I give you Vincent Hart's cousin, Virgil. He won't be introduced until the Delirium event. :) [hider=Virgil Hart][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PPIJbYE.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/CkjunYW.png[/img] [b][color=696969]{[/color][/b]"[i][color=536878]It's easy to fool the eye, but it's hard to fool the heart.[/color][/i]"[b][color=696969]}[/color][/b] [color=gray]― [b][i]Al Pacino[/i][/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkgMkZz71cw][color=536878]Balkan Express[/color][/url] [color=696969]by Gramatik (The Hart's Mafia Instrumental Anthem)[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJwr0YtZ-I8][color=536878]Dogs Eating Dogs[/color][/url] [color=696969]by Blink-182[/color] [sup][color=536878]I lost my cousin by fire, my mother by a sniper, my grandfather by betrayal... I'm not here to point the blame and I don't need your damn pity, but like my cousin, Vince, we understand violence better than most. I may not like unreasonable violence but don't think for a second I'll let you walk all over me or my family.[/color] [color=gray]― [b][i]Virgil Hart[/i][/b][/color][/sup][/center][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjRjNjM3Ni5TU0J1WlhabGNpQnNhV1VnZEc4Z1lXNTVJRzFoYmcsLC4wAAAA/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/046cdc97f76c1a7072afe1c8f8bd9ab0/tumblr_inline_mwd9h3VvEt1rq82fy.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YTUqu12.gif[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/1a17776cbfd8eda6dc51808048bc9110/tumblr_mp8n5mzY1f1qg9q0qo3_250.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjRjNjM3Ni5ZbVZqWVhWelpTQkpJR1J2YmlkMElHWmxZWElnWVc1NWIyNWxMZywsLjAAAAA,/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img][/center] | [color=536878][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Virgil Emiliano Hart[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Verge, Mils, Lucio's Boy[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Birth Date[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]08/25[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Age[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]17[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Classification[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Sophomore[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Gender[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Male[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]It's most important for a italiano guy like me to find a beautiful lady, you know what I'm saying?[/color] [indent][sub][color=696969]“Women! What can you say? Who made 'em? God must have been a fuckin' genius. The hair... They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... just wanted to go to sleep forever? Or lips... and when they touched, yours were like... that first swallow of wine... after you just crossed the desert.”[/color] [right][color=gray]― Al Pacino[/color][/right][/sub][/indent][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Alias[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Nocturne[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Role[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Crime families of NY and LA aren't seen as 'good', though I don't think we're evil either, but that's just my opinion. People would label me as a Villain.[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Loyalty[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]A Good Story[/color][/indent] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LjRjNjM3Ni5WR2hsSUc5dWJIa2dkR2x0WlNCNWIzVWdiR2xsSUdseklIZG9aVzRnZVc5MUozSmxJR0ZtY21GcFpDNCwuMAAAAAAA/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img][/center][right][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LjRjNjM3Ni5MU0JLYjJodUlFZHZkSFJwLjAAAAAAAAAA/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img][/right][hr][hr] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/79b4618f5e0199f2d6d0674db29eb703/tumblr_inline_ms20v65PkK1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjRjNjM3Ni5XVzkxSUhOb2IzVnNaQ0J1YjNRZ2RHRnNheUJuYjI5a0lHOXlJR0poWkM0dUxnLCwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m41k1vnYEI1rn435g.gif[/img][/center] | [color=536878][b]In Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]With an athletic built, Verge stands at 5 ft 8 inches, while weighing a grand total of 143 pounds. He may not be the biggest guy but you can bet your ass he knows how to fight. His contemplative, light brown eyes always meets other people's gazes when he addresses them. He likes to sleek his hair back, with a tad bit of hair gel, or he'll let it be wild and free. Depends on his mood and the occasion, but mostly his mood. Everything depends on his mood. If he is expected to look nice, he'll class the hell up, if not, then maybe he'll take it easy with a scruffy look and comfortable jeans. Although he is on the tinier size compared to other men, he holds himself with appreciable amount of pride. He isn't egotistical, but he knows he's a decent looking guy. It runs in his genes. He does have a scar on his right arm from getting in a knife fight with this kid that talked mad shit in third grade but didn't have any skill to back him up. Like his cousin, Vince, he has a mysterious and 'cool' aura going for him. It doesn't help he has a similar style to that side of the family (particularly Vince since he looked up to him). Looks can be deceiving. He may like to wear his leather or jean jacket occasionally, or some classy ass suits that resemble a similar style to his cousin's wardrobe, but Virgil is nothing like him. Vince was a calm intellectual and always full of thought-provoking thoughts. Virgil may like to talk, more so than people should permit him to, but it's more of him rambling ideas off the top of his head or commenting on his surroundings. Yes, he is smart and has a photographic memory when it comes to certain things (like chapters in a book), but Vince was the scholar in the family, not him. [/color][/indent] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjRjNjM3Ni5MaTR1WVdKdmRYUWdkR2hwYm1keklIUm9ZWFFnWkc5bGMyNG5kQ0JqYjI1alpYSnVJSGx2ZFM0LC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/35729547/large.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjRjNjM3Ni5TMlZsY0NCNWIzVnlJR1p5YVdWdVpITWdZMnh2YzJVLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/3ZMpcBy.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/baLLKJA.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OpTT90j.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kG5XF1b.gif[/img][/center] | [color=536878][b]Habits | Quirks | Oddities[/b][/color] | [indent][list][*][color=696969]Usually seen with his Panasonic DVX200, good for run and gun filmmaking (documentary style). His dad has gotten it modified to be an extension of himself so it can go in and out of his shadow state. [/color] [*] [color=696969]Likes to get by on roller blades when he isn't using his vanishing haze ability or in his nightborn form.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Can be scattered brain and talkative. Although he looks mysterious and cool like his cousin, once he opens his mouth, you come to realize he's nothing like Vince.[/color] [*] [color=696969](Family) Italiano pride, even if he wasn't born in Italy like his dad.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Hides a pocket knife in one of his shoes.[/color][/list][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] | [indent][list][*] [color=696969]Filmmaking & Framing a Story[/color] [*] [color=696969]Vlogging & Bingewatching cinema![/color] [*] [color=696969]Saving damsels - or at least letting them know he got their backs, assuming they don't need saving. He supports strong, independent women, who don't need no man (won't change the fact that he likes to romance ladies).[/color][/list][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Likes[/b][/color] | [indent][list][*] [color=696969]Beautiful imagery[/color] [*] [color=696969]Threading a story together out of an abundance of footage[/color] [*] [color=696969]Fiction & Non-Fiction[/color] [*] [color=696969]The childhood game: Cops & Robbers. A odd, but on point, depiction of how mankind is.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Bakeries - he loves sweets.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Coffee addict.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Surprisingly likes to rap even though he prefers to listen to either classical or rock. Just know, Verge indulges in a lot of genres to grow as a creative mind.[/color][/list][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] | [indent][list][*] [color=696969]Being seen as a 'mini version' of the other men in his family, especially his father[/color] [*] [color=696969]Feeling limited and restricted - may not be the best with authority figures, depending on how controlling they come across.[/color] [*] [color=696969]People underestimating him because of his age and size.[/color] [*] [color=696969]People turning his vision into theirs. He's okay with collaborative work, but if that person goes on a power trip and tries to make themselves more important than they actually are, you best believe Verge won't have any of that shit.[/color] [*] [color=696969]His blood rage temper. Rarely does Verge get angry but when he does, it's extremely prominent. If you can make him THAT angry props to you, because for the most part he's pretty laid back.[/color] [*] [color=696969]People who don't think they need to know self defense. If Verge finds out you don't know how to defend yourself, without using your powers or a weapon, he might go out of his way to teach said individual where to aim in order to get away. He's more a street fighter than someone who was trained by Mixed Martial Artists, but he does have a personal trainer that has taught him some pressure point fighting. As long as he can protect his loved ones, Verge doesn't care how he's trained.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Alcohol. He hasn't really acquired a taste for it, plus he prefers not losing his inhibitions so that he can catch great moments on tape. [/color][/list][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Fears[/b][/color] | [indent][list][*] [color=696969]His own numbness to violence and death.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Finding out truths he knows will hurt his loved ones. Sometimes we lie to protect those we care about.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Only being seen as "Lucio's Boy" and not as his own person - he wants to amount to something.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Heights. He'll still do some risky shit for the sake of film or his loved ones, but that doesn't mean he's gonna like it. Actually, he'll be dying on the inside the entire time. His ma got sniped at a penthouse party at Millennium... her body went down, down, down to ground.[/color][/list][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] | [indent][b][color=696969]Passionate [color=536878]→[/color] Ambitious [color=536878]→[/color] Persistent [color=536878]→[/color] Self confident [color=536878]→[/color] Independent [color=536878]→[/color] Aggressive [color=536878]→[/color] Opinionated [color=536878]→[/color] Blunt spoken [color=536878]→[/color] Loquacious [color=536878]→[/color] Impulsive [color=536878]→[/color] Audacious[/color][/b][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Personality[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Verge is good at remembering things, may it be some random article about the cops finding three dead bodies in the nearby river or a memory with his mother taking him to Republique, a upscale French-bistro and bakery, for his 8th birthday where he had Normandy Butter Soufflé (raspberries, grand marnier ice cream). Yum. He'd like to think he's more of a creative mind than an intellectual but hey, he was able to skip a couple of years of school so that's got to say something, right? He's definitely on the more outgoing side compared to his cousin, Vince, and wouldn't mind talking to as many people as he can to get what he wants. Perhaps, too outgoing some may say. At least, he isn't overly happy like his eldest sister, Luisa, but... you may need to give him something to eat to stop him from talking so much. Along with that lovely talkative side everyone 'adores', a mind boiling over with ideas, his looks give off the impression that he is like a weasel: a sneaky and sly person, someone who cheats and lies. Just because he looks it doesn't mean he is. Actually, he may be one of the more honest people you come across. He'll be upfront and say straight to your face, "I'm not going to pick a side. I'll help you, but what are you going to do for me?" He believes when you lie, you are afraid of the repercussions that you may very well deserve. Don't get yourself into deep shit if you can't handle it. And be fearless. People are scared of those who can push their fears aside to get the job done. His drive and ambition may be his most prominent traits. He won't stop at anything until he gets what he wants. Is that the city slicker in him or the mafia boy? He wouldn't be able to answer that, but Verge does know he likes to keep busy. A workaholic bound to happen. Filmmaking and his family is his life and he will figure out how to balance the two, even if that means five cups of coffee in the course of three hours. The amount of caffeine he digests can also explain why he talks too much. His late mother would tell him how his grandpa, the first Ultimatum, gifted him with great insight. She may have never met him, but Uncle Leo and his dad would talk about their father all the time, to keep the Esposito name alive in their children. Although Virgil was the youngest out of all his cousins and siblings, he could see the bigger picture. He noticed things people overlooked. Perks of having a good eye, wouldn't you think? At the end of the day, he just wants to become his own man. Every member in his family made something of themselves, for better or for worse. All his family had some sort of reputation in the villain community. Now it was his turn. One thing he will never do is sell his soul to Hollywood. Virgil already has to live and die for his family, he doesn't need a soul sucking industry to take him away from what really matters the most. He'll follow his dreams but without the cost of his vision. Aye, he can be stubborn like a mule but at least he knows what he wants and refuses to change for anyone. The most negative side to his personality is his morbid humor and apathy towards blood, pain, and death. No, he doesn't like seeing girls cry, he hates that shit, but he has seen his uncle beat a man unconscious, his brother pull some guy's teeth out, his sister make it seem like her ex committed suicide... you get the gist? All their actions were justified because these people made enemies with the wrong family. Virgil rarely gets angry but if he does, don't think for a second it will be pretty. He may be 17 but if he must get rid of a problem, he won't hesitate.[/color][/indent] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjRjNjM3Ni5ZblYwSUhsdmRYSWdaVzVsYldsbGN5QmpiRzl6WlhJdS4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img][/center][right][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LjRjNjM3Ni5MU0JFYjI0Z1EyOXliR1Z2Ym1VZ0tGUm9aU0JIYjJSbVlYUm9aWElwLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img][/right][hr][hr] [center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly7s8cGAHM1r7oqmro1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LjRjNjM3Ni5RU0IzYjNKa0lHOW1JR2h2Ym05eUlHbHpJSGR2Y25Sb0lHSnNiMjlrTGcsLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/nova-stamp.bold.png[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/5a3ff0be80ccebe378dc1c87bb53eb53/tumblr_inline_ncqkcxrWaC1sgscwl.gif[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/aa4d5e0566fc6adcdba89593dd323cec/tumblr_mor72sYfGu1ql053ko2_250.gif[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/0b2fd99738fa9e4c3906c297ab959e3a/tumblr_mor72sYfGu1ql053ko1_250.gif[/img][/center] | [color=536878][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969][b]Shadow Manifestation[/b] [b]Nightborn[/b] - Virgil takes on a cloudy, wispy appearance. In this form, he can travel faster, and mental and physical attacks seem to have no effect on him whatsoever so long as he remains in shady areas. Only energy based abilities that project light, such as fire, seem to be able to breach this defense. Moreover, this ability is unable to be active if he is in an area lacking in shadows, such as a sunlit plain. [b]Shadow Duplication[/b] - The substance of shadows can be melded to mimic the appearance or effect of an object or ability that he has seen. The creation, however, is only 80% real in the daylight. However, in darkness, these effects are 100% real. For example, Virgil can use his shadows to mimic the effect of flames, but his shadow fire would not be as potent as the real deal. [b]Vanishing Haze [/b] - Virgil can disappear into a dark haze, only to appear several feet away from where he was originally. As of right now, this ability can only be used three times consecutively before he has to wait a few moments for it to recharge[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]The biggest limitation to Virgil's strongest and most versatile ability, Shadow Duplication, is the fact that his creations are generally not 100% real since they are composed entirely of shadow essence and there's usually some light source around. It's also important to note that elements, such as ice or fire, produced by this ability do not react normally or look natural. For example, whereas normal flames would usually catch most things on fire, shadow fire does not. It simply burns the hell out of you. Furthermore, creatures manifested by the same ability are not sentient, merely pawns to Virgil's will. They do not see, smell, or feel anything at all. In addition, these creations will disappear over time, due to their quasi-real essence, being both illusion and reality at the same time.[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Los Angeles, CA[/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Family[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]Biological grandparents (Location: Los Angeles National Cemetery) [indent][url=https://hqofk.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/on-such-a-night-eduardo-ciannelli-1937-everett.jpg?w=739]Amadeo Tommaso Esposito[/url] (FC: Eduardo Ciannelli) - Deceased - Darkness and Shadow Manipulation - Alias: (The Original) Ultimatum [url=http://www.doctormacro.com/Images/Angeli,%20Pier/Annex/NRFPT/Annex%20-%20Angeli,%20Pier_NRFPT_02.jpg]Romilda Elisabetta Esposito[/url] (FC: Pier Angeli) - Deceased - Necrokinesis - Alias: (The Original) Witching Hour[/indent] Adoptive Grandparents (Location: LA) [indent][url=http://imgur.com/E3Wcoam]Rowan Dwayne Hart[/url] (FC: Aiden Shaw) - 60 - Powerless - Film Director Current (third) wife, [url=http://imgur.com/rU5WbUm]Isolde Edna Hart[/url] (FC: Amy Huberman) - 37 - Powerless - Photographer[/indent] Uncle's Family (Location: NY) [indent][url=http://www.gabrielgarko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/gabrielgarko_peccato3-600x550.jpg]Leonardo Vito Hart[/url] (FC: Gabriel Garko) - 45 - Darkness and Shadow Manipulation - Owner of NYC Nightclubs/Bars/Strip Joints & Capo Famiglia - Alias: Eclipse [url=http://kpitalrisk.free.fr/images/stars/44000/s_44599_1406101482_silvia_colloca_one_rg.jpg]Bellissa Mirella Hart[/url] (FC: Silvia Colloca) - 44 - Healing Powers - Unemployed - Alias: Remedy [url=http://38.media.tumblr.com/9d1767f3b261f798b371e6d7212d0f98/tumblr_mtp2zum96d1snpph7o1_500.png]Leonardo Vito Hart Jr.[/url] (FC: Aidan Turner) - 28 - Darkness and Shadow manipulation - Alias: Catalyst - Heir to his father's businesses & Capo Bastone - Married to [url=https://fashionbride.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/madalina-ghenea-31.jpg]Donna-marie Contessa Lucchese Hart[/url] (FC: Mădălina Ghenea) - 26 - Power of Hypnotic Melody (Siren Call) - Alias: Fatal Attraction - Model [url=http://imgur.com/Qrghhlw]Valerio Dante Hart[/url] (FC: Jack Reynor) - 26 - Powerless - Single - Weapon Engineer & Capo [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/17/10/66/1710669ca1119981b3bdc4e5ead5a2cd.jpg]Bianca Marietta Hart[/url] (FC: Asia Argento) - 25 - Necrokinesis - Alias: Witching Hour - Painter - Dating Prince of Fashion, who resides in LA: [url=http://i2.listal.com/image/486580/600full-jonathan-rhys-meyers.jpg]Maxwell Donovan Bellerose Jr.[/url] (FC: Jonathan Rhys Meyers) - 24 - Powerless - He is the son of Multi-billionaire High Fashion Designer and Founder of Velvet Bellerose (a major fashion brand). [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b0/cd/57/b0cd575b29f61f059d13f39538ea9db6.jpg]Vincent Donatello Hart[/url] (FC: James Franco) - 24/Deceased - Darkness and Shadow Manipulation - Alias: Ultimatum - Student, Striving businessman & Capo - Dated [url=http://wallpaper.pickywallpapers.com/1440x900/jessica-alba-white-dress-and-leather-gloves.jpg]Gianna Camila Daniels[/url] - 24 - Emphatic Pherokinesis - Alias: Cupid's Psyche - Student, Bartender, & Exotic Dancer[/indent] My Family (Location: LA) [indent][url=http://imgur.com/XLvFt11]Lucio Donato Hart[/url] (FC: Gabriel Garko) - 45 - Darkness and Shadow Manipulation - Film Director & Consigliere to his brother - Alias: Empyrean [url=http://www.theplace2.ru/archive/jennifer_esposito/img/1948535_f19ae799.jpg]Sofia Bella Hart[/url] (FC: Jennifer Esposito) - 43/Deceased - Powerless - Actress [url=http://imgur.com/UsvZLXr]Lucio Donato Hart Jr.[/url] (FC: Colin Carrell) - 29 - Necrokinesis - Cinematographer & Capo - Alias: Cerberus - Married to [url=http://imgur.com/mayKz4N]Carlotta Valeria Milano Hart[/url] (FC: Vanessa Hessler) - 25 - Powerless - Model [url=http://imgur.com/l4iHrJe]Luisa Ella Hart[/url] (FC: Martina Stella) - 24 - Powerless - Photographer [url=http://imgur.com/GzTlnRN]Lidia Elisa Hart[/url] (FC: Giusy Buscemi) - 23 - Necrokinesis - Model/Actress - Alias: Soul Reaver [url=http://65.media.tumblr.com/762e51299133d85b6efc6fb7714efda3/tumblr_myrw01ZZOd1s88ss5o1_1280.jpg]Virgil Emiliano Hart[/url] (FC: Jake T. Austin) - 17 - Darkness and Shadow Manipulation - Striving Filmmaker & Soldier in his family - Alias: Nocturne [/indent][/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]History[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]"[color=536878]Mic check. One, two, three.[/color]" A young 17 year old, with a high pitched, light Italian accented, and lilt voice, wore a navy blue beanie, a black leather jacket, and a lavalier mic attached to his red t-shirt. He stared at his camera with beady-eyes, while clearing his throat, "[color=536878]You know. I use to never need beanies or winter coats for that matter. Then I started visiting my Uncle Leo more often and goddamn.[/color]" He shook his head, obviously not liking the temperature difference during the fall, "[color=536878]It's cold here.[/color]" Getting up from his seat, he checked if everything was on point. Camera settings, check. Mic settings, check. Lighting, eh, could be better but check. Sitting down, the camera having been left on record, he leaned back in his chair, his arms resting behind his head, "[color=536878]I didn't need to get all fancy with this vlog but I have the time. I don't start school until tomorrow so might as well use my free time wisely. That's how we do.[/color]" Bringing his seat back down, he brought his hands in front of him and pressed his fingers together as if he was ready to get serious, "[color=536878]Let's talk fam. I'm gonna keep this short since this could take ages to talk about and ain't nobody got time for that.[/color]" After nodding to himself, he locked his light brown orbs with the camera lens before continuing, "[color=536878]My Papa was part of the Los Angeles crime family. We may have the name Hart, but we'll be Espositos forever and always. People are usually so focused on the five families of New York that they forget there's crime families throughout the country. Papa Esposito had two twin boys with my beautiful grams, Romilda. The Original Ultimatum and Witching Hour, two notorious villains that were a force to be reckoned with! Now they had boys to continue their name. The Esposito legacy. That only set alarms off in this dog eat dog world. Law enforcement has been more on our ass ever since a good friend of my pops, a fucking rat of a man, stabbed him in the back just to climb the hierarchy.[/color]" Virgil visibly grimaced and spat to the side, evidently not happy with how his grandfather went out, "[color=536878]But that's all in the past. Lets fast forward, where my Papa Hart, who was a striving filmmaker at the time, adopted my uncle and dad when he was with his first wife, whose name we do not speak of. She was a crazy bitch.[/color]" His eyes widened with the recollection of the stories he's been told, before adding, "[color=536878]Well, blah, blah, hard work and shit, he started to get noticed in Hollywood. Sure, he had to do some dirty work to get where he is today, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get ahead. My dad followed Papa Hart's footsteps, while my Uncle Leo kept the Esposito name alive, inside of him. He would take back what belonged to us and you better believe he did.[/color]" A cheesy ass grin fell on Virgil's face, as if he approved of his Uncle's terrible deeds, "[color=536878]On top of his impressive bloody rampage, where he gained a decent amount of followers and rebuilt our syndicate, he made connections in New York and found stronger opportunity there than in LA. I think part of the reason he moved to New York was because my aunt Bellissa, who was born in a hero family, and you know, lived there. Their love story is kind of... sketch, but to each their own, man. My uncle won her over and now she's one of the most important Matriarchs in the fam![/color]" He paused for a second with the daunting realization of all the women in his family, "[color=536878]Though... we Harts have a lot of Matriarchs... like my sisters. I warn you. Don't piss any Hart women off. Or an Italian lady for that matter! They get ugly real fast.[/color]" He mentally cringed as he recalled some of his sisters' actions driven by 'good intentions'. They were some wrathful bitches, sometimes. Maybe minus his cousin Bianca, who was royalty to him (Shuush don't tell his sisters)! "[color=536878]Obviously as time went on my Uncle started to flourish in the underworld, while dad won Oscars and shit. Dad, which by the way don't call me Lucio's boy, I hate it, my name is [b]VIRGIL[/b].[/color]" He started trailing off topic, staring at the camera with narrowed eyes, challenging his audience to call him that, he DARED you, before getting back on track, "[color=536878]...was still involved with Mafia activity like advising my uncle from afar, or maintaining LA operations, but his focus was and always would be film.[/color]" Absentmindedly cracking his knuckles and looking down at his hands, he brought up a new topic, "[color=536878]I think the worst experience I've ever been through was at a New Years party. We took a family trip to Venice and stayed at Hotel Millennium. We claimed the top three floors because my family can be... big. And we just like our space.[/color]" Taking off his beanie hat, he sighed, "[color=536878]We had an awesome party up at the penthouse but none of that mattered when we heard a gun shot... and my mom fell off the hotel building.[/color]" His face was detached while talking about this incident, though his tone did reveal that this may be the one and only incident that reaches his heart, but he was good at hiding his sadness, "[color=536878]The sniper was trying to get my Uncle Leo. Sadly... my mom ran in front of the shot. She was always good at noticing these things.[/color]" Laughing to himself, making light of the situation (it wasn't a big deal, right?), he decided to change the subject again, "[color=536878]Eh. Things could be worse. Things could always be worse. Last year, my cousin that I would be attached to like glue when I visited the Big Apple, because I mean... I loved him... He taught me everything I know![/color]" His eyes lit up with the thought of Vince, but it immediately dissipated when he said, "[color=536878]Well, he died. Someone burnt his school to the ground and took him with 'em. Now his school has 'joined forces' with its polar opposite twin school![/color]" He couldn't help but get a good chuckle out of that. What a horrible but great idea. He loved it. "[color=536878]That's a story waiting to happen. This entire summer I've just been thinking, I could make a Sundance worthy documentary, don't you think? So. After doing some negotiating with my dad, took a good month or two, or maybe my entire summer to accomplish, he's letting me stay with my Uncle Leo! He was worried about me attending Mayweather but I was like PFFT, I'll be fine! It's all in the name of film, dad![/color]" Suddenly his camera turned off and Virgil brought his palm to his face, what a rookie mistake, "[color=536878]Ah shit. I forgot to charge it.[/color]" [/color][/indent] | [color=536878][b]Extra[/b][/color] | [indent][color=696969]FC: Jake T. Austin Shredder from TMNT is pretty cool :P[/color][/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/257080jake3.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][/hider]