[hr][hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjhmOGY4Zi5TMjV2ZDJ4bFpHZGxJRU52YldWeklGZHBkR2dnUVNCUWNtbGpaUSwsLjA,/geo.regular.png[/img][h1][i]Revelations 2[/i][/h1][hr][hr][h2][color=azure]Kayla[/color] & [color=ffb7c5]Minako[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tCH9seL.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=azure][b]Location:[/b][/color] Private study room [color=ffb7c5][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color] Each other [sub][@BeastofDestiny], [@Thundercrash][/sub], Amy Stevenson via text [sub]([@Lasrever])[/sub] [b][color=azure]Excited → Embarrassed → Confused/Concerned → Fearful → Angry → Fearful/Irrational → Authoritative → Reasoning → Understanding → Exhausted[/color][/b] [b][color=ffb7c5]Happy/anxious → Afraid → Distraught → Desperate → Afraid → Crushed → Grateful → Upset → Tired[/color][/b] [/center] [hr][hr] [indent][quote][center]Kayla: [color=ffb7c5]I’ll meet you in one of the private study rooms in the library. Room C.[/color][/center][/quote] Kayla entered the library after reading Minako’s text message, briefly stumbling into Amy and greeting the young woman. She seemed only slightly more off than how she normally was, but perhaps Kayla was being a bit too judgmental, for now, she had to see Minako, after all the two of them were about to share news with one another. Come to think of it, perhaps it was something she should have mentioned to Amy and yet...she really wanted to tell Minako first. Finding the rather simple looking study she knocked on the door before entering greeting her good friend. [color=Azure]“Hey Minako! I can’t believe what I’m about to…”[/color] She paused a moment and flushed deciding, [color=Azure]”Actually you were the one who wanted to tell me something first, I’ll tell you my news afterwards.”[/color] She said, nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot, [color=Azure]”What was it you wanted to tell me anyway?”[/color] Minako looked up when Kayla entered, and smiled happily as she rose to give her a hug. [color=ffb7c5]”Wow, this is a change from the meeting.”[/color] She guided her to the table, her hand lingering on Kayla’s wrist. [color=ffb7c5]”It… can wait. I want to know what put this big smile on your face. Are you sure you’re the same girl I saw?”[/color] It was half-true; she was genuinely curious. In the week and a half that she had known her, Minako had gotten the impression that her friend wasn’t often this visibly happy. She was very pretty when she smiled, and Minako didn’t want to spoil it so soon by revealing what her father had done. Kayla should have registered the pause in Minako’s tone and yet she was far too excited to. Pulling the envelope from her backpack she handed it to Minako. Try as she might she couldn’t contain the growing grin on her face, even as she tried to bite her lip to stop it. [color=Azure]”I was invited to become a Warden, and I accepted.”[/color] Frowning, but unable to suppress her smile in the face of such enthusiasm, Minako opened the envelope and unfolded the contents. [color=ffb7c5]”Um, congratulations? I’m sorry, I’m just not sure of the significance of this. Who are the Wardens?”[/color] [color=Azure]”I-I’m sorry, I forgot,”[/color] Kayla blushed with embarrassment, [color=Azure]”You’ve only just transferred here so..um, The Wardens are like the peacekeepers of the school. If there’s an issue between students on campus or some kind of trouble arises, they’re usually the ones who help put a stop to it.”[/color] Perhaps that was a bit of an overstatement, but she always had an admiration for the group, even if most people believed them to be students with a power complex. She’d never once witnessed the group go beyond their authority or use it for personal gain, in other words, she felt like they were true heroes. An uncomfortable silence stretched over the room, and the more Minako read and listened, the more ashen her face became. [color=ffb7c5][i]Oh, no.[/i][/color] If her understanding of the situation was correct, then the Warden’s were essentially a group responsible for keeping order at the school, enforcing its rules and reporting what they found to the Headmasters. A group that likely would not be happy to know that her father had done an investigation of questionable legality into several students, the results of which Minako now possessed. A group whom her best friend was now a part of. [color=azure]”Minako? What’s wrong?”[/color] A confused look spread across Kayla’s face, why all of a sudden was her friend so...pale? Did she do something wrong? Had something happened? The confusion only continued to spread until it dawned on her that...maybe Minako was in trouble? And Kayla was suddenly an enforcer of that trouble.. [color=Azure]”Minako...what did you do?”[/color] Still, Minako remained silent, and she gently laid down the invitation on the table, her head bowed. This made things much, much more complicated. [color=ffb7c5][i]Father, why have you put me in this position?[/i][/color] If she told her friend about what had happened, then she would undoubtedly be compelled to inform the Headmasters. Even now, she suspected that something was wrong. On the other hand, if Minako didn’t answer, then she would never be able to look her friend in the eye. Figuratively, of course, she couldn’t do that anyways, but in essence, that would be the result. It would linger in the back of her mind, tainting her every word with deception. Worse, if Kayla ever found out about it through some other means, as unlikely as that was, then it would destroy any trust that she would have in her. Her gaze raised to the ceiling. [color=ffb7c5][i]What am I supposed to do, Otoosan?[/i][/color] Even as she raised the question in her mind, she knew the answer. Her decision had been made already, to back out of it would be far worse than what the Headmasters would do. [color=ffb7c5]”Gomen’nasai, Kayla. I… hope you can forgive me.”[/color] Without another word, she opened the document, and swivelled her laptop. Kayla read the documentation that was before her and as she did so her face paled. It was...about her...not just little snippets, but everything from who she was, to where she lived, to what she wanted to do. It wasn’t just about her either, it was about her family, her brother, mother...father. As soon as she saw his name she slammed the laptop shut, her hand trembling. Every intimate secret was laid bare before her friend, oh god...what if dad found out? Kayla knew her father worked for the government, knew that his line of work in particular was extremely secretive, Kayla didn’t know what went on, what was going on with his life, but now Minako did? If her dad ever did find out about this. [color=Azure]”How...how did you get this?”[/color] [color=ffb7c5]”My father sent it to me last night.”[/color] Minako’s voice was dull and flat, almost dead of emotion. She slowly raised her head, eyes glistening slightly, and laid out everything: how she came to get her powers, the agreement that she had with her father, all of it. [color=ffb7c5]“I… I swear, Kayla, I didn’t know. If I had, I would’ve…”[/color] Her breath caught in her throat. She would have what, told him not to? As if he would have listened. No, this would have happened regardless of what Minako had said if she had known before hand. Her father had made that perfectly clear. [color=ffb7c5]”I had to tell you. This… I couldn’t keep this from you. You’re… you are one of the first friends I’ve ever made. And… if that has changed now, if you do what you need to do, I will understand.”[/color] Taking a shaky breath, she bowed her head again. H...her father? How, how could… Suddenly her trembling hand was not that of fear, but of anger and she slammed her fist onto the table. [color=Azure]”Damn it, how could he do this to you? Your own father?!”[/color] Kayla wasn’t mad at Minako, far from it, though that could be interpreted in anyway by her friend. Not only had her father brought Kayla’s family into this, but even she knew that Minako had met others throughout her short time here. There had to be other families, she was at least sure that Amy’s was one of them, but who else could be on that list? Minako flinched when Kayla struck the table, but otherwise was unmoved. Her friend was right to be angry. [color=ffb7c5]”He wanted me to make sure I was making informed decisions about who I was associating with. Information is… very valuable in my family.”[/color] she answered. [color=ffb7c5]”I doubt that he will investigate farther than what is in there right now unless I asked, which I will not. Though I realize that doesn’t make this any better.”[/color] Sighing heavily, she gestured to her laptop. [color=ffb7c5]”You deserve to know all of it.”[/color] A sudden realization dawned on Kayla; she had a duty to fulfill. As a Warden, it was Kayla’s job to bring such information to the headmasters attention, specifically Leon’s first. But could she do that? Even to her own friend? Like Minako said, her father was the one who sent this information in the first place..Kayla was determined to help her. Grabbing her friend by the shoulders she said, [color=Azure]”Minako, you have to delete those files.”[/color] Blinking, Minako looked up. [color=ffb7c5]”What?”[/color] [color=Azure]”What this is,”[/color] she started, pointing at the laptop, [color=azure]”Is a huge breach of personal privacy. I know you’re not the one who intended for this to happen, but it happened and now you have it, your stupid, [b]stupid[/b] dad, just landed you in a lot of trouble….but I don’t want to get you in trouble…”[/color] Kayla looked down, her hands gripping tighter onto Minako, [color=Azure]”So I’m asking you...begging you...delete every single one of those files or else….”[/color] She couldn’t even finish the words. The Japanese freshman began looking increasingly agitated. [color=ffb7c5]”I understand that, Kayla, I do. That’s why I am telling you this, but… do you mean, right now?”[/color] She clutched at her skirt. This was not how she was expecting these meetings to go at all, but surely Kayla wasn’t expecting her to [b]hide[/b] this from the others? Kayla looked back up almost bewildered at the question, [color=azure]”Yes! Right now!”[/color] she exasperated. What was Minako even thinking asking that? Was she begging to be in more trouble than she already was? Was she going to tell everyone that she had this information? The sooner Minako got rid of it, the better it would turn out in the long run. [color=Azure]”Minako, you can’t tell anyone else about this, you [b]have[/b] to get rid of it!”[/color] [color=ffb7c5]”Kayla,”[/color] Minako’s eyes flicked between her friend and her laptop, looking aghast, [color=ffb7c5]”I swear to you that I will delete it, but, I have to tell Eliana and Gianna. I can’t keep this from them, anymore than I could have kept this from you or Amy. You don’t know how much it means to me that you are giving me this chance, but I [b]can’t[/b] keep this from them! I can’t [b]lie[/b] to them and still consider myself an honourable friend.”[/color] She stood up, wrapping her arms tightly around herself as she stepped away from the table. How could she explain how important this was to her? Kayla’s face paled even further; Minako had information on Eliana Lovelace? While the two of them weren’t exactly friends, Kayla knew that both their fathers have worked together, he even helped develop the Millennium hotels that Lucas Lovelace owned. For Minako to have information like that, Eliana’s father was even more powerful than her father and was just begging for even greater consequences. [color=Azure]”You can still call yourself an honorable friend Minako, you’re not the one at fault here, but who knows if they’ll see that, especially Eliana!”[/color] Kayla had to make a decision, one that could ultimately affect their entire friendship, but hopefully, keep Minako safe. Kayla’s hands clenched, [color=Azure]”Minako...I’m giving you one last chance to delete all that information, in front of me, right now. Or else,”[/color] Kayla began reaching for the computer on the table, [color=Azure]”I’ll do it myself…”[/color] Her voice was hollow and devoid of emotion, this was one of the hardest ultimatums Kayla had to follow on, but it was all for Minako’s safety, whether either of them liked it or not. [color=ffb7c5][i]Especially Eliana? What is [b]that[/b] supposed to mean?[/i][/color] In truth, after reading the first couple files, Minako had stopped, having been too angry to continue. What was in the Lovelace file that made her being kept in the dark particularly important? At her friend’s words, she turned back to the table, and fast a viper, Minako’s hand shot out and clamped onto Kayla’s wrist. [color=ffb7c5]”Kayla, wait!”[/color] Instantly she released her, as though her friend’s skin had become burning hot. [color=ffb7c5]”I-I’m sorry! Just, please, wait.”[/color] Hesitantly, brow furrowed in concern and confusion, Minako sat down. [color=ffb7c5]”Why especially Eliana? I’m not trying to be difficult, please, just help me to understand.[/color] Kayla paused in silence, [color=Azure]”...Even I don’t fully understand,”[/color] she started, [color=Azure]”It’s not like I know Eliana personally, but my dad and her’s have been business partners for years, and what I do know is that the Lovelace family is [i]extremely[/i] powerful. If they know your father has been snooping on them, on their family...god I don’t even want to think of what my own father would do let alone hers…”[/color] She bit her lip, head still down, [color=Azure]”I can’t let you show her this...not just for your safety, but for your whole family...even your stupid dad…”[/color] A yawning pit opened in Minako’s stomach. [color=ffb7c5][i]Mei.[/i][/color] The worst part of all this was that it sounded [b]exactly[/b] like her father, no, her family. Always trying to get an advantage, playing with fire for the sake of power. She knew that her father made calculated gambles, always weighing the risks versus the potential rewards, and choosing a course of action based on the information available. And every time, the risks he chose to make paid off. Knowing when to take that chance was the reason her grandfather had chosen him as a successor instead of one of her uncles. But this time… had he made a mistake? [color=ffb7c5]”...I understand.”[/color] Her voice carrying a heavy, defeated tone, Minako bowed her head. No matter what, she couldn’t take the chance of something happening to her sister, regardless of what had happened to between them. [color=ffb7c5]”I will delete the files on Eliana, right now, and I won’t tell her that I had them. Now that I have told you and Amy, I will delete those as well. But… Kayla, please understand where I am coming from.”[/color] Raising her head, she reached across the table gently took her friends hands in her own, drawing them into her lap. [color=ffb7c5]”My Otoosan, my grandfather, taught me that honour is everything. That every person must have a code by which they live by. That code gives them meaning, and purpose. A person who lives without a code cannot truly live, and a person who breaks their code, cannot truly be trusted. It was you living by your code that led you to the Wardens, and it was mine that led me to telling you and Amy about this.”[/color] Closing her eyes, she kept her head aimed as though she was looking directly at her friend. [color=ffb7c5]”That is why it is so important that I at least tell Gianna. I will do my best to make her promise not to tell anyone about this, how important it is that she not. After that, I [b]swear[/b], I will come find you, and you can watch me delete the last of the files. I will even talk to my father again, and try to make sure things like this don’t happen. I can’t… promise it won’t. My father… is not the kind of man who does what others want. But I will try.”[/color] Her voice trembled as she thought about how that conversation was going to go. [color=ffb7c5]”I am… I am trying my best here, Kayla. Please, I really am. And I know that this is difficult, for both of us. I know that it couldn’t have been easy for you to give me this chance. But if I cannot act with honour… who am I? How can you or anyone else ever trust me?”[/color] The tremble in her voice grew stronger. [color=ffb7c5]”If...if you even still can.”[/color] Kayla listened with intent to Minako’s counter-argument, and while she wasn’t giving her the best solution, it was better than if someone like Eliana found out about the documentation on her. Kayla sighed, [color=Azure]”Minako, I never doubted my trust in you, but you have to ask yourself this, is honor truly worth the risk of others suffering?”[/color] She let that question hang in the air for a moment before continuing, [color=Azure]”My dad once told me, that sometimes a hero has to sacrifice everything precious to them, for others to survive. That’s why there a lot of heroes with secret identities, that’s why some completely cut themselves off from contact with anyone, that’s why some heroes have suffered a loss that has completely shattered their spirit. Honor is a valuable thing to have, it does build trust...but sometimes, we have to make a decision that might not be the best for ourselves, but the best for those around us and the planet that we protect.”[/color] Kayla’s hand gripped tightly into Minako’s, before releasing and she stood up, [color=Azure]”I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt for now Minako...I trust you’ll delete the files and won’t tell Eliana, but as for Gianna...while I don’t know much about her, you need to make a decision that might not be what you want it to be. She might be my friend...but from what I saw on that roof that night, she can be a powerful enemy and while I might have broken down at her attacking Samantha, if she did anything to you or your family...I don’t know what I would do…”[/color] She felt exhausted again and it was clearly showing on her face having to battle her friend for the deletion of those files. She needed to sleep before she met up with Leon later that night, [color=Azure]”I’m sorry...I didn’t sleep very well last night and I think it’s catching up with me, maybe we can talk later about the tournament? I think that’s the last thing I need on my mind right now..”[/color] In a flash, Minako stood up and hugged Kayla tightly. [color=ffb7c5]”Thank you, Kayla. I will make this up to you, I promise.”[/color] She rested her head on Kayla’s shoulder, her expression sad. [color=ffb7c5]”I do understand what you are saying. I wish it were otherwise, but, as you say, we don’t always get what we want.”[/color] She sighed heavily. [color=ffb7c5]”I… know that better than many.”[/color] Tears at last began to make their way down her cheeks, and she clutched tighter. [color=ffb7c5]”Some times.... I really hate my family.”[/color] Kayla’s heart began to break piece by piece and she hugged her friend more tightly, [color=Azure]”It’s ok, really, you’ll be fine just...be smart about this okay? I don’t want anything happening to you, really…”[/color] She brushed Minako’s hair, cooing her to calm down. [color=ffb7c5]”My entire life, I have never had a say. Everything was planned out before I was even born, and sometimes it seems like everyone wants me to fail.”[/color] Minako’s voice cracked slightly. [color=ffb7c5]”I had hoped that this would be a chance to finally…”[/color] she trailed off, then pulled back, wiping her eyes clear. [color=ffb7c5]”I’m sorry, you said you were tired, I shouldn’t burden you even more than I already have.”[/color] While Kayla was concerned for her friend, and wanted to hear the whole story, a large yawn escaped her lips. [color=azure]”S-sorry, why don’t we talk about this later Minako,”[/color] she tried to give an encouraging smile, [color=azure]”I do want to hear what you have to say, I’m just...not in the right mindset, maybe we can talk later? After my meeting with Leon….he’s the Chief Warden.”[/color] Minako nodded, trying and half-succeeding at a smile. [color=ffb7c5]”Of course. And I really am happy to hear that you have this opportunity. You deserve it. I just wish that I didn’t have to sour things like this.”[/color] She glanced at her phone. [color=ffb7c5]”I’m sure that Eliana or Gianna will be here soon, I’ll think of something. Don’t worry about me.”[/color] [color=Azure]”Thanks Minako, really,”[/color] she too smiled half-heartedly, [color=Azure]”We’ll talk later, I promise.”[/color] Giving her friend one last hug, Kayla made her way to the door and exited, heading straight for her dorm room. She didn’t want to give much more thought to what had just transpired, and truly she wondered if she had made the right decisions. Was she really cut out to be a Warden? Could she live up to Leon’s expectations? Unaware of even reaching her own room, having zoned out on auto-pilot, Kayla flopped onto her bed, immediately falling asleep. The moment that Kayla left, Minako dropped down into her chair and let her head thunk onto the table. [color=ffb7c5][i]Of course this would make everything more complicated.[/i][/color] She hadn’t told Kayla about what Amy was planning to do for the tournament, and it was looking like she shouldn’t do [b]that[/b] either. This entire mess was bad enough, she didn’t want to put Kayla into another difficult position with her new job. Sighing heavily, she looked down at her phone. [quote] [center]To: [color=salmon]Amy[/color] [color=ffb7c5]Don’t tell Kayla about trying to get into the database. She just told me she’s part of the Wardens now, and I’ve made it difficult enough for her already.[/color][/center][/quote][/indent]