[center][hr][hr][h1][color=6ecff6]Cara Reaper[/color][/h1][hr][hr] [img]http://cs1.elfilm.com/name/photo/o/elfilm.com-amy-smart-124042.jpg[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Mrs. Lovelace’s Office [b]Interacting with:[/b] N/A [b]Mood:[/b] Bored - Shocked - Happy - Bubbly - Unsure - Angry - Disoriented - Happy [hr][/center] Cara entered the room to the Mrs. Lovelace's office, not exactly sure what to expect from the professor. Maybe some tights, certainly a cape. She was afterall, a superhero. Why couldn't the villain academy just not burn down. It would have made everything so much easier. Instead, Cara was rather disappointed by a normal office with a boring lady sitting in a chair. Throwing herself into one of the chairs across from Mrs. Lovelace, she threw a leg over the side and waited for the meeting to begin. Glancing around at the other members of the room she noticed a super rasta reggae man, and an uptight indian woman. Immediately Cara was inclined towards the reggae dude. Besides the fact that he seemed super chill, he probably had some good weed seeing as he looked baked even now. Still Cara didn't say a word. Uncharacteristically for her sure, but she was a woman on a mission. She didn't intend to stay long, she had places to be, people to kill. It wasn't until a man, or maybe a woman she couldn't really tell at first, popped into the room that Cara really sat up to pay attention. Holy shit. She stared at him openly for a solid minute. Was he a... like her? A large grin started to spread across her face, as she realized the new entry to the room was a teleporter. Giggling, she clasped her hands together, [color=6ecff6]"I like this guy!"[/color] Bouncing closer to the edge of her seat she eagerly looked on, waiting to hear what he would say next. Mrs. Lovelace, or Cecilia, and Mr. Cringe continued to banter back and forth, leaving Cara speechless. Who was this guy? In a way he was like her. In the crazy way, he certainly didn't get her good looks, but he was on a whole nother level. Just minutes into the room she could already feel the tension he brought up with Cecilia. Cara was gazing so intently at Mr. Cringe that she almost missed Cecilia switching the conversation to her. Snapping her, somehow gaping, jaw shut she turned and tried to pay attention. The tournament sounded promising. She wasn't concerned with passing some stupid 'SCAR' screening. But... the darker side of Cara twisted and shouted from her stomach. Eli was still out there and growing stronger. Trying to shake her head of the thoughts she reasoned he could wait a few more months. It had after all, been years since they'd seen each other. Somedays it made her feel like giving up. Usually beating up someone fixed that feeling though. While Cara was deep in her thoughts she didn't realize the rest of the meeting pass by. Blinking at the sound of her name, Cara stood up, cover gone for a moment. Quickly reinstating her facade, Cara grinned like the devil and flashed out of the room back into the hall. Time to find her room, meet her roommate. Put the fear of Cara into her. Or maybe meet that Leon, he sounded like villain. Maybe he turned into a blood-thirsty lion, that would be sooooo cool. Clapping her hands she proceeded to skip down the hallway merrily.