Zakroti nodded to Kasari after she spoke, noting the fire in her eyes and realising it would be entirely pointless to argue. She seemed very determined to remain behind and nothing he said was going to dissuade her. "Very well. Qeynate; We should find our mail in case this becomes bloody." With that Zakroti turned and left the room, Qeynate cast a glance towards the Gems before leaving himself, shaking his head. Vain watched them leave before approaching the Gem's. "A fine mess we have here." He reached around to his side and pulled his two daggers out of their sheaths, glancing to Kilio and texturing with his head. The blackguard sighed and drew his dagger, tossing it towards them so that it clattered on the floor. He placed his own blades beside them. "I trust you lot know how to stab someone, at least? Arm yourselves. The last thing Lugft and his ilk will be expecting is for the Brides to be armed." Vain secretly doubted that they could do much but perhaps if they took them off guard they could kill. Even if they couldn't, it never hurt to have extra arms. In truth, he knew Zakroti wouldn't approve of this course of action. The ever paranoid young Muth would probably be terrified of the thought of giving blades to Gems who had every reason to direct hatred towards him. He would bear the lecture Zakroti would throw at him later, for now it was more important to stay alive. Zakroti and Qeynate returned, clad in their Armour with their visors up. Vain stood and approached the pair. Zakroti looked back over towards Ayltam. He opened his mouth to speak but the girl preemptively shook her head. Zakroti sighed heavily and took a few steps towards her, placing his hand on her shoulder "Seru-wel, za wreeiz ien o- (Sibling-Child, as your protector I-) "O zara veren. (I will remain)" Ayltam stated simply. Qeynate laughed for a moment before speaking "Wre zan tyr, Ayltam. Zakroti, Zela geh veren (You are brave Ayltam. Zakroti, let her remain.)" Qeynate took a step forward and glanced towards Zakroti "Kaan geh, Seru (Guard her, sibling)." Zakroti said to him and he nodded in response. Zakroti took a few steps out the door and muttered a curse to himself as he heard movement from Nastaki's room on the floor above. He quickly stepped back into the room and looked towards Aery and then to Qeynate with a decidedly grim look on his face. "An Muthseran runisze. (The Muthseran wakes.)" [@WeepingLiberty][@RomanAria]