor[/right][/indent] After sending the email, Mrs. Lovelace reached for not the shot glasses, but the entire whiskey bottle and took a light swig. She needed to further discuss with Lucas of his experience last week in the red level stimulation room but also talk about the rumors she’s been hearing about him and her daughter. Teachers and mothers had imperfections. Mrs. Lovelace was no exception.[/indent]