[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/joDniEJ.png?1[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jMHlMRq.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FMaYSvC.png?1[/img] [hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjRjNjM3Ni5RMkYwSUVacFoyaDAuMAAA/fighting-wordz.regular.png[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/202f2968001c2f208b65d4ef0f6fe6bc/tumblr_n3f39dB8lV1sretbqo3_250.gif[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwtxobvEJn1r55nhro4_250.gif[/img] [b][color=#b53389]Location:[/color][/b] Courtyard [b][color=goldenrod]Interacting With:[/color][/b] With each other [sub][@Viciousmarrow][@lovely complex][/sub] and “Bailey, Jay’s Cat” [b][color=#ff69b4]Time-wise:[/color][/b] While Elijah is talking to Leon, before Lucas’ and Keats’ Meeting [color=#b53389][b]Apathetic → Conniving → Kinda sore[/b][/color] [b][color=goldenrod]Annoyed → Appreciative → Malicious → Enraged → Bothered → Apathetic[/color][/b] | [url=http://imgur.com/QUUwWHN][color=#b53389]Oufit[/color][/url] | [url=http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-set/cid/76127880/id/LESQfDC7TZu2bxyBVXhFGw/size/y.jpg][color=goldenrod][b]Outfit[/b][/color][/url] | [hr][/center] [indent]Lucas was such a bitch. The whore’s bitch, to be precise. Seriously, it was a wonder anyone even regarded him with any semblance of manliness or respect. He preyed on any weakness he could find, much like a high school drama queen out for vengeance. So petty! It was like he was so fixated on overcompensating for the lack of [i]something[/i], that he didn’t realize how much of an attention-seeking fuck boy he was. It was really pathetic. And annoying. Did he have daddy issues or something? Low self esteem? His compulsive need to ruin people’s days and his feeble attempts to put himself in the spotlight certainly hinted at some kind of mental illness. In fact, Lucas reminded Sylvia disturbingly of a certain dark haired someone she had the displeasure of having to spend every year of her education since preschool with: Sabrina Danford, Mitch’s cousin. That thought alone made her shudder, but she couldn’t lie… The similarity was uncanny. Frowning profusely, Sylvia needed to get out of here. She just needed a moment to herself, to clean up and look a little more alive, especially since Jenna was going to be here later. As Eliana strode off by herself to the library, she looked over Amelia for a moment, admiring the beautiful woman’s gentle features. If Eliana’s sister hadn’t been in the picture, then Sylvia definitely would have liked to pursue more with the vampiress. [color=goldenrod]“Thanks for everything... It’s hard to find real friends around here.”[/color] she expressed in a low tone, a small smile on her lips. As a show of gratitude, her lips pecked at Amelia’s cheek. [color=goldenrod]“Um… I’ve got to be alone for a little while. I just need to think a bit. I’ll see you later though, okay?”[/color] She held one of the vampiress’ hands with both of hers, leering affectionately at Amelia, before she sauntered off to the outside world. As she walked with Bailey, Jay’s cat, resting on her left shoulder, Gianna glanced down at her phone and with swift fingers, typed a blog on Delphina Time’s with Vincent’s old account, Amadeus. Pasting the picture of her wearing Leon’s shirt and the cat purring against her face, in front of his office door (at the top of the blog), she typed a quick description before hitting send. The title of her post read: [i]Chief Warden sure loves his Pussy[/i]. She couldn’t help but chuckle at that. If anything, Leon would be annoyed at the stares he got. With her phone in hand, she walked toward the library to meet up with Minako, for some reason or another. Sylvia’s umber orbs spotted the tramp near immediately in the sunlit courtyard. As if a Mexican Standoff were about to occur, the wind swept up the loose leaves on the ground and spun about like a miniature cyclone to dramatic effect. How perfect. She was wearing Leon’s shirt, no doubt a token for the services she provided him. And… was that a cat? The symbolism couldn’t be more clear there. A malicious grin spread upon the princess’ face as she advanced upon her loathsome foe. [color=goldenrod]“Isn’t it a little early to be whoring yourself off? And here I thought prostitution was a night thing. Then again, you must have to give out free samples, considering no one would pay to sleep with a disease ridden slut like yourself.”[/color] Sylvia shot first, her words zinging out to meet Gianna. The voice of the pathetic little girl known as Sylvia slipped into Gianna’s ears like a high pitched squeak. The worst part was… Sylvia thought she sounded pleasant and intelligent. She was just your stereotypical valley girl ‘like oh my god, really?’ The older woman used her agile hands to subtly press ‘record’ on her phone to collect the sound of her surroundings. After bringing her phone down by her right side, the villainess casually looked up and locked her chocolate orbs with the Princess’ umber gaze. She let the redhead go on her tangent, things that made the sad thing feel better about herself. Yawning and completely uninterested in Sylvia’s words, Gianna shrugged, “[color=#b53389]Whatever helps you sleep at night, doll.[/color]” With her free hand, she grabbed the cat off her shoulder and pretended to talk for the cat, while lifting it slightly in the air, “[color=#b53389]Oh Gianna. Look, it’s the crybaby. Let’s smile, wave, and act like we care.[/color]” The redhead’s left fist clenched as the girl before her mocked her. The fiery flames of passion and hatred roared to life as she focused on this bitch. Oh, Sylvia wanted so bad to knock her out. Slowly, her self-restraint began to wane, the shackles to a more violent Radiance tumbling to the ground. [color=goldenrod]”At least I have people who care about me. A loving mom, a great dad. What the fuck do you have? Oh, that’s right. Absolutely [i]nothing[/i]. Not even a penny to your god damn name. Don’t even begin to think your trashy minions count for anything either.”[/color] Gianna shook her head. Evidently Sylvia’s mother talked too much, but that didn’t matter. The Princess’ words were empty and filled with hot steam. Unfazed and unnerved, a smile curled on the Delphina Sovereign’s face, as she continued to egg her on, “[color=#b53389]And yet, Vince loved me.[/color]” [color=goldenrod]”Apparently not enough to keep himself alive. I don’t blame him though. I probably would have killed myself too if I had to deal with you everyday.”[/color] Sylvia batted back. The princess had no remorse or empathy, going straight for the low blows, much like she had with Professor Lovelace earlier. A sadistic sort of expression skewed itself onto her visage, clearly enjoying prodding at Gianna’s dark past. Words like these should have hurt her, should have made her want to start a fight or cry, but Gianna was passed the point of not caring. She was indifferent with the idiot’s words and the name Vince. “[color=#b53389]You’re a [i]beautiful[/i] person. I’m sure you’re told that every day. It’s not like I have anything to lose, right?[/color]” Her voice came off unnervingly calm as she let a brief silence resonate in the air, before chuckling, “[color=#b53389]Jenna must love this side of you. I sure do.[/color]” People always forgot that Gianna was Mrs. Lovelace’s mentee, she knows way more than Sylvia will ever know. It was common knowledge that Sylvia was best friends with the youngest Lovelace girl, but Gianna hoped her positivity would cause the redhead to act on her anger, or perhaps, walk away. It didn’t matter how Sylvia reacted, Gianna was satisfied with the amount of dirt she had on her already. Funny thing is, Psyche hardly did anything. The bimbo put herself in this bottomless pit. [color=goldenrod]“Don’t bring Jenna into this. Don’t ever speak her name again--”[/color] “[color=#b53389]Or what? You’re gonna hurt me?[/color] Gia interjected. Her chocolate orbs were deadly, while her steady tone added, “[color=#b53389]Hit me with your best shot, sweetheart. Like you pointed out, I have ‘absolutely [i]nothing[/i]’.[/color]” Twin transcendent wings sprouted from Sylvia’s back as she finally snapped, unleashing the rage she tried so ineffectively to contain. The only thing she wanted to do right now was beat this smug whore’s face in. Who was she to talk down to [i]her[/i], the descendant of American icons, a woman far beyond this lowly peasant? Radiant energy crackled around her hands, and with a thunderous motion, Sylvia slapped the ever living hell out of Gianna. She didn’t care about the repercussions. She just wanted to see this bitch suffer and put her in her place. Allowing the action to be done, but making sure the cat didn’t get hurt, Gianna held it close to her as a loud ‘slap’ echoed in the courtyard, “[color=#b53389]That’s going to leave a mark.[/color]” and it did, kind of like the time she suckerpunched Elijah. Sighing to herself and still not bothered, Gia wasn’t going to use her powers. She’ll let the scene play out. [color=goldenrod]”No, this is.”[/color] Raising both of her palms to Gianna’s abdomen, dual bursts of light fired at point blank range. Though it was hardly powerful enough to incapacitate the other woman, it would leave a nasty bruise and knock her right on that dainty ass she liked to flaunt so much. Oh, Sylvia was beginning to feel so much better now. Numb to the pain being dealt to her body, like she had mentally detached herself from this moment, Gianna was pushed backward, releasing the cat from her grasp, holding tight to her phone that was still recording, and falling right on her ass. Someone was going to think she had a kinky sex night if she showed too much skin tonight. Free from the Queen of Delphina’s clutches, the cat revealed its true form, shifting back into the human shape of [url=https://emfiles.blob.core.windows.net/public/2fb9626e-d605-48bf-ac83-3493a4566524.jpg]Sabrina Danford[/url]. She was gasping for breath, apparently being held a little too tight by Gianna. The petite girl, by modern conventions, could be described as attractive though her outfit was much more revealing than Gia’s. Perhaps the most alien feature of hers was a slender black-and-white tail that extended below her knees. [color=#ff69b4]”Ugh I hate the name Bailey… I’m Sabrina, damnit!”[/color] she cursed to herself before focusing on the situation at hand. Though winded, Headmaster Danford’s niece quickly rushed to her fallen comrade’s aid. [color=#ff69b4]”Hey, cut this out right now! This has gone way too far, Sylvia!”[/color] she called out in that horrible squeaky voice of hers. Hovering over Gianna’s form, she barred the sharp claws that ended at her fingertips in the most menacing way possible, which was to say not menacing at all. The Princess of Mayweather visibly cringed as “Lynx” unexpectedly entered the fray. Now, under normal circumstances, she probably would have knocked that bitch right out too, but Sabrina was both related to a leading authority and, unfortunately for everyone, a [i]Warden[/i]. Attacking her was a surefire way to get expelled from the school. Gritting her teeth, Sylvia had no choice but to cease her assault. Of all people, Sabrina [i]would[/i] show up. She was quite possibly the most useless member of the Wardens, having all the abilities of a cat, including nine lives. However, that effectively amounted to nothing compared to most of the other students. It didn’t help that she was known as the school’s [i]other[/i] slut. In fact, she was probably worse than Gianna in terms of promiscuity. It was hard to tell who hadn’t screwed the girl, honestly. Not to mention her attention-mongering ways… She always wanted people to tell her she was [i]pretty[/i] even though she thought she was ugly, which made no goddamn sense at all to Sylvia. [color=#ff69b4]”I can’t believe you said all those horrible things to my best friend! The poor girl! And then you attack her?! Like, what’s wrong with you?! I’m going to have to take you to the Headmasters right now!”[/color] the bubbly Warden called out. “[color=#b53389]No, no, it’s fine, Beanie.[/color]” Gianna picked herself up and rubbed her own ass, all the while smiling at Mitch’s cousin. She kept forgetting Sabrina had the ability to turn into a damn cat. “[color=#b53389]We can let this go. I’m fine.[/color]” She was, even if there was pain throughout most of her body and welts. Bruises were one thing, but Gianna had enough on Sylvia to ruin her happy life. Both Sylvia and Sabrina had astonished looks on their faces, as if Gia had gone mad or something. There was plenty enough evidence to get the redhead, at the very least, suspended or packed with a hefty amount of detention. [color=#ff69b4]“Um, are you sure, Gigi? I mean, like, she’s totally fucked…”[/color] If Gianna thought Sylvia was a valley girl, then Sabrina was the avatar of all preppy stereotypes. ‘ Winking at the kitty cat of a girl, Gianna laughed, “[color=#b53389]I’ve felt worse.[/color]” Bringing her attention to her phone, she stopped the recording and uploaded it to the Delphina times. Raw and uncut. No title. Just the sound of Sylvia being a terrible person and the simpleminded Sabrina, appearing like a semi-decent Warden (although she’s the worst one of them all). [i][color=#b53389]What a busy day for the Times.[/color][/i] [color=#ff69b4]”Oh! I have to tell you all about my new boyfriend! You know, Professor Harrison?! We’re [i]totally[/i] doing it!”[/color] Sabrina seemed to forget what she was doing at the moment, suddenly fixated on telling Gianna all about her new “partner”. Behind her, Sylvia looked visibly pained by the airhead’s change of subject. [color=goldenrod]“Oh my god…”[/color] she muttered to herself. Bringing her free hand to the brunette’s hair, Gianna gently ruffled it, out of habit, “[color=#b53389]Oh Sabrina…[/color]” [h3]“Sylvia Vargas to the Headmasters’ Office [i]immediately.[/i]”[/h3] And here Sylvia had thought she’d gotten away with this. Clicking her tongue, she shook her head and turned away from the duo of harlots. [color=goldenrod]“Saved by the bell.”[/color] the princess uttered as she walked toward her requested destination, her vast, ethereal wings dissipating all the while. She could only wonder how little trouble she was about to get in. Worse came to worse, she’d just have to give mommy a call and tell her all about how that awful Gianna started the fight. Sylvia didn’t have a damn thing to worry about, or so she thought. [color=#ff69b4]“Do you need an ice pack or something? Or, like… a good lick down? That might help, yeah?”[/color] the cat-girl asked her pal, shaking her head at mean ol’ Sylvia and finally getting back on track. [color=#ff69b4]“Or maybe you need a shoulder massage?!”[/color] If there was anything Sabrina was, it was dimwitted. It was speculated the only reason the 19 year old managed to get into Delphina was through her uncle. [color=#ff69b4]”Wait, do you know how I can get Leon to notice me? I really like him, but I’m not allowed in his office anymore… Not after last time when I tried to uh… ‘touch’ him.”[/color] There she was, getting off on random, non-sequitur tangents again. So many words for such a tiny girl. Glancing down at her phone and checking the time, Gianna apologized, “[color=#b53389]I have to be somewhere. Why don’t we chat some other time, yeah? I’ll tell you what [i]really[/i] gets him going.[/color]” Sabrina’s eyes lit up like a little girl who was getting her one and only wish. [color=#ff69b4]”Would you really, Gigi?! We def need to hang out more!”[/color] With that, she planted a full on kiss onto her best friend’s lips before shooing her away. [color=#ff69b4]”I hope you, like… have a good time and stuff wherever you go.”[/color][/indent]