♢ Mechanic & "Pharmacist" ♢ 27 ♢ 6'0" ♢ 178lbs
In Depth Appearance:There is a certain Southern American charm that radiates from Lucky's stormy grey eyes. Whether or not women find that attractive or not varies considerably on a case by case basis, but he has had some good luck with his looks in the past. True to his rural roots, Lucky has a distinct messy look to him, with his disheveled red hair and a preference for thrift store quality clothes. His typical outfit is a baggy set of grey cargo pants and a white tank top, which he'll accessorize with a light flannel jacket on occasion. Underneath his clothes, its quite apparent he's physically fit, but not overly so. He has a tattoo on his left arm, right below his elbow that reads "Protean", an expression of his versatile nature. Various scars litter his arms from his profession, and anyone with a keen enough eye might even notice the fading track marks from his history of drug abuse.
Personality:Lucky is a firebrand and an adrenaline junkie above all else. He loves a good time and actively seeks anything and everything that'll give him a good high. Some people might say that he has an addictive personality, but Lucky would argue that all day, considering he is incredibly stubborn and doesn't know when to admit he's wrong. Moreover, he is prone to acting on his impulses and doesn't always think about his actions. Honesty is second nature to him, perhaps to a fault though. If Lucky thinks a certain lady is attractive or something is dumb, then he's not afraid to say it.
Though he may not seem it or even look it, Lucky is a clever man. His rather short criminal record is a testament to his ability to get out of trouble. By his own admission, he'll tell you that he definitely should be in prison for half the things he's done in his life. Fortunately, he has a good heart and treats everyone fairly. He would never harm a person unless he had good enough reasoning to. In fact, those closest to him know that Lucky would walk a hundred miles to be there for a friend in need.
History:Lucky comes from the small town of White Pine, Tennessee, right near the rolling Appalachian Mountains. He only had a single sibling, a sister named Stephanie, to roam his family's small farm. Being as poor as they were and having little access to modern conventions, such as high speed internet, out in the middle of nowhere, Lucky spent most of his days bored to death. The boy had to invent his own fun, whether it came from hunting squirrels with a slingshot, learning how to work on cars, or picking at his grandpa's old guitar. Unfortunately, the older he got, the riskier his hobbies got though.
By the time he was in middle school, he was smoking and drinking with his band of rebel rousing rednecks. Somehow though, he was still doing well in school, something that would remain constant despite his increasingly reckless behavior. In high school, Lucky partook in and sold heavy narcotics, such as methamphetamine and heroin, and competed in an illegal racing circuit to afford his kicks. There were a few OD scares for him, but he never stopped. His lifestyle was just way too fun.
Unfortunately, his post high school years were incredibly rough. Lucky had developed a crippling addiction to heroin, and he spent every single penny he had or trading favors for the stuff. It didn't help that his friends enabled his addiction and constantly pressured him into worse and worse situations. It wasn't until he was 25 that his sister had a talk with him and he finally realized that this lifestyle was incredibly toxic. The best way for him to get out of this predicament was to move away, but he didn't have any money. So, instead of saving the cash he needed, Lucky stole all of his drug dealer of a best friend's money, packed his bags, and caught a plane to the most exotic place he could think of: Shine City.
The last 2 years have seen him completely recover from his former dependency, yet he admits he does miss it. If Lucky didn't think it would kill him, he'd be right back on it. Since he doesn't have a college education and refuses to work crappy retail jobs, he currently runs his own business out a van while gaining some supplemental income by selling weed and pills, "light drugs" to him, on the down low. He has had some struggles adjusting to city life, but he wouldn't change a thing. There's just so much more to do here!
Likes:♥ Rap, metal, rock and country-western music
♥ New experiences and thrills
♥ Racing
♥ Dancing
♥ Working on cars and other vehicles
♥ Drugs (but he tries to stay away from doing them)
♥ The ladies
♥ Constantly going out
Dislikes:✖ Stagnation
✖ Sweaters
✖ Authority
✖ Quiet events
✖ Religious zealots
✖ Sitting at home
✖ Boredom
✖ Formal attire
Party Trick:Need something fixed? Chances are Lucky knows how to fix it. His repair skills aren't simply limited to vehicles! Not impressed by that? Well, grab a mic and he'll spit out some sick rhymes. He's surprisingly adept at rapping. Much better than Fred Durst anyway.
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