"Ah he was a criminal Gippal stole his national treasure!"Her eyes go wide. "Not that I would report you or your accomplice but I Must insist that you not simply telling telling everyone! Shouldn't you be incognito?" Persephone cocked her head to the side as she said that. Was she serious? She continued "I have no intention of watching the sport events, they do nothing but distract us from the problems that are far more pressing than who can hold their breath the longest. What!?!? What was up with this girl?! Blitzball despite having arguments who's a better team or what ever is what brings Spira together! Something everyone can agree upon. She turns to her. "Miss Persephone, I am pleased that you offer your home to me, but I must point out that I am not about to impose on a stranger...Nor am I going to let my guard down and sleep around a stranger." She coughs in her hand and bows. "I am Nily, from a ways away. I am searching for the truth, in one form or the other. Hoping to understand what really happened to our world." Her cheeks redden a little as she said that. She looked at Urick as he said "Well Nily, my cousin or that "Criminal" as you say, may be your only ticket to finding out what really happened and why Sin kept on coming back and other details we commoners never found out. He has more info about the true history of Spira that it would cause contention through out the world. Such talk though can get one imprisoned with out reason. Many times we've slipped away from New Yevon, they won't touch him though because of some information he has that will go to the public if he is arrested. That's why we don't go incognito. We don't have to." He then turned and winked at her, obviously letting her know he was messing around. Something whenever really saw in Urick, he was always quiet, perhaps Gippal got to him? She then said". Well miss Nily, we are not strangers anymore! " trying to change the subjects she was never good at keeping up a joke. " that I showings in Besaid, we welcome all as family because we are all brothers and sisters. Or as Sir Wakka would say ' Brudda and Sistas! " she said with a smile. " course you can sleep in the dirt but why refuse a warm bed?" She waved her hand. " Well if you change your mind I'll be at the house right next to the weapons shop." She looked to Urick and waved " see you at the Feast tonight," before running off ahead towards her home. She had to change into something that would cover her, even though it was a few hours away she could use a nice shower due to her training today , also she hated Mosquitos... They always devoured her at Bon fires if she wore here usual attire