She came around the corner into the living room to see Shay standing in awe, looking every which way, as if he was afraid, or not used to such... niceties in a home. Her heart leapt for him, and now, of all times, did she wish greatly to know if Auntie Liza was alive or not, how she would love to take him around the wings of her manor, and through the expansive gardens, even taking to the horses in the stable and riding across the many forested acres that were her property. "No, you don't have to. At least not tonight, what with the weather like it is, I would be worried sick until you returned. Besides, the hour is late, and the markets are likely to close soon. Although..." She put a balled hand on her fit, and queried, "Do you have any cash left over that Samuel gave us? If so, there is a nice little restaurant I spied on our way up here, just around the corner actually. We could walk there if you fancied going out for an evening for dinner, as I don't care much for cooking tonight. I haven't got the faintest idea what to cook, even though there is plenty of food in the pantry, and in the ice box. There are a spare change of men's pajamas in the guest bedroom, so I think someone anticipated you staying with me, or at least Sam. Point being, unless you need to head back to your place, we could just go get a bite to eat, eh?" As she spoke, a weight was lifted from her heart, gladdened to have Shay staying with her tonight. It would give her some peace of mind at least, and she would certainly sleep easy.